Okay James.......first off I can handle my own battles, clearly you've never met me and second this is exactly what Rich said....a challenge amongst friends to add a little pudding to the pie and add an incentive for anyone on this site to participate. You're going off on tangets regarding ego, people's nicknames that were given to them and our "bass master classic" tournaments for the teams that participate and potentially qualify..... how are these bad things? I really don't get what the problem is here or what your problem is......I only hear negativity time after time man. If you want a friend just be nice and ask for one and maybe you'll be in luck.

Posted Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:39 pm

so how'd you do? Run into any thunderstorms? They rolled up on me as I was loading the boat

Posted Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:43 pm

So I couldn't top the best angler so far....Neil, WOW!

I know there are still a few hours left so keep the photo's and descriptions coming!

The best I could land at Maspy was 3 pounds even and then I came back to Boone and fished a cove for two hours all top water with the frog. I hit a few nice keepers and then caught my fish of the day near a stump. The old girl weighed 5lbs 1 oz, I had a fellow khayaker snap a photo and then my neighbor after I took it back to the launch to weigh it. All in all- a great day on the water!!!

Posted Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:49 pm

Nice fish by all, jimmy I got to tell you I at first was like jeez some of these guys really toot there own horn, but after learning from them and applying there advice and techniques, I have become a little better of an angler myself. And getting involved and meeting these guys. Man I have to tell you, just good guys spreading the knowledge, which is what makes this site great.
IMHO you contribute nothing bud.

Posted Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:56 pm

Hell of a job Angler, some tough competition out their this week, like always.....oh no wait, Jimmy doesnt want me to pat my best friend on the back....

Valps, you suck kid, how dare you offer up a $50 gift card challenge for biggest bass? Why are you trying to make this fun bro? You only pulled in a 5lber to boot? Your a terrible Angler, you should just hang it up bro. Bass hate you.

Rich, you only have 20 years experience fishing? that means nothing man, you don't know sh*t. 300+ tournaments? What an amateur! I know a guy Jimmy who fishes alone, shares no photos or info, has participated in 1 tournament, didnt win, but boy is he a great angler. Where is the proof? Who needs it, its Jimmy!!!. So Rich please stop sharing your useless information with us to try to make us better anglers. Who the hell does that? You must be some sort of prik. I think i hate you.

Shawn, enough with the videos. Your ego is so big, i don't know how your head fits in your car man. Seriously just put the camera down, no one cares. Your videos aren't funny at all. I know i hate you actually.

Sam, you actually turned some of Riches information to better your live well and the safety of the fish? What an idiot, you should have just googled it. You fool Sam! I thought you were smarter than that kid.

Neil, just because you catch slobs all the time you think your the man huh? Well i got news for ya brotha, unless you win 20 out of 21 tournaments, your not sh*t. Posting pictures of 6lb slobs and thanking Jwall? Weak bro, you got some nerve doing that man. Time to hang up your jersey and find another hobby kid.

Smoke, Johnny, and Meat you guys really pis* me off for turning this site into a fun, informative place that people share photos, tips, and participate in bass tournaments. Who the hell do you think you guys are? The godfathers of MAFF? Pleaseeee any schmuck could have done what you guys did. Your not special, not even close. If i saw any of you on the side of the road broken down mid winter, i wouldnt dream of stopping to help. Id actually flick you off on my way by.

In conclusion, i hate all of you and think you all suck at fishing and are all terrible people. Dont ever post again!!!!

Oh and Chuck, your the worst of the worst. "The Landlord", what an arrogant name. You think your good, but your not my friend. Pulling in 7lb slobs through weeds on 6lb test? Thats fishing 101, a child could do that. Jimmy pulls in 8lb slob on a daily basis with a hook and dental floss. Guy makes KVD look like an amateur!

Posted Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:14 pm


Hell of a job Angler, some tough competition out their this week, like always.....oh no wait, Jimmy doesnt want me to pat my best friend on the back....

Valps, you suck kid, how dare you offer up a $50 gift card challenge for biggest bass? Why are you trying to make this fun bro? You only pulled in a 5lber to boot? Your a terrible Angler, you should just hang it up bro. Bass hate you.

Rich, you only have 20 years experience fishing? that means nothing man, you don't know sh*t. 300+ tournaments? What an amateur! I know a guy Jimmy who fishes alone, shares no photos or info, has participated in 1 tournament, didnt win, but boy is he a great angler. Where is the proof? Who needs it, its Jimmy!!!. So Rich please stop sharing your useless information with us to try to make us better anglers. Who the hell does that? You must be some sort of prik. I think i hate you.

Shawn, enough with the videos. Your ego is so big, i don't know how your head fits in your car man. Seriously just put the camera down, no one cares. Your videos aren't funny at all. I know i hate you actually.

Sam, you actually turned some of Riches information to better your live well and the safety of the fish? What an idiot, you should have just googled it. You fool Sam! I thought you were smarter than that kid.

Neil, just because you catch slobs all the time you think your the man huh? Well i got news for ya brotha, unless you win 20 out of 21 tournaments, your not sh*t. Posting pictures of 6lb slobs and thanking Jwall? Weak bro, you got some nerve doing that man. Time to hang up your jersey and find another hobby kid.

Smoke, Johnny, and Meat you guys really pis* me off for turning this site into a fun, informative place that people share photos, tips, and participate in bass tournaments. Who the hell do you think you guys are? The godfathers of MAFF? Pleaseeee any schmuck could have done what you guys did. Your not special, not even close. If i saw any of you on the side of the road broken down mid winter, i wouldnt dream of stopping to help. Id actually flick you off on my way by.

In conclusion, i hate all of you and think you all suck at fishing and are all terrible people. Dont ever post again!!!!

Oh and Chuck, your the worst of the worst. "The Landlord", what an arrogant name. You think your good, but your not my friend. Pulling in 7lb slobs through weeds on 6lb test? Thats fishing 101, a child could do that. Jimmy pulls in 8lb slob on a daily basis with a hook and dental floss. Guy makes KVD look like an amateur!

Post of the year Napa!!!

Posted Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:20 pm

That's why you're my bro for life Napa! Fishing or no fishing you are simply the man and the most loyal friend anyone could ask for. Do you remember 12 vs you and me......ohhhhhh ya we walked away Very Happy

Posted Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:25 pm


Hell of a job Angler, some tough competition out their this week, like always.....oh no wait, Jimmy doesnt want me to pat my best friend on the back....

Valps, you suck kid, how dare you offer up a $50 gift card challenge for biggest bass? Why are you trying to make this fun bro? You only pulled in a 5lber to boot? Your a terrible Angler, you should just hang it up bro. Bass hate you.

Rich, you only have 20 years experience fishing? that means nothing man, you don't know sh*t. 300+ tournaments? What an amateur! I know a guy Jimmy who fishes alone, shares no photos or info, has participated in 1 tournament, didnt win, but boy is he a great angler. Where is the proof? Who needs it, its Jimmy!!!. So Rich please stop sharing your useless information with us to try to make us better anglers. Who the hell does that? You must be some sort of prik. I think i hate you.

Shawn, enough with the videos. Your ego is so big, i don't know how your head fits in your car man. Seriously just put the camera down, no one cares. Your videos aren't funny at all. I know i hate you actually.

Sam, you actually turned some of Riches information to better your live well and the safety of the fish? What an idiot, you should have just googled it. You fool Sam! I thought you were smarter than that kid.

Neil, just because you catch slobs all the time you think your the man huh? Well i got news for ya brotha, unless you win 20 out of 21 tournaments, your not sh*t. Posting pictures of 6lb slobs and thanking Jwall? Weak bro, you got some nerve doing that man. Time to hang up your jersey and find another hobby kid.

Smoke, Johnny, and Meat you guys really pis* me off for turning this site into a fun, informative place that people share photos, tips, and participate in bass tournaments. Who the hell do you think you guys are? The godfathers of MAFF? Pleaseeee any schmuck could have done what you guys did. Your not special, not even close. If i saw any of you on the side of the road broken down mid winter, i wouldnt dream of stopping to help. Id actually flick you off on my way by.

In conclusion, i hate all of you and think you all suck at fishing and are all terrible people. Dont ever post again!!!!

Oh and Chuck, your the worst of the worst. "The Landlord", what an arrogant name. You think your good, but your not my friend. Pulling in 7lb slobs through weeds on 6lb test? Thats fishing 101, a child could do that. Jimmy pulls in 8lb slob on a daily basis with a hook and dental floss. Guy makes KVD look like an amateur!


Posted Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:30 pm



Hell of a job Angler, some tough competition out their this week, like always.....oh no wait, Jimmy doesnt want me to pat my best friend on the back....

Valps, you suck kid, how dare you offer up a $50 gift card challenge for biggest bass? Why are you trying to make this fun bro? You only pulled in a 5lber to boot? Your a terrible Angler, you should just hang it up bro. Bass hate you.

Rich, you only have 20 years experience fishing? that means nothing man, you don't know sh*t. 300+ tournaments? What an amateur! I know a guy Jimmy who fishes alone, shares no photos or info, has participated in 1 tournament, didnt win, but boy is he a great angler. Where is the proof? Who needs it, its Jimmy!!!. So Rich please stop

sharing your useless information with us to try to make us better anglers. Who the hell does that? You must be some sort of prik. I think i hate you.

Shawn, enough with the videos. Your ego is so big, i don't know how your head fits in your car man. Seriously just put the camera down, no one cares. Your videos aren't funny at all. I know i hate you actually.

Sam, you actually turned some of Riches information to better your live well and the safety of the fish? What an idiot, you should have just googled it. You fool Sam! I thought you were smarter than that kid.

Neil, just because you catch slobs all the time you think your the man huh? Well i got news for ya brotha, unless you win 20 out of 21 tournaments, your not sh*t. Posting pictures of 6lb slobs and thanking Jwall? Weak bro, you got some nerve doing that man. Time to hang up your jersey and find another hobby kid.

Smoke, Johnny, and Meat you guys really pis* me off for turning this site into a fun, informative place that people share photos, tips, and participate in bass tournaments. Who the hell do you think you guys are? The godfathers of MAFF? Pleaseeee any schmuck could have done what you guys did. Your not special, not even close. If i saw any of you on the side of the road broken down mid winter, i wouldnt dream of stopping to help. Id actually flick you off on my way by.

In conclusion, i hate all of you and think you all suck at fishing and are all terrible people. Dont ever post again!!!!

Oh and Chuck, your the worst of the worst. "The Landlord", what an arrogant name. You think your good, but your not my friend. Pulling in 7lb slobs through weeds on 6lb test? Thats fishing 101, a child could do that. Jimmy pulls in 8lb slob on a daily basis with a hook and dental floss. Guy makes KVD look like an amateur!

Post of the year Napa!!!

This is the most creative writing since The Shinning. All work and no fish make Shawn a dull boy. Now GFY Napa. You finger flicking, photo bombing bastard

Posted Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:33 pm


So , here we go....@ napa..My comments are as douche baggie and arrogant as someone challenging 2000 people to out fish them! Again just my opinion, if you don't want my opinion, don't post on a public website. As far as fishing tournaments, I have , fished one did pretty well too! I can make your wish come true for ya, napa!Just do what u do best and keep patting Jeff on the back. @ Stratos "yoda" I do not wish to be a know it all, if I need info on fishing I google it. The diffrence between you and I is, I do not post what I found on MAFF to act like I know what i'm talking about! Also I have only seen one team on here that has dominated in these tournaments and I do not hear them talkin about going to the bassmasters classic! again just my opinion

Now here I go, let me start by saying how about you stop hiding behind a profile icon and post a picuture so we all can get a good look at what a complete a$$hole looks like.

2nd I dont know if you know who your talking to but Ive done more time on a prison toilet than you have probablly done on the one in your house, Ill be damn if Im going to sit here and listen to you disrespect me or any of my friends, guys like you end up cowering in protective custody or a witness protection program because they dont know when to shut their mouth!

The only thing stopping me from calling you into the middle of the street is that Ive changed my life around, and that I feel sorry for guys like you. I have come full cirlce and completely understand that karma will deal you a sharper sword than any one I could ever pull on you!

In closing I'll add that what comes around goes around and if it doesnt come from one of us it'll eventually catch up with you from a different direction, your playing with fire Jimmy Boy time to take a step back and realize that guys like me are Gasoline just waiting to get dumped on a flame, poke that match out before you get burnt...bad

Posted Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:50 pm


So I couldn't top the best angler so far....Neil, WOW!

I know there are still a few hours left so keep the photo's and descriptions coming!

The best I could land at Maspy was 3 pounds even and then I came back to Boone and fished a cove for two hours all top water with the frog. I hit a few nice keepers and then caught my fish of the day near a stump. The old girl weighed 5lbs 1 oz, I had a fellow khayaker snap a photo and then my neighbor after I took it back to the launch to weigh it. All in all- a great day on the water!!!

Nice fish Valps!! hopefully I can hang on to this lead a few more hours, but the giants do come out at night, do me a favor shoot me a text in the a.m. If I end up winning..

Posted Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:55 pm

You guys sickening me!!
I said that to neil Sunday too. Hahaha! When he was teaching me how to perfect my netting skills.

Great posts guys I think its unanimous! MAff kicks ass!

Posted Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:01 pm

LOL, Thats funny stuff napa!so, not only are you guys the best fishermen, but you guys are toughest now too! Legends in your own minds.....To be a legend I have to show pics and write my trips up all the time to prove to napa, stratos, and the whole inner circle ofkiss asses. Do you really want me to post a ton of pics from this year just to prove you wrong? I have pics just from this year that are bigger than anything you ever caught in your life Maybe I should say great group of guys in ever post just to be excepted in with the legends and know it alls in the forums or maff rocks, and just ignore some of the nonsense that shows up from time to time in posts. I also like how your bring other people into a conversation that has nothing to do with them, or what I posted. I spoke about some post that Jeff, Stratos, and the infamous sinista were posting. This what we can do to start the healing process on the site, start a MAFF fishermen of the year award and give it only to Napa , stratos, sinista and jeff!

Posted Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:12 pm

I love that idea Jimmy. Angler of the year award! Finally a good contribution from you brotha!! Its about time!

I personally dont think im a great angler yet, but i continue to learn and get better. I really just show up to photo bomb Shawn to be honest!!!

And i know 1 thing for sure, the biggest fish we have seen is the 9.4 and you my friend havent come close to that. But continue to tell us fish tales and threaten to post some pics of your beasts!!

Neil, we all appreciate your story and how far you have come. An amazing story for us all to admire. Last thing anyone would want is for you to waste your time on someone who hides behind a computer like a tough guy. But i dont want to come off as some tough guy either. Ive only been in more fist fights than Rich has tournament appearances.

Posted Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:33 pm

such an entertaining thread to watch! haha napa i just about pissed my pants reading that..enough said! and alwasy remember Rule #1.... Jeffs #1!! haha i think i may have to take a trip to the boone soon to get my dose of arrogance you guys are a riot

Posted Tue Jul 24, 2012 10:15 pm

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