
Jay Wallace

Between quaboag & quabin, Massachusetts, USA
Member since October 6th, 2009

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Heading to Spoffard next year instead on anual cobbossee trip. So i went up to browse before next year.
I tried deep for smallies for a bit then it gor real windy and i figured i would try something more comfortable for me to fish (my jig). I motored shallower and started pitching a jig under structure. BAM! it didnt take long before i got some feedback and i pulled up a huge bass!
most likely one of the biggest i've ever caught. But no scale in boat to confirm. Note to self: Take damn scale out of ice fishing box or buy a second!
Anyway,we will se what next season brings there.

Posted 10 years ago

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New job, no time this year,Bla Bla Bla. I'm trying to hit the CT river again in the fall until early December. My cousin (sardine hunter) and I hit the river 11/3. Hoping the smaillies are down south we hit a spot I had luck on last fall.
2nd cast I feel a tick in 30' water.Set hook and for a moment couldn't tell if I was snagged! I quickly realized I wasn't and thought it would be a good idea to get the net. I HAVE A TANK SMALLIE ON!
UM NO! I have a huge walleye!
whatever! that's cool seen I only caught 1 in my life. Later on we hit another area and I had a 2nd hit. #2 walleye! WTF I want smallies,lol
So anyways I had a great day hanging with my cousin and some good dinner as well.HA
Note: I have no idea how big the walleye was but I measured the little one because I think 15" is minimum?
The small one was 16-17". Not sure how big walleye get but the other was a good one!

Posted 11 years ago

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Only 3 of us made the trip this year. We did have a couple phone calls inquiring how we are doing from our buds that wished they were with us.
My good friend and self proclaimed CT legend (all in fun) had 3 good days of fishing.Finding smallies and large mouth.
My best fish cam on my jigs. Jerk-baits didn't get a bite except a pike. I did score a new x-rap floating nearby on an errant cast from the legend! Those are often.HAHAHAHAHA!
What a great guy to fish with though! We had a nickel bet for anything that we could think of. Next fish,no fish how many and if we would catch a fish before we made it to the next spot! I ended up winning it while fishing but then bet my wife wouldn't have the lawn mowed by the time we got home. I was wrong! He let her know about the bet too! damn guy! LOL!
All in all a great time and we still never made it to another lake as we say we will every year!

Posted 11 years ago

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Headed out to Winni last Friday for 3 days of fishing.
We arrived at 7:30 am and launched by 7:45. Check in and unpacking could wait!
We hit the 1st spot with 30'water going up to a flat and chunked jerkbaits. We instantly caught smallies in the 2lb range. Wondering if a blade bait would work i threw in 30'.
Bam! I'm like dude this isnt a smallie! I land my 1st lake trout (on accident). Ehh! it worked,Back to jerkbaiting.
We quickly noticed when we hooked 1 smallie a wolf pack would follow. It was awesome. I'd pitch my jig and gulp,hook set and fish on!
My buddy got 2 sets of doubles and landed 1 of them. I never seen that for real before.
Day 2 not so easy & day 3 was pretty good as well in the am. My biggest large was 3.25 and sm was 2.77.
That was my 1st trip to winni but not my last!

Posted 11 years ago

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Muskie contacted me last week and wanted to hit the boag.
I wasn't ready but i said yes,I'M IN!
We met at 6am on the ramp and i said where we going?
They looked at me ? . lol
Hmm, i'm quickly thinking they have not had a plan and thought i did.lol
So we went to a good spot considering none of us wanted to make the trek to my favorite spot on this trip.
6:15 am we started walking out. NOTE: i lived near this lake 1975-1990. During the early years my father responded to a few calls of sleds going thru ice in dark (they did not make it). We were fishing the same spot. Open water nearby. Mind you we weren't being stupid because i fish there often and have fished right next to open water and the ice is thick enough. So anyway we walked and drilled test holes every 50'. Muskiesbrother did the work. We found 3-5" ice fairly easy except where snow drifts were. That was 2". But that was 1 spot.
We made a safe walk to our area in the dark and set-up our tilts.
8:30am Bam! 1st flag on muskiesbrother tilt. we make the mad dash while trying not to land on our heads and he feels the line,Sets the hook and pulls in #1 fish for day.
A 1lb bass. it's a start and were not skunked!
9:05 2nd flag! Muskiebigfish is running! NOTHING! Hit n run.
9:20am Boag Hog is on! We run over and line is not moving. I wait, Then i slowly lift tilt and set on ice and lightly touch line. She's running! The line spooling and i decide to set the hook a few seconds later. Snap!!!
What ever it was cut my 75lb titanium leader like butter!
Nothing but a story :)
none the less we packed up at 10:15 is as agreed and headed to other activities we each had planned prior.
In closing i wanted to say thanks to maff i met 2 great guys. I never met these guys prior to this trip. I had a great time and enjoyed listening to their cool fishing stories. I will definitely be hanging out on land,boat or ice with these guys again sometime.

Posted 12 years ago

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My friend who has never caught a smallie ever and i headed to the river yesterday. We arrived at 8am air temp 34 degrees. The driveway down to this private ramp is a good 25-30 degree descent (only 2nd trip here so i forgot about descent). Not bad if it's dry! Imagine a full size truck with 20' boat heading down a ice descent with 100' drop on the side. That area wasn't bad. But the parking lot prior to the water was all ice! We didn't get in trouble but i could have gone bad quick! The weight of the truck and boat just slid on its own. i used 4x4 lo 1st gear to idle into parking lot.After that was over we idled to our 1st spot and started drop shotting. Another boat said they caught 3 and headed home. We stayed there for another 45 minutes. I had 2 bites but no fish. My buddy was getting the feeling of a skunk.
I had one more spot i heard about from my friend. So we idled over. Mind you the fog was very thick and never lifted. So we knew there was possibly 3 other boats on the water. It wasnt dangerous but we couldn't see 100 yards to tell if they were on the spot. When we got near 2 boats showed through the fog. The were near the area i had in mind. I stopped 100 yards or so shy of them and found 40' water with bait-fish. It was soon game on for me! then another shortly after. I told my buddy to give me his rod so i could tie on a blad bait for him and he might catch his 1st smallie. 15 minutes later we get a double! Mine 2lb ish his 4.24! He went from freezing and feeling like a skunk to hero! His 1st smallie and it was a pig! Mission complete!
Shortly after i caught my 1st walleye! What a great few hours on the water! We ended with 9 smallies and 2 walleye
A few 1st and a good way to finish 2012!

Posted 12 years ago

25 degrees at 7am maybe 45 degrees by 2,No wind made it a beautiful day.
Barton s cove ramp is closed,But a friend of mine has a private ramp nearby and received permission to launch.
2 other boats arrived around the same time. we all congregated in the same area. You could hit the next guy if we wanted. but it was awesome we all talked and watched as someone caught a smallie. I took the early lead with 3-0 but by days end i had 7-12 my buddy has the feel for em. The fish seemed hunkered down in 40' water and the bite was a ever so slight tick or mush. lets just say hook sets are free.Being on your toes and expecting a bite every cast was the way to go!
My friend has a titanium tipped drop-shot rod that is sick!
I can't find one of them but I'll be i will be gearing up with the most sensitive rod i feel i can afford,lol
Greta day, i learned more about the river and i must say i might have gone skunked if it wasn't for a good friend willing to share some knowledge. Can't wait to go again!

Posted 12 years ago

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25 degrees at 7am maybe 45 degrees by 2,No wind made it a beautiful day.
Barton s cove ramp is closed,But a friend of mine has a private ramp nearby and received permission to launch.
2 other boats arrived around the same time. we all congregated in the same area. You could hit the next guy if we wanted. but it was awesome we all talked and watched as someone caught a smallie. I took the early lead with 3-0 but by days end i had 7-12 my buddy has the feel for em. The fish seemed hunkered down in 40' water and the bite was a ever so slight tick or mush. lets just say hook sets are free.Being on your toes and expecting a bite every cast was the way to go!
My friend has a titanium tipped drop-shot rod that is sick!
I can't find one of them but I'll be i will be gearing up with the most sensitive rod i feel i can afford,lol
Greta day, i learned more about the river and i must say i might have gone skunked if it wasn't for a good friend willing to share some knowledge. Can't wait to go again!

Posted 12 years ago

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I finally got back out Sunday at 1:30. This is one of my 1st trips solo. It was quiet light,variable wind slightly overcast.
I started throwing a jerkbait and found one shallow along with 5 pickerel along the way. Trout where literally jumping completely out of the water. I switched to a Zara spook when it started raining but no takers. This lake doesn't have much good visible structure but when i did come across a decent piece i flipped my jig with decent success. Later i tried deeper water cranking and a spinnerbait but the bite died or i couldn't find em.
But 5 keepers in 2hrs plus watching a eagle catch his dinner too i guess i shouldn't complain.

Posted 12 years ago

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I have been going to Lake Cobbossecantee Maine for about 6yrs now and my wife and youngest son have not made the trip. So i took them up for a few days to see if this is something they like. We mostly fished for pan-fish on the dock and pleasure boated out to picnic rock and the rope swing. But i manged a 2hr solo trip before breakfast to a spot i have confidence in. 6am and the was calm and the lake was quiet. So i threw a super spook and 3 cast later bam a nice 2lber attacked my lure. Then my friend who cam on the trip woke up and asked where i was. FISHING! What else would i be doing. lol
So i motor back to get him and the sun was increasingly rising faster than i wanted but i threw the spook again when i returned. Bam, A 3lber hit. I also caught one more small one before i returned to cook breakfast. But all in all we had a phenomenal time. My family loved it and wants to go back for a week next time!
Even though i still have the urge too FISH! I loved it!

Posted 12 years ago

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