


I had to gear up with high speed reels to fish where there are loons!!!!
If you ever seen a loon chasing down your bait under water you better reel like a mo f#@ker!!!! They are fast! And if you get a good hookset it's game on!!!!! Especially when they clear water!! it's kinda like froggin except on steroids!!!
So i guess my new year resolution is to gear up with high speed reels and Beaver fever baits! This way i hopefully can outrun them damn loons and if they do bite they won't like the taste of beaver fever baits!!!!

I know exactly what you are talking about! I had a loon go after my line this past fall (I was fishing with a jig too). It was actually pretty creepy looking.

You guys are dorks..seriously...

On a side note. When I lived in Pa I fished with a guy name John. We used to fish chicken livers for landlocked hybrid bass and big cats at the spillway of a lake called Bluemarsh. We would often drift/trot another rod with a live large shiner to grab a pike/muskie that may be swimming through. Anyway long story short as the spillway gets down about 70 yards it shallows out and often times Great Blue Herons would feed through the riffles.

As crazy as it sounds..he actually had a Heron grab his shiner as it drifted into the laugh all you want but it could happen!


I believe it!

U kno what they say if you can't laugh at yourself don't laugh at all!

While just trying to make fun of the matter non the less i have been startled before when i seen a loon cruising after my bait! I think it was close enough that my profile scared it? But my friend caught a seagull in mid air when launching his surf-caster.That sucked. A loon is more important than a seagull but i still don't want to fish for em. Surprised

Posted Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:08 pm

I had a seagull grab my lure before and flew off with it. Lucky for me it came free. I also have had a few ducks try to raid my shiner bucket and also go after the shiner in the water. I ended up moving to get away from the stupid ducks. The next group of people who took my spot were not as lucky. The duck got a hold of a shiner with a bobber on it. It was hooked and flew off. The bobber trailing two feet behind, scared the duck so bad, it flew head first into some shrubs to get away. I felt bad for the duck but it was one of the funniest things I have ever seen.

Posted Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:39 pm

I got this buddy who lives in Grafton Ma. he occasionally fished this little "spot" called Lake Ripple...there's a little restaurant by the same name that has this little patio kinda deal off the back of the his account ..when the sun was going down below the horizon one night he was taking the last casts of the day from his canoe...for this telling of the story I can skip ahead...(there' were people ALL OVER the patio eating a nice lake-side dinner)so anyways he said the light was dusky and he took a cast towards the reeds and SIDE- HOOKED a DUCK----right through the buddy has killed EVERYTHING in the woods ...including having his ol' man drop him off in Alaska where he killed a moose and a caribou which he field dressed and dragged out by HIMSELF...killing this thing would have been the easy way this thing is ABSOLUTELY WIGGING OUT trying to fly and generally WAILING to be free remember...there are around 30 or so people now at the waters edge like when Costanza saves the whale on Seinfeld trying to "coach" my friend as how it would be best to try to release this duck...I haven't seen him in years....I bet the diners at Lake Ripple haven't seen him either ! hahahaha

Posted Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:44 pm

" is anyone here a Marine Biologist ? " lol

Posted Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:49 pm


" is anyone here a Marine Biologist ? " lol

We think we r. Rolling Eyes

Posted Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:56 pm

they dont want lead because the loons dive down and use pebbles to gring up food in the bellies and they pick up the kills them in like 2 weeks after ingesting them sucks but gotta switch over to the new stuff has new stuff or hit up team beaver fever maybe they can work something for ya!!!!!

got a 1.8 larry today and my partner tim got a nice brown heres the pics boys!!!

Posted Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:00 pm

The sea was angry that day my an old jewish man sending back soup at a deli...little Jerry was born t' COCK-FIGHT


" is anyone here a Marine Biologist ? " lol

Posted Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:49 pm

I just noticed my name on here again ,about this subject . As always stratos knows everything, from lead laws, to taxes and traffic lights. thanks again stratos for knowing everything!

Posted Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:36 pm

Here's my question spinning off of the major debate of to use lead or not....Now that lead IS banned in Massachusetts what do us fisherman do with all our lead products?! (split shot, sinkers, jigs, etc.) I mean they tell us not to use lead products but they never told us how we can get rid of the products. SO Ok you have irresponsible fisherman that are going to throw the items away in the their in essence polluting the landfills which in turn other birds, animals, etc can eat the where does this benefit anything? I understand that the loon is more endangered than say a squirrel but still. On the other end of the spectrum your going to have the person that wants to get rid of the lead the right way and that I know of there really isn't a way to get rid of it.

I understand that you can use the lead products in other states as well as give the lead products to friends/other fisherman in other states but the government is trying to do a nationwide ban on lead fishing products.

Anyways, how do you, as a country of fisherman, get rid of that amount of lead products without adversely effecting something else is my major question.

Just wanted your thoughts!

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 1:04 am

This lead ban may have spawned a new MMA match-up...nothing like getting offended by opinions on the internet...

Last edited by riverrat82 on Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:33 am; edited 1 time in total

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 6:12 am


" is anyone here a Marine Biologist ? " lol

I'm not but I stayed at a holiday inn express last night

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:12 am

The subject of disposal is why earlier I stated that the state is not 100% in this Exclamation If they were, arrangements would of been made with retailers or whomever for the drop off and recycling of these products Exclamation The state implemented this law, it should be their responsiblity to see that it is disposed of properly Exclamation

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:40 am

hahahahahahahaa a now thats funny ...!


" is anyone here a Marine Biologist ? " lol

I'm not but I stayed at a holiday inn express last night

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:57 am

Sorry rivermouse, I guess I can't have my opinion! A guy on a fishing web site that does not fish?your the same guy that had tantrum about a tourney charging station?lol have u ever looked up mania in a dictionary

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:13 am

ok...I can see your're worked I'll put it my pencil down

Last edited by riverrat82 on Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:34 am; edited 1 time in total

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:04 am

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