
Last edited by nofx99 on Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:16 am

NOW THIS I agree with...although I should consult with my shrink first aparently ...I can see this gentleman has begun to come to terms with this whole mess...and UNLIKE others he's bringing sollutions and NOT insults to n Don banged heads on this in the past...but we never got to "insult status" with our opinions...hopefully us "playing nice" will show "others" ya can have a STRONG opinion and NOT be considered a manic depressive...

The subject of disposal is why earlier I stated that the state is not 100% in this Exclamation If they were, arrangements would of been made with retailers or whomever for the drop off and recycling of these products Exclamation The state implemented this law, it should be their responsiblity to see that it is disposed of properly Exclamation

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:21 am

sorry Jimmy if you don't like his posts, don't read them, simple as that my man.

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:36 am

Dave's Hitler" now who needs the shrink?

Last edited by riverrat82 on Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:36 am; edited 1 time in total

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:49 am

And I didn't think the "charging-station" was THAT BAD of an idea...and was open minded enough to accept it when the "pros" said there ya go ..

Last edited by riverrat82 on Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:36 am; edited 1 time in total

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:37 am


I just noticed my name on here again ,about this subject . As always stratos knows everything, from lead laws, to taxes and traffic lights. thanks again stratos for knowing everything!

Nofx99: How is my opinion any different then yours? All I did was address your opinion. I thought I did it in a respectful way, unlike your replys. I guess you know everything. You know lead is harmless because you are a chemistry major. You know loons don't eat it because you are a Marine Biologist.

You wrote:
Guys!! I really don't think the rangers are gonna enforce lead weights.IMO they have alot more to worry about!!!!! Maybe they could head up to one of the ponds that illegals fish ,and take everything home that bites a hook. just my opinion.

This speaks for itself.

You wrote:
So does that mean we need to outlaw fishing line, because a bird might get tangled up in it!!!!

If there ever comes a day when there is a safer alternative to fishing line as it is currently made, and it makes it less likely animals will die from it then yes. Question: Why not?

You wrote:
Its not the tool.....Its the idiot using it !!!

Speaking of Tool!!!

You wrote:
Blackstone!!! You and Don are right on!!!!!!! How about mercury? How about Illegals that bring home depot buckets, and fill em to the top with fish!!!!Beer cans, fishing line in trees!!! Theirs alot more to worry about than lead weights.

Mercury is being addressed with stricter emission laws that companied MUST obey. Curious, how do you know these Home depot bucket carrying people are "illegals" Do you ask them for ID everytime you see someone matching your description?

You wrote:
I have been fishing for about 33 yrs,and i have not once seen a loon chase my bait down ! I dont think i am gonna jump thru hoops to find non lead jigs. i can promise u ,i will not hurt one loon .and i will have no issues with game wardens.

All I can take from this is that you will not be obeying the new lead law.

You wrote:
I am a catch and release fishermen ,and outdoorsmen. I guess because I will not search high and low, to find non lead jigs I have no idea what i am talkin about. I guess the rest of the super fishermen and yourself should meet at the hall of justice to discuss these issues.

Why do you need to search high and low? Type "non lead jigs/fishing weights" into the search engine. You will be given Dozens of choices for non lead products. BPS and NBS sells them as well. In fact NBS does not sell lead at all so any weight/ jighead under an ounce they have will be non lead. Last I checked "outdoorsmen" obey the laws that govern them.

You wrote:
Just a thought, but if a loon swallows a lead jig head its gonna have alot more problems than just the lead. Just saying!

You are wrong.... Just saying. I have seen fish crap out hooks and survive. Lead ingestion is fatal.

Geeze when I put all your comments together like that an image starts to appear.

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 1:06 pm

I have been sitting on the sidelines on this issue and it has been quite entertaining.

This is my take on the whole lead law. This law was passed back in 2009, that gave all of us 3 years to eliminate lead from our tackle boxes. I continued to use lead up until last year. When I needed to replace weights I purchased tungsten. I went from making lead jigs to non lead jigs. I think I have 1 multipack of split shot left that I purchased from Spags in 99 (that shows how often I use it). I am planning on melting any lead that I have down and pouring 1.25oz and heavier football jigs. We can name call and argue all we want, it isnt going to change anything. THIS IS THE LAW. I highly doubt it is going to be enforced that hard, infact I have only seen 3 EPO's this past year. So if you the angler wants to risk it and use lead it isn't going to offend me one bit. BUT when you go to replace your tackle, buy non-lead.

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 1:33 pm

Also, if any of you want to melt down your lead and make heavy jigs just let me know. All you have to do is buy the appropriate hooks and we can figure something out.

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 1:34 pm


Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 1:38 pm

Hey Dan have I mentioned latley that YOU ARE THE MAN ! hahahah best post of the thread! GO BEAVER FEVER...

Also, if any of you want to melt down your lead and make heavy jigs just let me know. All you have to do is buy the appropriate hooks and we can figure something out.

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 1:48 pm

glad i don't throw light jigs and use tungsten for other stuff

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 2:58 pm

it all

Last edited by nofx99 on Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:59 pm

somewhere a village is looking for river mouse. Go make a topic of 10 questions why you are a moron!!!! or start a recharging station!!! Thats right people charge their batteries before the tourney.

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 5:06 pm

C'mon now...really...get over it already..throw led jim who're bringing plenty of personal insults but very few personal've taken this entirely too seriously...i refuse to apologize for trying to make the world and MAFF a better place...breaking the law is not an opinion...plenty of fisherman aren't even AWARE of the new law and will be finding out at retail counters all across Massachusetts...If interacting with me is wrecking your experience on this site COMPLAIN to DAVE O...there it is Jimmy ---my own PUBLIC OUTING---see I don't need a far as my 10 q's ...I notice you haven't answered them and yet some of the TOP PROS on this site have...don't hate...participate...I have 10 more coming in March morons don't type 200 words a minute...manic depressives might though hahahahahahah

somewhere a village is looking for river mouse. Go make a topic of 10 questions why you are a moron!!!! or start a recharging station!!! Thats right people charge their batteries before the tourney.

Last edited by riverrat82 on Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:38 am; edited 1 time in total

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 5:29 pm

your the best river mouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!haahahahahahahahahahhaha great post!!!!!!!!!Is that better. i did like the last post tho . the poor me, quit picking on me just leave it alone get over it nonsense!!!you guys are the best.

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 5:41 pm

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