
Dan M

Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Member since June 22nd, 2010

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I went out for a few hours sunday to Lake Singletary. The plan for the day was to hit a couple spots to hopefully get into some smallies. Water temp was hovering around 48 degrees all morning and the wind was blowing pretty hard. I pulled up to my first spot and I immediately started marking fish on a hump that wen 20'-10'. The fish were stuck right on the base of the hump hanging out on the outside of the weeds. I marked the outside of the hump with 3 buoys and started cranking away. Within a couple casts my buddy in the boat hooks into a chunky 3lbish pickerel. After a few more cast he gets into another fat pickerel, about the same size as the first. We spent about 20 more minutes on that spot and moved to another similar spot. The 2nd spot was a large hump 40'-12'. As I motor over the spot I marked 3 large schools of baitfish at 23' with large marks underneath. I tossed out a couple buoys to mark the edges of the hump and started off with a dropshot. First drop down I get SLAMMED, after a good fight and thinking I had an ok largemouth. Nope, 2lb 4oz crappie. Over the next 20 minutes I land 5 crappie, largest at 2lb 7oz and the smallest 1lb 10z. That spot dried up, so we moved to an extended point. I tossed the dropshot around and picked up a 2lb smallie. All in all a great morning on the water. This was the first time I have ever actually weighed a crappie haha. John (angrymeat) it was nice seeing you at the ramp. Hopefully you guys at a good day out there.

Posted 13 years ago

First of all I would like to thank Smoke and Johnny for putting all of these tourneys together. We truly appreciate all the work both of you did to make sure all of the events went smoothly. This was Damon and my first year fishing this trail and we had an absolute blast. We will definitely see all of you next year.

Congrats to the Angry Landlords and Bigmouths for getting into the money in the final.

The water temp at Webster was 60-62 degrees depending on where you were and how bad the wind was. With knowing what the water temp was I knew we had to start off deep. Our plan was to fish humps with cranks, dropshot, or carolina rigs. Right off the bat we went all the way north to fish 2 humps that go from 25ft to 8ft. We both started off with 22ft diving crankbaits on 10lb flouro ripping the baits through the weeds. 3rd cast in we get our fist fish which was a 2.9lb smallie. A few casts later we got a 2lb largemouth and about 10 minutes later we got another 1.5lb largemouth. All fish hit the cranks as soon as we ripped the baits out of the weeds. Another boat from the other tourney pushed right onto our spot after watching us catch fish. After not getting any bite for 20-30 minutes we left to find some similar humps. If we pulled up on a hump and we did not pull up any grass/weeds we immediately moved to the next hump. We caught our 4th fish around 8:45am on a long extended point in 9ft of water. The fish was caught on a drop shot 4" zoom fluke (baby bass). We fished the rest of the point without another hit or even any sign of life, so we went back to our first spot. A few cast in BAMMM GET THE NET. 4lb pickerel guhhhh. That was the first of 3 large pickerel, great fights wrong fish. We rounded out our limit around 10am in 12 ft of water on a submerged point. The lure was a KVD 3.5 chart/black back. After we finished our drift, I wanted to try out a couple of my deep smallie spots. We trolled around looking for bait on the graph and found a rock in 35ft of water next to a steep drop off with 2 fish on it. I dropped down my lure and watched one of the fish move over to my line. Without feeling a hit or tension I set the hook, FISH ON. The fish was big enough to cull out our 14oz largemouth, but not by much. That was it for the rest of the day. Not another sniff.

Damon and I are completely lost now, we always a had a tourney to look forward too. Can't wait for next spring!

Posted 13 years ago

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Went to Whitehall over the weekend and the place was on fire. Easily caught 30 fish in 3 hours. Most of them dink, but there were a few 2's and 3's mixed in. I was using frogs, jigs, and my stick baits. The biggest fish was 5lbs 15oz on the digital, I got it on a stick bait.

Posted 25 years ago

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It was great to see everyone again! Congrats to the Hawg Hunters that was an awesome bag for such a weird day. So we have never never been to this place, so we had a couple game plans in our head. We figured fish would be up shallow on beds or at least cruising. After getting on the water and fishing for 20 minutes up tight we threw that idea right out the window. So there went plan A, B, C, and D. We ended up using the electronics to find the 1st drop off with a gravel bottom. We were marking bait in the 6-10' drops so I started throwing a rattle trap (silver w/green back) and Damon started throwing a 8' diver crank. I hook up with a chunky fish right off the bat to only lose it at the boat. Damon then continues to catch giant blue gills with a few heavy pickerel mixed in. Damon got the first keeper, it came on a 8' diver crank off a point in 10' of water. He was bouncing the crank off rocks and small boulders. I then threw on a white single willowblade spinner bait and BAM holy crap GET THE NET............5ish lb pickerel WTF. We ended up catching 5 more pics so we decided to move to the other end of the lake. We fished the pass on the west side of the lake and I picked up 3 quick keeper bass on a 7" junebug powerworm pegged with an 1/8oz tungsten bullet weight. Funny thing is Damon's 3 year old daughter picked out those worms at walmart because they looked so pretty. I told Damon to buy 2 bags of whatever she chooses next. After putting those 3 in the boat we motored over to that point where we had luck earlier and finish off the limit. We culled 2 more times after that only for a few ounces. I suggested we go a little closer to the weigh in to fish the dropoff by the island so we were right there for 2pm. Damon ended up getting a good cull fish (heavy 1) on the powerworm at 1:55pm. Overall it was a great tourney for us because we have never been there before and the weatherman was completely wrong again. See everyone at Quinsig!

Posted 13 years ago

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Went out sat the 16th for 3 hours 10-130pm. The weather was very temperamental throughout the day. Water temps were 51-55. 6 Fish total were caught. 5 on jigs and 1 on a shallow crank (kvd 1.5 craw pattern) The jigs were the nonlead brush jigs and trailers I make. I got 2 keepers and my buddy got 3 keepers (1 short).

Posted 13 years ago

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Fished flint pond tonight 5-7:30. Water temp was 57-59 depending on where you were. 6 fish total tonight, all keepers. All fish were caught on a shallow diving crankbait in 5-8ft of water worked in a stop and go retrieve. Biggest was around 1.5lbs.

Posted 13 years ago

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Hit another central MA spot.
Fished with my cousin (fallentimber)
we started at 730. The watertemp started at 49 and finally settled at 53 around 230pm. Didnt get a hit for the first 2 hours while throwing nothing but cranks. Switched to jigs and it was on. 3/8oz jigs with a custom trailer i pour was the ticket. We got 10 bass and 1 Huge pickeral. We took pictures of our biggest each. Overall it was a great day to be out! The season is finally here!!!! Ohh yea Damon reached over the side and grabbed a 30ln snapping turtle...mannnnnnn was it pissed.

Posted 13 years ago

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Second after work trip of the year. I got on the water around 5pm and I was into my first fish within 6 minutes of being there. I fished 5-6:45. 4 fish total. The watertemp was 47.9-49.8 degrees.

1st fish: 1lb smallmouth caught on 1/2oz football jig in 6' of water while dragging the bottom.
2nd fish: 1.2lb smallmouth caught on a KVD 1.5 crawfish pattern in 10' of water. The fish KILLED the bait
3rd fish: 5.2lb LARGEMOUTH!!!! I caught the fish off a point in 7' of water on a KVD 1.5 crawfish pattern.
4th fish: 2lbish Pickerel on a KVD 1.5 Crawfish pattern

All the fish crushed the baits

Posted 13 years ago

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First time fishing after work! Launched around 5pm and I was off by 7pm, so it was a short trip. I hit a couple of the points that usually produce this time of year. The water south of the MA pike was around 49 degrees and the water north of the pike was hovering around 43. I went about 1.5 hours without a sniff on the north side. So I went through the tunnel (between north and south pond) and marked a small school of fish in the middle of the tunnel. I ended up getting 1 bass out of the school on a 3-4ft diving crank. All in all it was great to be able to go out after work!

Posted 13 years ago

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