your the best river mouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!haahahahahahahahahahhaha great post!!!!!!!!!Is that better. i did like the last post tho . the poor me, quit picking on me just leave it alone get over it nonsense!!!you guys are the best.
It does not surprise me stratos ,that you have seen fish s*** out hooks! I could sit here all day and repost everything you have posted ,and say yup he is a know it ALL!!!!I have not seen one topic ,that you don t know everything about it !!!!!!! Oh and where are all these loons in mass that you speak of? I was just stating if i go to dicks to get lures jigs etc. and they do not have tungsten, i am not gonna beat myself up about it. your the super fishermen and know it all ,of all topics!!!! So maybe you should call Mr dicks sporting goods himself and ask him why he carries lead!!!!
The "illegals" are the very least of the problems concerning our waterways Yeah, they are out there but not enough to really be of concern, to me anyway. I have already stated a list of issues that I find more detrimental to the health and well being of our ponds and wildlife
When you witness something like that do you notify the Environmental Police Not that they would arrive in time anyway I suppose this would be a problem in the more urban areas. I understand your point though, for one they are unlicensed and are ignorant to catch limits and minimum size requirements. Until it is enforced it will continue go on This is why I do not see an all out blitz coming as far as enforcing the lead ban