insult after insult...I just read this whole thread no point in it do I directly insult you with the one exception where I call you a jack-ass for essentially calling me a non-fisherman...when in one of your own quotes you ask that you not be judged by someone who doesn't know you...having a social conscience doesn't make me feel bad and your opinion(s) shouldn't make you feel bad're right there...BUT...'ya ever get the feeling these guys are NOT kissing my ass...but maybe they get a laugh out of my antics...I'm sorry you don't ...i'm not for everyone...there's a shocker for ya ..."poor-me"?hahahahahahaaaaa

your the best river mouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!haahahahahahahahahahhaha great post!!!!!!!!!Is that better. i did like the last post tho . the poor me, quit picking on me just leave it alone get over it nonsense!!!you guys are the best.

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 6:03 pm


It does not surprise me stratos ,that you have seen fish s*** out hooks! I could sit here all day and repost everything you have posted ,and say yup he is a know it ALL!!!!I have not seen one topic ,that you don t know everything about it !!!!!!! Oh and where are all these loons in mass that you speak of? I was just stating if i go to dicks to get lures jigs etc. and they do not have tungsten, i am not gonna beat myself up about it. your the super fishermen and know it all ,of all topics!!!! So maybe you should call Mr dicks sporting goods himself and ask him why he carries lead!!!!

Do it. Repost every thing I say. Show me where I have been ignorant and discriminatory. Show me where I flat out say I will not obey a law or that a rule does not apply to me. Show me where I say I can tell someone is an" illegal" just by what kind of bucket they carry.
People ask questions on here. I try to answer them the best I can with the knowledge and experience I have gained over the years. I think I have been recieved well by the vast majority of the regular board members here. Thats when this board is about. Sharing infornation and teaching one another so we can all become better fishermen.
If you read this entire thread you are the only one coming off like a jerk with a bad attitude. You wrote what I quoted not me.
How about you show me some of you positive posts where you contribute to this board with info that might help everyone be a better angler.

It doesn't matter where the loons are. While they do not reside in eastern mass they do use just about every lake in the state at one time or another during their migration. They are definitly ones that reside west of 495. You said no such thing about Dicks and tungsten. You said something to the effect that you are not going out of your way to look for lead alternatives. Oh BTW dicks has tungsten and steel and brass.
Lead is not illegal to sell or carry. As far as I know it is still legal to use lead in salt water in this state and in a bunch of other states around Mass.

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:10 pm

I like pie

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:38 pm


I like pie

And the Powder Blue Ninja Strikes again!! Hahahaha, perfect timing brotha!!!

Posted Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:26 am

You can paint the steel weights.I use fingernail polish.There are a lot of different colors to use.The color will wear off after continued use,but just repaint.I use colors for the weights to match the color of
the baits.

Posted Wed Jan 11, 2012 7:58 am

Alrighty, So this will be my last pos t about this subject! Last night I got a call from a friend that needed some plumbing work, so after we talked I asked him if I could speak to his wife about a lead law about loons!!! She is a vet and went to tufts vet school in I think its Worcester, anyway we started chatting about the lead and, its affects on the loons and yes lead is bad for the loons but she also informed me that hooks., swivels, trash line, pollutants, and waters quality play a factor in this.I was told by a vet that worked on this study to stop fishing, stop polluting, and stop destroying their their enviorment if u would like to save the loons. A lead law alone will not cut it! !!! So who would like to ban fishing for the benefit of the loon! !!!!!!! I think their are a few people that don't like to hear the truth about Massachusetts laws. Also while I am on my soap box, illegals are an issue in america and we all have seen it at our fishing spots. You would half to be living under a rock not to notice it! !!!!!!!!! Did this on my phone so sorry for the F ups.

Posted Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:41 am


Last edited by nofx99 on Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:51 pm; edited 2 times in total

Posted Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:42 am



I like pie

And the Powder Blue Ninja Strikes again!! Hahahaha, perfect timing brotha!!!

It's my favorite way to say this one needs to be finished. How bout some dessert?

Posted Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:41 pm




I like pie

And the Powder Blue Ninja Strikes again!! Hahahaha, perfect timing brotha!!!

It's my favorite way to say this one needs to be finished. How bout some dessert?

Posted Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:44 pm

The "illegals" are the very least of the problems concerning our waterways Exclamation Yeah, they are out there but not enough to really be of concern, to me anyway. I have already stated a list of issues that I find more detrimental to the health and well being of our ponds and wildlife Exclamation

Posted Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:23 pm


The "illegals" are the very least of the problems concerning our waterways Exclamation Yeah, they are out there but not enough to really be of concern, to me anyway. I have already stated a list of issues that I find more detrimental to the health and well being of our ponds and wildlife Exclamation

I dont know about that Don. I know some places that have been completely destroyed. They fish with nets and take everything that swims. I'm not going to be PC here at all, its the truth and I have seen smaller ponds that were loaded with fish completely wiped out.

Posted Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:30 pm

When you witness something like that do you notify the Environmental Police Question Not that they would arrive in time anyway Exclamation Laughing I suppose this would be a problem in the more urban areas. I understand your point though, for one they are unlicensed and are ignorant to catch limits and minimum size requirements. Until it is enforced it will continue go on Exclamation This is why I do not see an all out blitz coming as far as enforcing the lead ban Exclamation

Posted Thu Jan 12, 2012 8:36 am

I call constantly, most times with no luck. However I've been told by dispatch to continue calling, their numbers are thin but if an officer is in the area they will respond. 1-800-632-8075 Ma Ep toll free

These are"our" waters and we are the ones who will see things that most others won't..if we don't report problems then who will? I've been called a "super fishermen" and that I should have a "league of justice" lol..but its true and if that's what it takes to secure a better future then so be it. Just because we think nothing will happen, we can't give up trying to make it better. If we do then we lose, everything. This goes illegals, litter bugs, your best friend who happens to still use lead etc. Speak up, speak the truth and let people know you care. Just watching someone break the law and doing nothing is just as bad as breaking the law yourself.

I know first hand how frustrating it can be to see nothing done, see nothing change. I've dealt with violent drunk individuals on the banks, to bags of garbage, to a whole fish kill...and on most accounts have gotten a very lackadaisical attitude from almost every government official I've dealt with...which I think is why I am slightly more passionate about it. Because if they won't care it just means I have to a little bit more.

With a last note I say this as well, again I know talking to you guys is like preaching to the choir. I doubt any one on here really is the "bad" person, but it always feels good to vent or get things off the chest anyway.

Posted Thu Jan 12, 2012 8:48 am

OK...I kinda see your point...I figure it like this though...IF---and I stress IF
"you" DO actually get approached by a Ranger and you posess lead that isn't compliant(I'm betting we're ALL better men than that...AND I'd wager a XL coffee that pasts opinions on anyone's part may be NULL N VOID if happens. "you" COULD get the Ranger who IS aware(which most are)---I guess in Central/Western Mass there are aparently more Ranger Stations than there are any where else but the Cape fact on Holland rd in Fiskdale is one of the biggest posts in the whole commonwealth---don't bother checking me I KNOW for a fact...I was there twice this summer and I chatted those guys up...for two reasons...1 THEY KNOW E V E R Y T H I N G about the geography/topography/and species health('cause thats what they do) and "SCMOOZEee" 'em up a little bit about how lenient they'd be in certain situations...Which parks allow name it ...I more or less interviewed these guys and they didn't mention ANYTHING about fishing in itself being negative for the enviroment and in fact it's in the Ranger's job description to fish and trap...kinda what true ecologists do(sarcasm)IN FACT now that I think about one of 'em was rigged with ALL KINDS of fishing equipment on his 4Wheeler and was on his way out to do his rounds....he did how ever mention that the "golden rule" is this simple..."pack it in pack it out" you military guys and families will understand this faster than others...this thread has produced some very very strong opinions and in the end...we have a new law...yup,sucks...and I've noticed through-out it that some waters in Massachusetts are in ALOT WORSE condition than the waters I'm used to here in C-Mass...and the ecological issues some of you have brought to light make me want to VOMIT...I can put a slight correction on Tuft's University---it's in Grafton Ma(Where a good friend of mine for many years,we'll just call him Dr Kieth to protect his research) has been conducting funded AIDS research in the ovine/bovine center there FOR YEARS.In the BIG PICTURE...there are FAR BIGGER issues in the world than fishing or anything ever even related to fishing In the end,I'm hopful we'll ALL be able to be as comliant as we can(If not good luck and whatever)...if any of you need help scoping new gear alternantives Iwill be MORE THAN HAPPY to help(I'm a RESEARCH MONSTER)And I can ALSO help anyone contact our friends from BeaverFever/BangBang locally for some well made lures and weights that will at least HELP get ya back on track and fishing(compliantly) in NO TIME....Now...can we PLEASE KILL THIS THREAD FOREVER? ! ...and if "you're" the type of jackass that just needs to have the last word...please type a small "x" and we'll ALL get the point and MOVE ON


When you witness something like that do you notify the Environmental Police Question Not that they would arrive in time anyway Exclamation Laughing I suppose this would be a problem in the more urban areas. I understand your point though, for one they are unlicensed and are ignorant to catch limits and minimum size requirements. Until it is enforced it will continue go on Exclamation This is why I do not see an all out blitz coming as far as enforcing the lead ban Exclamation

Posted Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:55 am


Cause I am that kind of guy...

Posted Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:00 am

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