
Justin Beale

, Massachusetts, USA
Member since May 8th, 2009
love to find new fishing spots

General Info

fishing /sports
Favorite Fish to Catch
largemouth,smallmouth,you name it
Favorite Type of Fishing
spin rod
Water Type
Favorite Lures
plastic worms/ rapala/jigs
Fishing Rods
6'6" Ugly Stick Heavy
6' 6"Ugly Stick lite pro
7'2 Carbon Lite Medium
Fishing Reels
Shimano 2500FD
Okuma Epixor 40A
Okuma Epixor 25A
Fishing Techniques
Weightless Worms
Favorite Fishing Spot
Favorite Video
1st annual Ma Fish Finder Tournament
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Justin Beale's Latest Reports

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Me and Matty, Jimmy and Davey Hit a lil cartopper spot in hopes of some basin(Lunker take all).Tough bite allday I got a 1lber to start Matty was getting a bunch of pickerel with one arouns 3 3/4lbs. Davey pulled in a 2lber which was looking like big fish of the day until Matty hooked into a nice 6lber great fish for this time. Slow bite but nice day for late in the year.Still biting!!!!!!! Might head back out this sunday hope is alive haha Threw in a couple more pics from late in the season enjoy

Posted 9 years ago

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Whats up boys its been a long winter and im sure everyone is enjoying their time on the water.The last 2 weeks water temps have changed by 20 degrees and finally for us the big bite has been on. The last few trips of fishing have been good unfortunately i lost a 5+large and about a 4lb smallie today which is a s***ty but i did managea 5lb 2oz larry so not so bad.Matty morefish got a 5lb 8oz and a 4lb 1oz largemouth also the same day .It was his first fish of the day lol i cant say nothing last year i got my PB 6lb 5oz my first fish of the day good start!!!.Which leads me to what happened today.We bring Eddie V. with us today and last time he was out with us i got a 6-4 and a 5 even.This time Bobby pulls a 6lb 14oz slob I took a few pics of this fish and will throw in a few of the others from the trips with Kev and Jimmy hope you guys enjoy.To see what lurks in those waters keeps me fishing everyday!! See ya on the water

Posted 25 years ago

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We started the morning in the dark i tried topwater and nothing so went to old faithful and pulled a nice 3.1lber.Shortly after thats when magic happened. I don't know if anyone had this happen before but geeez what a surprise!!!. I get another decent fish on and call for the net Bob gets ready i get the fish next to the boat its a nice 3lber again he scoops it with the net and another fish goes in with the 3lber a 4lb 14oz hog was trailing and got scooped with the net what a magic trip almost couldnt believe it.To see him pull up the net with 2 fish weighing 8lbs total wtf!!!!!Is that some lucky s*** or what!!!!I have seen big fish trailing hooked fish many times but never have i seen one get scooped up like that it was awesome and nice fish to boot !!!Actually biggest of the day haha i did add a 4lb 3oz .Finished day with about 20 bass and 2 nice pickerel one was 3lb 12oz and 3lb 7oz. Top 5 bass were 4/14--4/3--3/1--3/1 and a 2/12 about 18lbs with many 2lbers also good day with wind picking up but one i will never forget Carbonaro effect 2 for one magic lol

Posted 10 years ago

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Good day got out at 1pm fished till 7.Matty started the day with 4lb 10oz slob setting the bar high. An Hour later I picked up a 4lb 14oz Lil blood but she was fine. I had 4 pickerel around 3lbs and had one snap me off the was huge 4+. Matty had another 4+ bass to the boat and final run broke him off.all in all good day many fish with a few good ones.

Posted 10 years ago

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Matty Morefish asked if I wanted to fish this weekend and only day I could was Sunday so I told him meet me at 5. My alarm didn't go off and heard my text from him at 540 oh s*** .I jumped out bed and right in the car met up with him in record time haha.we get on the water and have wind in our faces so instead of battling it right away went straight to the source and figured we would fish the break and boy was it a good choice my 2nd cast I reel up slack slow and feel a light tug so I set the hook.I'm in a bunch of weeds so I keep pressure but can't get the fish to come up .It heads towards the boat but still can't tell what it is.The fish goes under the boat and hits the bottom and I feel the thump I pull it out from under and the fish surfaces its a hog!jumps out a the net on first attempt then secured on 2nd try wow what a beauty I weigh it and its a personal best by 1oz 6lb 5oz and my third 6lber of the season.On top of it all its the first fish of the day awesome. To make a long story short finished the day with about 35 bass all about 2lbs except 2 with a 3lb 13oz and a 3 1/2 lb pickerel to boot. What a day thank god I needed this one after a few really bad weeks of hell. Thanks to Matty for asking me to go out also

Posted 25 years ago

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Me and bob hit up Hog heaven at 5am till 10am windy as hell battery was dead in 5 hours or we woulda stayed.Bob set the bar high early with a 3lb 11oz and then a 5lb 4oz slob and said that one will be hard to beat. I told him don't say that and a couple hours later i get that 6lb even. Both great fights and jumps .This is why i fish for these fish

Posted 10 years ago

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We went to do a lil cartopping today Roger met up with me bout 5:30 we fished till about one.Action was kinda slow with bright blue skies but still managed the 3 amigos (2) 2lb 12ozs,2lb 11oz a 2lb 5oz and a 2lb+ bag filler not so bad with a bunch of pickerel in there!!!

Posted 10 years ago

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left at 5 am to head to wequaquet get there and see about 15 boats loading up tourney going on.UUhhhgggg guess i shoulda got up at 2 haha .Head to peters since its not to far we get a few but nothing great biggest maybe 2lb smallie.So we decide to to go somewhere else i call uncle kenny for directions to ramp and after a bunch of wrong turns arrive.Me and bob launch the boat and first spot i go and fish on!!!! Then on and on and on haha prob 30 fish in 4 hours with a 4lb 10oz chubba not too bad!!!!!

Posted 10 years ago

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Went out today for a lil fun with Zach from the Hawg Hunters!!!!It was windy and lil spotty showers but did well.Over 50 fish top 5 were 5lb 9oz,4lb 6oz,4lb 3oz,3lb 3oz, and a 2lb 14oz great day!!!!!!

you tube video

Posted 10 years ago

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Decided to head out for a few hours from 9:30 to 1:30.Boy did it pay off with a 5lber and later in the day i pull a 6lb 4oz slob both awesome fights jumps runs under the boat and all and both landed great day lets keep it going whoooooo!!!we got about 15 fish total mostly keepers eddie v got a nice 3lb 6oz larry also what a day for a half day at that haha

Posted 10 years ago

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