ken's idea sounds good too. i would have to vote for that for sure. and i also would like to know the launch. good job on the bag. that seems to be pretty solid for webster. good sized average fish in there.
My 2 cents would be to kep things the same as they've been all year.
I liked the idea of dual Lunkers but would have to agree that biggest fish is biggest fish. Maybe we shouldn't make changes in the championship event
My 2 cents would be to kep things the same as they've been all year.
I liked the idea of dual Lunkers but would have to agree that biggest fish is biggest fish. Maybe we shouldn't make changes in the championship event
I don't like the dual lunker. We've fished plenty of places that had both species of bass. If we did this, you mean to tell me a 10 oz smallie desrves $100 over a 4 or 5 lb larry? I dont think so.