MAFF Tournaments are great and a lot of fun but i think we have a few things to clear up before we end up with an issue at one of our weigh ins. I'm not one for a lot of rules thats why i got involved in MAFF but there was a lot of talk yesteday during the Nashua River Tournamnet that pertained to MAFF Tournament Rules and no one at the weigh in realy had an answer even after checking the rules posted on the home page. The questions that came up yesterday were to the best of my memory .

1. What is the penalty for weighing in a dead fish?
2. What is the penalty for weighing in a short fish ?
3. What is the penalty if you late for the weigh in ?

I would recommend the following:

Dead Fish - half a pound per fish

Short Fish = short fish does not count and a one pound penalty per fish.

Late for the weigh in - one pound penalty for each minute late, after 5 mins. team is disqualified. ( If you going to be late because your broke down you can bag your fish and have another boat bring them to the weigh in )

I know I 'm not the only one that has seen these infractions and i will go along with what ever the members of MAFF decide to do. But when your hosting a tournament and have to make a decision that could mean a team being in the money or not it would be nice to know the rules.


aka Happy Hooker

Posted Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:34 pm

I've seen the 1/2 pound dead fish penalty enforced.
Yesterday was the first time I saw a team with a short fish. It didn't actually get weighed though
I'm not sure about the late rule but I'd have to say your suggestion makes sense to me

Posted Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:41 pm

Ed I couldn't agree more,
Justin and myself have always said dead fish a half a pound.
I would hope people are honest enough to not weigh in a short fish. from now on they need to be twelve or more, period.
and if theres a question theres no penalty, the fish will not be counted.

and being late for a weigh in has to have a good reason like you said, if thats the case than text or call someone and we will come get you.

thank you Ed, I do not want any part of these tourneys if dishonest people are going to show.

Posted Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:49 pm

I agree with your suggestion,that is the way most clubs treat it.It is already a half pound for a dead fish.Nobody should be weighing a short fish,we should have a measure in our boats.I think you should be able to ask for a courtesy measure on one fish at weigh in.As for being late for weigh in,unless your broken down and have contacted some one on the phone there is no excuse.DISQUALIFIED!!!!!!!That's my opinion,take it for what it's worth,we all been around long enough to know how to plan our day,if you can't do that then stay home. Contact numbers should be given to everyone in tournament,if you have a problem call this number!!~!!!!!

Posted Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:50 pm

Yep, dead fish have been -.5lbs in the past.

Short fish, I think I've seen one make it into a weigh bag (not a common event) but to me it, like many of the other parts of MAFF tourneys, this has fallen into the trust category. Your suggestion though is fine though but if the person didnt have a ruler and comes to the weigh in not knowing but ask for a ruler, then by all means let them measure and throw back if its short. Your suggestion is good because it would really only apply to those who arent on the up and up.

Late rules, I admit, I probably have pushed it by a minute or two in the past. But since the guys running it are also fishing, trying to weigh in, dealing with getting the boat put up...there really isnt an official time keeper. So although time keeping is a really simple thing, its still something else to keep track of. Once again, I think it goes back to the trust thing but there should be some kind of maximum time. 5 minutes seems right.

Posted Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:53 pm

There was a short fish almost weighed in at the Norton event. If the weighmaster did not ask for it to be measured it would have been weighed and counted. I don't believe any penalty was assessed.( although I could be wrong about that part.)

While we are on this subject can we talk about proper livewell size for the fishes concern. This is more about the cartoppers. ( I know I have only fished a couple MAFF tournies to date but I plan on fishing several more this year starting with Oldham. I have seen some tiny livewells. I am talking like 28- 32quarts and a few of them. I dont know what those teams would have done if they caught a 5lber. It would not have fit in what they were using let alone any other fish. I saw others using "storage bins". There is no insulation in those at all. In April and May... Fine. But moving forward they are death traps. We need to take care of our catch so these places dont become terrible fisheries. Thats all I am trying to say.

Posted Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:29 pm

Ooh, ooh, my turn now! Just my 2 cents in some cases:

1. The half pound rule for a dead fish has been in affect and discussed a few times. It just needs to be enforced and the team running the tourney/weigh-in needs to be the one to do it!

2. Any fish under 12" is disqualified. If someone doesn't have a measuring device on their boat, (which they should if they are fishing a tourney with rules) then they should be allowed to ask for a courtesy measurement at the weigh-in. However the 5 limit fish count has to still be enforced. If you are not sure about a fish, it's your call whether or not to bring it to the weigh-in to be measured and counts towards the total 5 fish limit. If it meets the 12" mark, great for you. If it does not, then it is disqualified and you have one less fish to weigh, period. I don't think we should penalize a guy for asking if he isn't sure.

3. Being late for a weigh in happens and I've been on the bad end of that deal once or twice and fish were never weighed. In my opinion, if the weigh-in process has begun and you are within sight of the ramp (both you seeing everyone and everyone seeing you too) and as long as you are not fishing past the deadline time and are able to meet up with everyone else while the weigh-in is still going on, I'm not against being allowed to weigh in what you have. If you are nowhere to be seen though and you have not contacted anyone saying that you are broken down, then you're disqualified. We do after all have to respect those that did make it back on time.

Just my 2 cents as always!

Last edited by pocketfisherman on Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:22 pm; edited 2 times in total

Posted Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:07 pm

I say no wasting time with courtesy measuring. get a ruler or a small tape. if you cant do that then dont fish tourneys.

measure and cut something 12 inches and bring it with you. If someone cant figure out a way to determine if a fish is 12 inches or not, they should be fit for a helmet to ride the short bus.

Posted Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:13 pm


I say no wasting time with courtesy measuring. get a ruler or a small tape. if you cant do that then dont fish tourneys.

measure and cut something 12 inches and bring it with you. If someone cant figure out a way to determine if a fish is 12 inches or not, they should be fit for a helmet to ride the short bus.

True also! We are all supposed to be grown-ups!

Posted Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:15 pm

people should not even have a short fish in your livewell, fish and game has a rule that says 12" mininum, if you get caught with one, it not only looks bad for the club , you will get fined for it. everyone should carry a ruler in their boat. there should be some kind of deduction for short fish, just so it keeps everyone on their toes!lol. keep it fun! , scott...............

Posted Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:18 pm


3. Being late for a weigh in happens and I've been on the bad end of that deal once or twice and fish were never weighed. In my opinion, if the weigh-in process has begun and you are within sight of the ramp (both you seeing everyone and everyone seeing you too) and as long as you are not fishing past the deadline time and are able to meet up with everyone else while the weigh-in is still going on, I'm not against being allowed to weigh in what you have. If you are nowhere to be seen though and you have not contacted anyone saying that you are broken down, then you're disqualified. We do after all have to respect those that did make it back on time.

Just my 2 cents as always!

I hear ya but ,the problem with this is that depending on where you are fishing... in sight can be as little as 25 yards or as mush as 500 yards or more. I know if under your senerio I was 75yards away from the ramp and 2 minutes late but because I was coming around a point blocking me from site I was penalized and then in another tourney a boat was 200 yards away and 2 minutes late but straight out across the lake comming in within sight and allowed to weigh in and count, I would be dissapointed and left with a bad taste in my mouth. It really should not be ambigious. Be at the ramp ( not near it) at 2:00. At 2:01 you are late and minus1lb. 2:02 you are minus 2lbs. Thats how just about every tournament is run.

Posted Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:55 pm

Yuk! I heard the word "club" and MAFF used in the same sentence a few times here....

Lets first clarify that one..This is not a club, which is why its the best place on earth to fish....hahaha

Dead fish, 1/2 pound deduction has always been the rule

Under 12" will not count..Get a ruler, but im not going to call people shady or cheaters until they give me a reason too, and so far, no one extra penalty, just public shame and you will be "red flagged" hahaha

Late for weigh in, most certainly can happen, but obviously call someone, or be in sight. I understand we can lose track of time, but if anyone can tell me with a straight face they dont know when 1pm hits...then 1:10, then 1:15, 1:30..exc..hahaha, everyone knows exactly how long they have left, its the nature of competition. You can spend more time checking how much time you have left, then casting when you have less than an hour left. With that said i think we allow for an explanation before we just DQ a team. Again, we seem to all be nice guys and girls who are more willing to listen than some of the clubs people may be a part of, which is why MAFF is AWESOME!

As far as live wells. Everyone for the most part does a wonderful job keeping fish alive. I dont think we can sit here an force people to buy a 52" coolers. Some car toppers simply dont have the space. I have fished in many many of these and seen guys in mid summer with 32" foam coolers come back with a full bag of healthy bass, even a lunker. And i may be wrong but "The Landlord" uses a storage bin and he is one of our elite fisherman and has not had issues keeping them alive. I think its a case by case thing. Fish have unfortunatley died in coolers as well as big bass boat live wells, but its pretty rare with this group, thankfully.

But your overall point is well taken. The health of the fish is a top priority and always will be in these tournaments.

Posted Mon Jun 11, 2012 7:09 pm


Yuk! I heard the word "club" and MAFF used in the same sentence a few times here....

Lets first clarify that one..This is not a club, which is why its the best place on earth to fish....hahaha

Dead fish, 1/2 pound deduction has always been the rule

Under 12" will not count..Get a ruler, but im not going to call people shady or cheaters until they give me a reason too, and so far, no one extra penalty, just public shame and you will be "red flagged" hahaha

Late for weigh in, most certainly can happen, but obviously call someone, or be in sight. I understand we can lose track of time, but if anyone can tell me with a straight face they dont know when 1pm hits...then 1:10, then 1:15, 1:30..exc..hahaha, everyone knows exactly how long they have left, its the nature of competition. You can spend more time checking how much time you have left, then casting when you have less than an hour left. With that said i think we allow for an explanation before we just DQ a team. Again, we seem to all be nice guys and girls who are more willing to listen than some of the clubs people may be a part of, which is why MAFF is AWESOME!

As far as live wells. Everyone for the most part does a wonderful job keeping fish alive. I dont think we can sit here an force people to buy a 52" coolers. Some car toppers simply dont have the space. I have fished in many many of these and seen guys in mid summer with 32" foam coolers come back with a full bag of healthy bass, even a lunker. And i may be wrong but "The Landlord" uses a storage bin and he is one of our elite fisherman and has not had issues keeping them alive. I think its a case by case thing. Fish have unfortunatley died in coolers as well as big bass boat live wells, but its pretty rare with this group, thankfully.

But your overall point is well taken. The health of the fish is a top priority and always will be in these tournaments.

we hate clubs

Posted Mon Jun 11, 2012 7:12 pm


Yuk! I heard the word "club" and MAFF used in the same sentence a few times here....

Lets first clarify that one..This is not a club, which is why its the best place on earth to fish....hahaha

Dead fish, 1/2 pound deduction has always been the rule

Under 12" will not count..Get a ruler, but im not going to call people shady or cheaters until they give me a reason too, and so far, no one extra penalty, just public shame and you will be "red flagged" hahaha

Late for weigh in, most certainly can happen, but obviously call someone, or be in sight. I understand we can lose track of time, but if anyone can tell me with a straight face they dont know when 1pm hits...then 1:10, then 1:15, 1:30..exc..hahaha, everyone knows exactly how long they have left, its the nature of competition. You can spend more time checking how much time you have left, then casting when you have less than an hour left. With that said i think we allow for an explanation before we just DQ a team. Again, we seem to all be nice guys and girls who are more willing to listen than some of the clubs people may be a part of, which is why MAFF is AWESOME!

As far as live wells. Everyone for the most part does a wonderful job keeping fish alive. I dont think we can sit here an force people to buy a 52" coolers. Some car toppers simply dont have the space. I have fished in many many of these and seen guys in mid summer with 32" foam coolers come back with a full bag of healthy bass, even a lunker. And i may be wrong but "The Landlord" uses a storage bin and he is one of our elite fisherman and has not had issues keeping them alive. I think its a case by case thing. Fish have unfortunatley died in coolers as well as big bass boat live wells, but its pretty rare with this group, thankfully.

But your overall point is well taken. The health of the fish is a top priority and always will be in these tournaments.

I understand where you are coming from but rules are needed. Everyone in my club were/are nice guys but we had rules to avoid conflict. It was when something happened that the rules did not cover that any discussion would come up.I am not saying you need a manual, 3" thick but you should mirror what 99.9% of tournaments do.
As far as storage bins ( and this is not meant as a critque of anyone. I don't even know the team you mentioned or the fact that they use a storage bin) being sufficient for keeping 5 bass alive for 5,6,7 hours on a 85* day in July Aug or September..... Sure they might swim away at the end of the day but they sure were put under a lot more stress the needed. A storage bin is basicall a pot sitting on a stove without the insulating quality of a cooler.

I look at it this way. If you can put up $50 every other week and fish these tournies, you can put $75 dollars aside and get a proper cooler. It's not asking a lot.
I have a coleman crawdad and have no problem putting my 70qt Marine cooler in it. In fact I know that a 100qt will fit in the same coleman crawdad. I have been in one that had a 100qt cooler and we fished fine out of it. Like I said, there were a couple coolers at Norton that a 5lber if caught, would not have fit. GThe fish would have to remain bent.

I want to say that 'tone" is hard to determine when going back and forth on the internet. I am in no way trying to be confrontational or argumentitive. Just trying to look out for what I think is right in a friendly constructive way.

Posted Mon Jun 11, 2012 7:29 pm

I don't know how the other guys take it Rich but I've always interpreted it as passionate. It's a good point. If we all claim to be catch and release and we fish in catch and release tourney's then we need to do everything to keep those fish alive.

Posted Mon Jun 11, 2012 7:39 pm

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