hey kevin, did you get my pm?
call me when you have a minute

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:59 pm


MAFF Tournaments are great and a lot of fun but i think we have a few things to clear up before we end up with an issue at one of our weigh ins. I'm not one for a lot of rules thats why i got involved in MAFF but there was a lot of talk yesteday during the Nashua River Tournamnet that pertained to MAFF Tournament Rules and no one at the weigh in realy had an answer even after checking the rules posted on the home page. The questions that came up yesterday were to the best of my memory .

1. What is the penalty for weighing in a dead fish?
2. What is the penalty for weighing in a short fish ?
3. What is the penalty if you late for the weigh in ?

I would recommend the following:

Dead Fish - half a pound per fish

Short Fish = short fish does not count and a one pound penalty per fish.

Late for the weigh in - one pound penalty for each minute late, after 5 mins. team is disqualified. ( If you going to be late because your broke down you can bag your fish and have another boat bring them to the weigh in )

I know I 'm not the only one that has seen these infractions and i will go along with what ever the members of MAFF decide to do. But when your hosting a tournament and have to make a decision that could mean a team being in the money or not it would be nice to know the rules.


aka Happy Hooker

Completely Agree, couldnt have been said any better.

taking into consideration everyone has a cell phone (which im pretty sure we all do) the time on the phone is provided thru the service which is linked to Satellites, all the times on our phones are the same.

As far as dead fish go I weighed in all the fish at Attitash and apparently 6 dead fish were weighed, which brings me back to the need for an official scale (platform style) where a dead fish would be clearly visible as NOT MOVING, which is too difficult in a bag when fish are being shuffled in and out quickly. There is one on the bass pro websight for 50$

heres the link


Its only a matter of time before someone not only loses a tournament but the money and time they spent to travel to the event because of one of these rules or lack there of

I know now that Valps should have had lunker at Long pond because I forgot to reset the tare before weighing his lunker, (THATS RIGHT I FORGOT) running around in the rain from boat to boat trying to weigh and write, and take pics and release is a chore.

I still say one table one scale you bring the fish to the scale in a bag they are weighed in baskets, another person documents and another person snaps pics then the fish are released.

Im willing to bet if you guys let me set things up this way JUST ONCE you would all agree that things run a whole lot more efficiently.

If it helps Ill buy 20 wooden elementary school rulers and pass them out at the start of every event, car topper guys (for those of you who havent already) mark out 12 inches on the top of your coolers I know alot of you guys do

in closing I LOVE FISHING WITH ALL YOU GUYS[/color] lets get this all behind us and agree on something here before Sunday or better yet before the 2 day at Cochituate

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 1:00 pm

I agree neil, we will get that scale and basket setup soon.

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 1:05 pm

I was there for long pond, obviously, and we lost lunker on that and not once posted or complained or tried to implement new rules. I cant imagine the backlash if it happened to someone else. It was an honest mistake. Stuff happens. I still had a great time.

People should make note of that event now that it's in the open. We lost money on an error but didn't lose a wink of sleep over it or complain about it.

Now that is pure arrogance people! Hahaha

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 2:01 pm

hahaha love the arrogance!

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 2:23 pm


I was there for long pond, obviously, and we lost lunker on that and not once posted or complained or tried to implement new rules. I cant imagine the backlash if it happened to someone else. It was an honest mistake. Stuff happens. I still had a great time.

People should make note of that event now that it's in the open. We lost money on an error but didn't lose a wink of sleep over it or complain about it.

Now that is pure arrogance people! Hahaha

I appreciate you guys not blowing your lid over it, since then I made sure that no matter how fast people want to move that every little detail is looked at, just imagine if it had been a mistake on the first place bag, 400$ is a little different than 50$ all the more reason to get this scale and table going so people just form a line, weigh, and rollllllllllllll out!

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 2:44 pm

There is just too much dialogue on this page for me.We are what we are and do what we do.We all respect each other because we are anglers and love fishing.Keep it simple and enjoy the time we have on the water.Before you know it that time may be gone.You never know when you may have an accident or an illness that may keep you from your passion of fishing.This is one of the things I love and can't wait to to get back on the water again after the weekend is over.Can't wait for the end of the season cookout Johnny,yahoo!!!!!

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:46 pm

Why not take the money out of the next tourny and just buy the weigh station and be done with it. Neil I like the idea line up and weigh in. I'm in

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:46 pm

i posted a poll for you guys to chime in on

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:48 pm

Guys this discussion is much appreciated and needed. There's always going to be new members such as myself and I for one love the information I've read and learned a few things as well. Pretty straight foreword stuff but it's good to get it out there so everyone's clear. MAFF rocks!!

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:52 pm

I think we should all just hold up our fish real informal like and guess who the winner is. Laughing

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:53 pm

Come on Rich,now your being sarcastic instead of informational.I love your info.but sometimes it runs on a little bit too much.See you on the water.

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:03 pm


Sometimes it's necessary and sometimes it is not. I'm doing it right now because I am in the process of having an exchange of dialogue and open conversations with others and just flat out feel like quoting. Feel free to skip over the quotes altogether, but I'm not going to "not quote", simply because you say not to and would never think myselfto tell another member how to post and not post. Wouldn't be good forum etiquette.

Poor etiquette? Lol. I'm just making a suggestion to keep the info easy to read and keep the threads from being 20 Pages of repeated info. Try some cranberry juice. Seems to help my wife when she's having her period. Very Happy Poor etiquette I know! Lol. This is why I restrict my posts. LIGHTEN UP![/quote]

It was an ongoing conversation and then you popped in and the first thing you said was not anything relating to the post. Not anything about fishing or the like. Instead you told everyone "PEOPLE!! just click post reply at the bottom left if you want to comment! You don't need to click "quote" and repeat every 150 sentence line of the previous entry!" Poor forum etiiquette, I stand by the statement and got a few pm's asking "Who does this guy think he is?" I thought I said everything pretty politely too? Twenty pages of stuff to read, oh well. I like reading and just skip over whatever I don't want to read. You want some cheese with that whine? Very Happy We all need to lighten up and just fish!

Last edited by pocketfisherman on Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:39 pm; edited 3 times in total

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:04 pm


I think we should all just hold up our fish real informal like and guess who the winner is. Laughing

I think we've all heard enough bull s!@#....

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:18 pm



I think we should all just hold up our fish real informal like and guess who the winner is. Laughing

I think we've all heard enough bull s!@#....

Then why are you still typing? You really have zero sense of humor

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:21 pm

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