You seem to point out only the flaws with the few tournaments you have attended. It too bad that you left with those feelings, i can assure you it is not common.

Keep in mind, before many of you great anglers were here, we were running 7 and 8 boat tournaments without any issues or complaints. Under the EXACT same guidelines and regulations that we have had since day 1, we now have 20+ boat tournaments and people on reserve lists trying to get into these tournaments. We have a car topper division. We are going to have an MAFF Classic and a Lower Division tournament. We have T-Shirts, pictures, results, season totals. We have YET to have a true controversial finish, thankfully.

Obviously what we have done so far has worked. And its been so successful because of the laid back atmosphere. Not a cut throat list of rules and regulations. Don't fix whats not broken!

I think if we look back at Eds post, he asked 3 legit questions to prevent any issues in the future. Within 15 minutes, Johnny Bag-A-Bass, our fearless leader, ANSWERED Ed's questions, with the rules we will abide by. The thread should have ended there to be honest. The God Father has spoken, what more is there to discuss?????

1. What is the penalty for weighing in a dead fish?
answer: 1/2lb penalty

2. What is the penalty for weighing in a short fish ?

answer: I would hope people are honest enough to not weigh in a short fish. from now on they need to be twelve or more, period.
and if theirs a question theirs no penalty, the fish will not be counted.

3. What is the penalty if you late for the weigh in ?


Eds Suggestion: Late for the weigh in - one pound penalty for each minute late, after 5 mins. team is disqualified. ( If you going to be late because your broke down you can bag your fish and have another boat bring them to the weigh in )

Johnny: Being late for a weigh in has to have a good reason like you said, if that's the case than text or call someone and we will come get you.

End of story!!! Thank You Ed for bringing these 3 topics to our attention and resolving them before any real issues came from them.

Lastly about the cooler/live wells. Unless you want to buy me a $75-$100 cooler or go yard sale shopping for me, then lets drop it. Its crazy to even suggest it should be easy to save X amount of money per month. You have no idea peoples situations. We fished in a damn canoe for 2 seasons!!

Your overall point is document and well taken. Take care of your fish, its a top priority. Their are no excuses for dead fish, i 100% agree with you on that.

Cant wait for Dudley!!!

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:21 am

As some one that has never done a MAFF tournament, but hopes to before the year is out, due to working on Sundays I do want to give a none tourney participants view.

I have fished a couple of loosely done CTs before. It was fun though not balanced some with motors some not yada yada. But what I liked was it was a 3 fish limit. Which I always wondered how when MAFF is doing a CT they had not adapted to that.

You need to manage the fish and use the vast info on fish care to be real about this stuff. Hell we buy rods lures and stuff all season long some of which we never use. But we can't won't get a proper sized cooler to do the job of a live well. So because some one has not had a problem yet I seems like a good idea to wait for a disaster to happen.

My 2cents is: Late is late 1lb penalty. Dead fish 1/2 pound penalty. Short fish DQed weigh what you have.

If I was in charge I would say 3 fish limits for CT tournies.

If I was hosting a summer CT I would strongly suggest the proper size cooler/livewell for a 5 fish limit. Just because a fish is released it does not mean it “makes it” if it has been stressed do to it being crammed into a to small space. Cool the water (which if using the 2liter bottle idea takes up space in the live well) great change the water great use treatment great but the faqs are that all of this does not matter if they are all stuffed in a space on top of one another it does lead to fish stress and will lead to unnecessary fish kills.

Great group lots of fun 3 simple rules and a better fish care knowledge equals the long term health of the fisheries and the MAFF tournaments ability to get the needed permits. JMO

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:09 am

In the event that I catch a 25 pound bag and start to worry about the fish in the well I have many phone numbers and FRIENDS that would gladly lend a hand for the sake of keeping the fish alive and in the case of a win I would gladly share my earnings with whoever helped,

That's the glory of MAFF and not a club.

Last edited by chevin37 on Tue Jun 12, 2012 11:05 am; edited 1 time in total

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 11:00 am


You seem to point out only the flaws with the few tournaments you have attended. It too bad that you left with those feelings, i can assure you it is not common.

Keep in mind, before many of you great anglers were here, we were running 7 and 8 boat tournaments without any issues or complaints. Under the EXACT same guidelines and regulations that we have had since day 1, we now have 20+ boat tournaments and people on reserve lists trying to get into these tournaments. We have a car topper division. We are going to have an MAFF Classic and a Lower Division tournament. We have T-Shirts, pictures, results, season totals. We have YET to have a true controversial finish, thankfully.

Obviously what we have done so far has worked. And its been so successful because of the laid back atmosphere. Not a cut throat list of rules and regulations. Don't fix whats not broken!

I think if we look back at Eds post, he asked 3 legit questions to prevent any issues in the future. Within 15 minutes, Johnny Bag-A-Bass, our fearless leader, ANSWERED Ed's questions, with the rules we will abide by. The thread should have ended there to be honest. The God Father has spoken, what more is there to discuss?????

1. What is the penalty for weighing in a dead fish?
answer: 1/2lb penalty

2. What is the penalty for weighing in a short fish ?

answer: I would hope people are honest enough to not weigh in a short fish. from now on they need to be twelve or more, period.
and if theirs a question theirs no penalty, the fish will not be counted.

3. What is the penalty if you late for the weigh in ?


Eds Suggestion: Late for the weigh in - one pound penalty for each minute late, after 5 mins. team is disqualified. ( If you going to be late because your broke down you can bag your fish and have another boat bring them to the weigh in )

Johnny: Being late for a weigh in has to have a good reason like you said, if that's the case than text or call someone and we will come get you.

End of story!!! Thank You Ed for bringing these 3 topics to our attention and resolving them before any real issues came from them.

Lastly about the cooler/live wells. Unless you want to buy me a $75-$100 cooler or go yard sale shopping for me, then lets drop it. Its crazy to even suggest it should be easy to save X amount of money per month. You have no idea peoples situations. We fished in a damn canoe for 2 seasons!!

Your overall point is document and well taken. Take care of your fish, its a top priority. Their are no excuses for dead fish, i 100% agree with you on that.

Cant wait for Dudley!!!

I agree, the great Oz (Johnny) has spoken and leave it at that!

Cooler issue has been beaten to death The rules are in place and everyone will police themselves. If someone is not conforming, those people will be spoken to.

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 11:00 am


In the event that I catch a 25 pound bag and start to worry about the fish in the well I have many phone numbers and FRIENDS that would gladly lend a hand for the sake of keeping the fish alive and in the case of a win I would gladly share my earnings with whoever helped

you have me on speed dial, right?

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 11:04 am



In the event that I catch a 25 pound bag and start to worry about the fish in the well I have many phone numbers and FRIENDS that would gladly lend a hand for the sake of keeping the fish alive and in the case of a win I would gladly share my earnings with whoever helped

you have me on speed dial, right?

#1 and you know it

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 11:08 am

i would help you or anyone else out to keep the fish alive and not even worry about getting a cut of the winnings.

i hope everyone's willing to help each other out around here.

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 11:17 am

Alright, chiming in again but in response to the fish care thing. I googled "delayed mortality bass tournaments" and there is all kinds of good info that popped up. Below is an interesting study and shows that its real.

"The Oklahoma Fishery Research Laboratory (OFRL) began a two-year project in spring 1995 to determine delayed mortality rates of largemouth bass following tournament release. Three tournaments in the spring and two in the summer were monitored. Fish were held in large live-nets placed in marina boat stalls after weigh-in. Up to 30 tournament bass per net were held for six days after each contest along with control fish collected by electroshocking. Dissolved oxygen and temperature were measured in the nets and in contestant’s boat live wells as they came to shore.

Spring tournament total mortality (initial + delayed) was less than 6%. Spring water temperatures average 63°F and live-well oxygen levels averaged 7.3 ppm. In the summer, we recorded less than 7% initial mortality. However, after six days we experienced an average of 39% delayed mortality. Most of the fish died between the third and sixth day after weigh-in. High water temperatures (average of 80°F) and low oxygen levels in boat live wells (minimums of 1.3 ppm) were measured. At one summer tournament fish were separated according to oxygen in boat live wells, one group from ‘‘low-oxygen’’ live wells (<6>6.0 ppm). Fish in the low oxygen group experience a 51% delayed mortality rate while the fish in the high-oxygen group had only a 35% delayed mortality rate. Boaters that ran their aerators continuously rather than relying on a timer had better oxygen levels in their live wells and 16% lower mortality."

So the name of the game is temperature and dissolved oxygen. Frozen water bottles properly added, hydrogen peroxide added in the right proportions (this is really a good thing to use for cartoppers because it eliminates the need to change the water out), less handling of the fish, and returning the fish to the water as fast as possible are all things that will help. Other additives such as Please Release Me and Catch and Release also have a place. For the summer, I bought an aquarium thermometer that I keep in the livewell that has a digital readout. It cost less than $10 and allows me to keep track of water temps. There are thumbrules developed for gallons of water/lb of fish. From what I remember, a 12 gallon livewell is about the minimum. One last thing, dissolved oxygen may be the number one issue so run the aerator more often than even the timer does.

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 11:17 am


You seem to point out only the flaws with the few tournaments you have attended. It too bad that you left with those feelings, i can assure you it is not common.

Keep in mind, before many of you great anglers were here, we were running 7 and 8 boat tournaments without any issues or complaints. Under the EXACT same guidelines and regulations that we have had since day 1, we now have 20+ boat tournaments and people on reserve lists trying to get into these tournaments. We have a car topper division. We are going to have an MAFF Classic and a Lower Division tournament. We have T-Shirts, pictures, results, season totals. We have YET to have a true controversial finish, thankfully.

Obviously what we have done so far has worked. And its been so successful because of the laid back atmosphere. Not a cut throat list of rules and regulations. Don't fix whats not broken!

I think if we look back at Eds post, he asked 3 legit questions to prevent any issues in the future. Within 15 minutes, Johnny Bag-A-Bass, our fearless leader, ANSWERED Ed's questions, with the rules we will abide by. The thread should have ended there to be honest. The God Father has spoken, what more is there to discuss?????

1. What is the penalty for weighing in a dead fish?
answer: 1/2lb penalty

2. What is the penalty for weighing in a short fish ?

answer: I would hope people are honest enough to not weigh in a short fish. from now on they need to be twelve or more, period.
and if theirs a question theirs no penalty, the fish will not be counted.

3. What is the penalty if you late for the weigh in ?


Eds Suggestion: Late for the weigh in - one pound penalty for each minute late, after 5 mins. team is disqualified. ( If you going to be late because your broke down you can bag your fish and have another boat bring them to the weigh in )

Johnny: Being late for a weigh in has to have a good reason like you said, if that's the case than text or call someone and we will come get you.

End of story!!! Thank You Ed for bringing these 3 topics to our attention and resolving them before any real issues came from them.

Lastly about the cooler/live wells. Unless you want to buy me a $75-$100 cooler or go yard sale shopping for me, then lets drop it. Its crazy to even suggest it should be easy to save X amount of money per month. You have no idea peoples situations. We fished in a damn canoe for 2 seasons!!

Your overall point is document and well taken. Take care of your fish, its a top priority. Their are no excuses for dead fish, i 100% agree with you on that.

Cant wait for Dudley!!!

Was this post directed at me? i dont think it was as i had no hard feelings about the MAFF and i love the current format. i just want to make sure you didnt misread my suggestions about the dead fish, short fish, and being late are the same as you. Dan and i enjoyed running the Nash tournament and plan on being there for several more tournies this year. If that post was directed at me, the reason i pointed those things out was because all three things happened at the Nashua tournament. We had no choice but to deal with the teams being late, short fish, and dead fish because all three things occured. The more i re-read my post, i dont think Napa's post was towards me...if it, please let me know.

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 11:25 am

Sometimes it's necessary and sometimes it is not. I'm doing it right now because I am in the process of having an exchange of dialogue and open conversations with others and just flat out feel like quoting. Feel free to skip over the quotes altogether, but I'm not going to "not quote", simply because you say not to and would never think myselfto tell another member how to post and not post. Wouldn't be good forum etiquette.[/quote]

Poor etiquette? Lol. I'm just making a suggestion to keep the info easy to read and keep the threads from being 20 Pages of repeated info. Try some cranberry juice. Seems to help my wife when she's having her period. Very Happy Poor etiquette I know! Lol. This is why I restrict my posts. LIGHTEN UP!

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:00 pm

Hey Jay,

My bad if you thought my post was directed at you, it 100% was not. I agreed with everything you stated. And appreciated your personal experience with Clubs and how you loved MAFF because it is everything a club isnt.

Thats my whole point to everyone. We have basic guidelines and rules. Ed thankfully addressed 3 key rules. After that, its all about having fun and if something comes up, we will help each other out.

As Chevin said, if someone needs me to hold a Lunker cuz they have a monster bag, I wouldn't hesitate to meet them on the lake and take on the responsibility of keeping the beast alive. That's the beauty of this place. We all understand and take it seriously that we have a responsibility to keep the fish alive and as stress free as possible. The future of our fishing depends on it.

I just think people are going about it the wrong way. Telling people they arent real or serious fisherman unless they buy this and that, is not helpful.

Where as Maddog (Matt) just had an amazing post, especially the last paragraph. Very educational, he had a variety of tips and suggestions to assist in keeping bass alive and stress free in a variety of ways. Not just a massive live well. Good stuff Matt, informative info like that helps everyone, without name calling or finger pointing...Well done bro!

Last edited by napa on Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:28 pm; edited 2 times in total

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:07 pm

Thanks for the clarification man! I read both of our posts and they basically said the same identical thing! See you at Cochituate!


Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:11 pm

I appreciate it Napa, even though i don't consider myself to be OZ, lol

let's stick with what we all know, fish and learn as we go. sometimes I think there are too many opinions sometimes we should all post suggestions or experiences with certain situations,and we should all take what we read with a grain of salt.

keep calm and chive on!

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:21 pm

Seems like it is starting to get personal. I will make one last comment then let it die.
Napa: I just pointed out 3 "issues so far this year because that is what we are talking about in this thread. How many events have there been? 8. Thats not a great percentage. Now in reading further it seems like all 3 issues poped up at Nausua.
I just like to know that when I put my hard earned money on the line that there are rules inplace to make things as fair as possible. If I am at the ramp at 2 , I want everyone else there too. If I attempt to weigh in 5 legal fish, I want everyone else to also. I want to see us take as good a care of our fish as possible. I don't think mandating proper coolers is crazy restrictive or a hardship for anyone.
If there is a thread about how great these events are I am sure I can have even more to say because they are great.
Sure when you had 7-8 boats its fine to play loose. But now that you have up to 20 boats you should formalize things just a bit more. You don't need to be the bassmaster classic but just firm things up a bit so there is no confusion.
Maddog: I have seen all those studies. Here is the rest of the one you cited with summer and fall tournaments added

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:33 pm

Mmmhmmm Confused

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:52 pm

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