my idea and thought long ago of getting a few guys together for a little tournament has gone way by the wayside here.

I will be at the first tourney as always to say hi and help get it going we will have a little meeting like we used to, where i tell everyone what time we come back and weigh in.
if you want to come fish and maybe make a buck or two or even meet some new anglers. than please come and have a good time.
if anyone wants to join a club theres tons of them out there.
way to many thoughts and concerns and opinions going on.

this is the old format guys it's as simple as that......

I will be signing up for the first one just like every one else. if i miss it so be it, i'll see you at the next one.
I have been running these for three or four years now and we have had not one incident, other than people who used to fish these not wanting to come anymore becasue they have gotten too big.

if no one likes how things are run or organized please fell free to fish elsewhere and not show up simple as that.

I will let everyone know how we will do things that morning, we used to have a simple way of doing things and we are going to go back to those ways with a few modifications.

Thank you

Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:02 am

I'd say we are all experiencing more than a little "cabin" fever right now!! (Team name is so appropriate!)
Although we are all "equal opportunity money takers" come tourney time, we are all friends at the end of this. Extra time for cartoppers, big boats in tourneys, blah, blah, lets just all get on the water and fish!!! Stop the bs conversations that have come up more than once, these things seem to sort themselves out amongst all of us anyways!!! Everyone knows how to do this, anyone with questions ask!!
Beaver Fever fishes in both a cartopper and a large rig, we are all set with whatever is decided, I have just as much respect for the cartopper guys as anyone else, if we are all truly concerned about wakes and swamping guys, than a 15minute electric only launch restriction could be imposed, no gas for the first 15. More respectful to all involved and those that may live near the ramps.... 630 is awful early for some!
Either way the only thing we need to do is have fun! (Dont forget to bring your 25$ either, we all gotta pay rent sometimes.... Very Happy )

Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:33 am


I'd say we are all experiencing more than a little "cabin" fever right now!! (Team name is so appropriate!)
Although we are all "equal opportunity money takers" come tourney time, we are all friends at the end of this. Extra time for cartoppers, big boats in tourneys, blah, blah, lets just all get on the water and fish!!! Stop the bs conversations that have come up more than once, these things seem to sort themselves out amongst all of us anyways!!! Everyone knows how to do this, anyone with questions ask!!
Beaver Fever fishes in both a cartopper and a large rig, we are all set with whatever is decided, I have just as much respect for the cartopper guys as anyone else, if we are all truly concerned about wakes and swamping guys, than a 15minute electric only launch restriction could be imposed, no gas for the first 15. More respectful to all involved and those that may live near the ramps.... 630 is awful early for some!
Either way the only thing we need to do is have fun! (Dont forget to bring your 25$ either, we all gotta pay rent sometimes.... Very Happy )

100% cabin fever/can't wait to get this ball rolling/I wanna fish right now going on here. We have way too much time on our hands and too much internet access. If the arrogant anglers didn't get swamped last year I'd say it was all talk. From my experience (it was all after that incident) there's been much respect for the toppers and I have no problem with taking my number and launching in order or waiting till all the gas guys leave and then catching a 5 pounder at the ramp.

Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:08 am

alright boys thanks for all the shoutouts for your boy smoke!!!and your right maybe bring a trout or 2 to show and tell ha ha .I honestly feel if it ain't broke don't fix it!!!I kinda just been sitting back and watching some of the stuff going on shaking my head a lil bit!!!I understand we all like to compete but what's happening is by changing things around is gonna turn people off of these tourneys!!!I been the judge and the leader for all my boys in MAFF and been here since day one with the 6 to 8 boat mixed group of canoes,pelicans,jon's, and bass boats and we all been respectful of each other.we are like a big family and like it laid back and enjoy shooting the s*** with each other and breaking balls lol!!!

These tourneys already changed where the father /son teams don't show as much and if it gets too crazy cartoppers won't show anymore either!!!

we will see how it goes and if it tanks i will send out invites to the Smoke league exclusive members only ha ha

See ya soon at long pond!!!

Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:27 am

By the way i have all the t-shirts and sweatshirts.Seems like sweatshirts run a lil small but still fits fine just don't put it in the dryer lol.

They look nice tho i will bring all gear to long pond look for my truck and come grab your stuff k.

Thanks boys

Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:30 am

thats why i ordered 2xl sweatshirt haha ill probably look like a maff thug before it goes through the wash

Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:47 am


Also if you are using a number system to launch, how does that work with car toppers and a five minute delay? All car toppers go regardless of number? or what? How will that work?

Just trying to understand the new rules guys.. can anyone shed some light on this question?

Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:11 am

Well put Johnny and Smoke.

I am grateful for you guys starting this up years ago and the atmosphere that you guys provided. Ill never forget my 1st tourney 3 years ago at Boone, where the "Land Lords" started to take shape with Chuck pulling out his career bass of 7+lbs!! Ive been paying them rent ever since!!!

I don't care if your in a canoe, pelican, bass boat, or a damn yacht. The boat doesn't make MAFF what it is today. Its the "every day people" who share the same passion for fishing. Its the people that cared enough about a fellow MAFF angler to pool money together and help him replace some gear when he and his son got swamped at Whitehall and lost everything. I repeat, got swamped and LOST EVERYTHING, nearly drowned as well! Only a tight group of guys would have the care to toss money in so he could buy some new gear and continue to do what he cherishes with his son. And that's what MAFF is all about right there boys. That one act sums up the vision Johnny had when he began this years ago.

Hell, the Arrogance was hung over one tournament (shocker) and forgot to bring our motor to the Billington Tourney! We had 6 different teams offer up their trolling motors for us to use, and they would just compete with there gas motor. I was absolutely blown away by that. Right then I knew I was among a special group of guys.

I'd pay $25 just to be able to shoot the sht with everyone before and after launching. See what kind of slobs people caught and just enjoy the company.

Lets keep what Johnny and Smoke started in tact and leave the all the other BS for the clubs.

See you boys next Sunday! I hope!!!

Last edited by napa on Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:23 am; edited 4 times in total

Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:18 am

Lets just figure it out at the ramp like we always have. Keep it as safe as possible for everyone that is fishing in the tourneys.

on a side note, Damon and I are heading down there tomorrow to check the place out. Anyone else heading down??

Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:20 am


By the way i have all the t-shirts and sweatshirts.Seems like sweatshirts run a lil small but still fits fine just don't put it in the dryer lol.

They look nice tho i will bring all gear to long pond look for my truck and come grab your stuff k.

Thanks boys

I just went to the tailor and they wanted like 30 bucks to make my pants a little bigger. I said F that I'll lose 5 pounds. Small hoodie=motivation. Thanks Smoke

Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:09 am


Lets just figure it out at the ramp like we always have. Keep it as safe as possible for everyone that is fishing in the tourneys.

on a side note, Damon and I are heading down there tomorrow to check the place out. Anyone else heading down??

Yo boys, just a heads up there is a 25 boat MA B.A.S.S. Pro-Am Tourney at Lakeville tomorrow 7am to 3pm. It will probably be a bit hectic out there. I will be there as a co-angler, keep I out for me if you do go.

Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:52 am

Im planning on fishing this tournament, looking to see if anyone wants to fish with me out of my boat. Just bring some tackle and a rod.

Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:01 am


Im planning on fishing this tournament, looking to see if anyone wants to fish with me out of my boat. Just bring some tackle and a rod.

I'm down to team with ya for the 22nd if you still need some one let me know

Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:10 pm

I just wanna fish! I'll wait whatever it takes for the big boys to clear out. Like someone else said....F uck it! The big boys are gonna beat us anywhere regardless. If that's the case, then car toppers shouldn't bother drawing launch numbers, right?

At the end of the day it's all about the fishing and the camaraderie anyway! Go Fish that really you posting? WHERE IS THE CAPS LOCK YOU ARE SO FAMOUS FOR BROTHER?

Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:19 pm

Deadworm I'm going to sign up on sunday if I get a spot I will let you know

Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:25 pm

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