
Whew, lol thanks. I just want to have fun , keep things safe and fair for everyone any additional ideas would be appreciated

I'm a follower. I adapt. Tell me where to go. BAM! I'm there. I don't have any problems with any of this. It is important for the big boys to not kill us cartoppers.

Posted Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:40 am


No, you can cull throughout the day. Neils point is that you can't show up to the weigh in with 6 or 7 fish in your tank, and start to cull at that point. Trim your bag down to 5 BEFORE you head to the weigh in, not at the weigh in.

From the way I read it, I believe you can NEVER have more then 5 fish in the livewell. Once you catch a 6th fish, you must stop fishing and cull right there and then, right away. Catch another one, the same applies. You can never have 6, 7, 8 fish in your livewell and be fishing. You can put that 6th fish in the livewell 1st then cull but no fishing until you are back to 5 fish in the livewell. This is a good rule. It is how every tournament trail I know of works.

Last edited by stratos1966 on Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:41 am; edited 1 time in total

Posted Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:22 am

thats why you should have the culling bobbers for your livewell, bring 5. that way you know how many fish you have keep in mind which color is the smallest fish and compare that color to a fish you just caught, and cull (upgade, swap, trade etc) if needed.

Posted Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:38 am


thats why you should have the culling bobbers for your livewell, bring 5. that way you know how many fish you have keep in mind which color is the smallest fish and compare that color to a fish you just caught, and cull (upgade, swap, trade etc) if needed.

I bought a culling system for like 15 bucks that has the bobbers and a dry erase board to keep track of the weights. Makes it wicked easy

Posted Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:41 am

Thanks for the back up Rich

Posted Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:55 am

I agree, we never have more than 5 fish in our live well at once, we always cull on the spot but who the hell is going to be looking in your live well mid-tourney and can enforced a "cull before your next cast" rule. Seems impossible to enforce.

lets not get into a big thing over this. Plain and simple. When you come to weigh in, if you have more than 5 fish, you are DQ'd. End of story. As a general rule and for the safety of the fish, you should not have more than 5 fish in your live well at once.

Thanks again Neil

Last edited by napa on Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posted Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:58 am

Good point Napa no one will check , here's my reasoning for never being able to have more than 5, say someone hooks a nice fish let's say gut hooks it, the fish doesn't look like its gonna make it, so they keep a 6 th fish in the box in case he dies, not cool

Posted Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:04 pm



thats why you should have the culling bobbers for your livewell, bring 5. that way you know how many fish you have keep in mind which color is the smallest fish and compare that color to a fish you just caught, and cull (upgade, swap, trade etc) if needed.

I bought a culling system for like 15 bucks that has the bobbers and a dry erase board to keep track of the weights. Makes it wicked easy

yea i had those same ones the little plastic bobbers, right? i ended up stepping on like 3 of them. and one other was lost....funny story actually.

at dudley last year, i never got to tell the story becuase we were all starstuck from a 25 pound bag, but anyway fast forward an hour at dudley i had 2 small keepers nuthing special and i just pulled one in the boat to make 3 he was a alittle bigger than the others but nothing impressive. i put the bobber on him opened the cooler and went to put him in holding him by the bobber, before i could close the cooler (after i let go of the bobber) he freaked and bailed right out of the boat.....i couldnt believe that just happened, after a few minutes i heard a splash followed by the metal clanking from the chain meeting the plastic. that bastard got away. LESSON LEARNED for sure

Posted Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:04 pm

We have a culling system, but always had the issue of them getting tangled up and fish not being able to move around. As a result, we had a casualty or two in the past, so we stopped using them. We went with a stringer of half rope, half chain. Some twisting, but not as much and haven't lost a fish yet on it because of tangles.

How do you guys avoid tangling of the culling bobbers, with small live wells or coolers?

Posted Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:39 pm


We have a culling system, but always had the issue of them getting tangled up and fish not being able to move around. As a result, we had a casualty or two in the past, so we stopped using them. We went with a stringer of half rope, half chain. Some twisting, but not as much and haven't lost a fish yet on it because of tangles.

How do you guys avoid tangling of the culling bobbers, with small live wells or coolers?

I'll open the cooler and untangle them. The fish like when I play with them

Posted Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:51 pm



We have a culling system, but always had the issue of them getting tangled up and fish not being able to move around. As a result, we had a casualty or two in the past, so we stopped using them. We went with a stringer of half rope, half chain. Some twisting, but not as much and haven't lost a fish yet on it because of tangles.

How do you guys avoid tangling of the culling bobbers, with small live wells or coolers?

I'll open the cooler and untangle them. The fish like when I play with them

I think you just like to play with them

Posted Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:00 pm

My culling rings have a plastic semi flexible but not too flexible, like garden hose but smaller in diameter,between the culling clip and the bobber. They cannot tangle. I made them myself

Posted Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:56 pm

Ardent sells a culling system for about $35.It has the dial weight right on them and they are color coded.I don't know what to tell you about cartoppers in the bassboat tourneys.A 5 minute head start is a long time.No matter what you do you will catch a wake at some time or another.The safest for cartoppers is to go last after the water settles down.It's a choice someone would have to make if your worried about gettin capsized.As far as culling goes some clubs weigh eight fish.They do not allow culling at the ramp.If you get enough fish to cull you should release them a.s.a.p.the fish will have a better survival rate that way.I wouldn't say you have to do it right away,but in a timely manner.See you guys on the water.

Posted Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:11 pm

I made a culling system myself too. Red/white bobbers, zip ties, and large clips. You have to have it, as I learned last year. If you try to grab the fish without a bobber attached, they'll freak. Then theyre into a frenzy which will result in you losing blood!

Posted Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:21 pm


Ardent sells a culling system for about $35.It has the dial weight right on them and they are color coded.I don't know what to tell you about cartoppers in the bassboat tourneys.A 5 minute head start is a long time.No matter what you do you will catch a wake at some time or another.The safest for cartoppers is to go last after the water settles down.It's a choice someone would have to make if your worried about gettin capsized.As far as culling goes some clubs weigh eight fish.They do not allow culling at the ramp.If you get enough fish to cull you should release them a.s.a.p.the fish will have a better survival rate that way.I wouldn't say you have to do it right away,but in a timely manner.See you guys on the water.

Ken, 5 minutes (equivalent to counting to 300) is not a long time at all for you bigger boats to wait for any car toppers (maybe the 2 or 3 that show for the big tourneys?) to putter away out of harms way.

As you said, we're gonna get some wakes regardless anyway, but at least we can be off to the sides or something. I don't think it's a lot to ask, but am grateful to be allowed in the big boat tourneys regardless. If it definitely becomes too much of a disadvantage for us, I'll fish strictly car topper tourneys and be just as happy. That being said, whatever you guys decide to do, it's all good and we'll try our best to compete and catch fish! Just my opinion and that's all it is, but if I don't speak up, then shame on me!

Posted Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:50 pm

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