I have the Permit for Long Pond for 4-22-2012 just wanted to clear up some last minute details of some changes that will take place this year

I spoke in length with Johhny Bag O Bass today in regards to a few changes to this years operations

1. Johnny will purchase a new scale that will be passed from tournament host to tournament host, person hosting the next tournament will be responsible for obtaining the scale from the previous host.

2. When you check in and pay you will draw a number which will be your launch position, team that draws the highest number (example 15) will be the call boat they will call off launch numbers in 15 to 20 sec intervals until every one has taken off.

3. 5 fish in the livewell means 5 fish in the livewell, there is no culling at the ramp, or on the shore, or switching out a dead fish for a live one @ the last second to avoid penalty, any one with more than 5 Bass in the Livewell at any time will be disqualified.

4. We will weigh in on land.

Please dont turn this into a giant argument, and no we ARE NOT TRYING TO MAKE THIS A CLUB, just trying to keep things fair for everyone across the board, all of these changes benefit each and every team on any given day.

I have Johnnys permission to let you all know he approved all of these minor changes himself, 10 days left till opening day!

Posted Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:56 pm

Just my 2 cents, your launch number should also be the way we all weigh in. I will buy 2 plugs for my live wells. Thanks for the heads up Neil. 10 more days, are the T shirts ready?

Posted Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:02 pm

Ill have the numbered Poker Chips (for launch) and a money bag at the first tournament as well, who ever runs the next tournament can pass them along too

Posted Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:10 pm


Just my 2 cents, your launch number should also be the way we all weigh in. I will buy 2 plugs for my live wells. Thanks for the heads up Neil. 10 more days, are the T shirts ready?

makes cents

Posted Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:59 am

Organization, I like it.

Posted Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:10 am

Cool, thanks for understanding guys

Posted Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:19 am

Wow Neil you really went ballistic on your opinion about the weigh in and the draw.I'm o.k. with that,I hope everybody else is.I don't believe the weigh in has anything to do with it.But if thats the way everybody wants to do it that's fine.That will keep Chuck from waiting until last every time.haha

Posted Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:29 pm

It's not my opinion, these issues are a few that were discussed a while back, I wouldn't try to change stuff like this alone, got the approval from Johnny

Posted Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:36 pm


Posted Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:17 pm

Well here goes nothing.

Not trying to start anything and will not debate if someone goes on the attack, but I have to ask a few questions.

1. Just curious what the thought process was behind the picking numbers t launch?

2. We did agree before that in order to save the lives of some of the car toppers that showed at tourneys would get a 5 minute head start. Remember the Arrogant Anglers being capsized (or almost) for a tourney? I know we also have gone surfing many times at the launch.

3. I also thought we agreed it was best for the fish to weigh and release right on the water.

Passing on a money bag and scale to the next tourney host is a good idea (of course providing they are present. If not, arrangements are made to meet before the next one). Again, just a few things I was wondering and no offense meant to anyone.

Posted Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:22 pm

i'm good with the "rules." whatever works.

Posted Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:22 pm

Good point about the cartoppets hadn't thought of that and the idea of the launch number is to improve safety as well so 15 boats are not blasting off at once , eventually something bad will happen and to avoid that staggered launch sounds good as far as weighing on land goes its only a matter of time before someone scrathes someone's boat or a fish gets dropped and flops in the water costing someone a nice pay check. A good airrated livewell and proper care of the fish will assure they are released in good condition weighing on water includes too many factors wind waves boat traffic picture taking etc if boats dock and weigh in in the order they launched things will run smoother

Posted Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:39 pm

All good points, but I had to ask.

Posted Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:51 pm

Whew, lol thanks. I just want to have fun , keep things safe and fair for everyone any additional ideas would be appreciated

Posted Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:01 pm

Whew, lol thanks. I just want to have fun , keep things safe and fair for everyone any additional ideas would be appreciated

Posted Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:02 pm

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