
how 'bout a 2-day?

I like the 2 day tourney idea! maybe for the final

Posted Tue Nov 22, 2011 2:14 pm

two day cochituate, tough place.... make everyone truly earn it.
i like that $50 a man $100 a boat 20 boat limit

1st 2nd 3rd lunker, i might do that if i can secure two days

keep you posted

Posted Tue Nov 22, 2011 2:44 pm

i like the 2 day idea too, cookout after! beer and burgers!

Posted Tue Nov 22, 2011 3:39 pm

+ 2 on a Great idea!

Posted Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:07 pm

Hey guys,
Looks like Team Sheep Lover will be fishing full time with you guys next year! I do have a suggestion though...i noticed there are alot of these tournies down on the south shore/cape and there arent any in the northern part of the state. Can i suggest maybe a couple of locations that might accomodate the northern MA members?

Nashua River/Groton- Heck, we got almost 25 boats last year for this tournie. For member participation, this is a no brainer.

Lake Shirley/Shirley- There is a ramp fee of $10 but can handle parking at least 25 boats and this is a pretty popular lake for tournies

Merrimack River/Methuen- i know the owner of a bar with a private ramp. $10/fee but after the tournie, we can all get great burgers/beers at her restaurant. Plus, there is miles of river to fish all the way from Lawrence to Lowell.

Lake Attitash/Amesbury- just not sure about the parking

I'd be more than happy to assist in getting stuff in order for the Nashua River, Lake Shirley, or Merrimack River or all three if you guys need me to. Thanks in advance and i hope you guys understand, not looking to cause trouble but to drive from Townsend to the Cape/Plymouth 3-5 times for a 1 day tournie is a lot of driving/fuel.

Jay Faro
Team Sheep Lover & the Velcro Mittens

Posted Fri Nov 25, 2011 10:39 am

Actually, i'd be more than happy to run any of these three if it makes it easier. We wont need permits for the Merrimack or Shirley since we'd be using private ramps and if we also went to the Nash in groton, if someone can get the permit, i'd still run this for you guys as well provided the date doesnt conflict with my NH trail. I just wanted to throw this out there. If not, no w\orries. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving...spring is right around the corner! Surprised

Posted Fri Nov 25, 2011 10:58 am

jay contact me by e-mail i love the lake shirley idea and the merrimack at you buddies bar, maybe we can hold our bbq there and he can cater,

Posted Fri Nov 25, 2011 11:00 am


Hey guys,
Looks like Team Sheep Lover will be fishing full time with you guys next year! I do have a suggestion though...i noticed there are alot of these tournies down on the south shore/cape and there arent any in the northern part of the state. Can i suggest maybe a couple of locations that might accomodate the northern MA members?

Nashua River/Groton- Heck, we got almost 25 boats last year for this tournie. For member participation, this is a no brainer.

Lake Shirley/Shirley- There is a ramp fee of $10 but can handle parking at least 25 boats and this is a pretty popular lake for tournies

Merrimack River/Methuen- i know the owner of a bar with a private ramp. $10/fee but after the tournie, we can all get great burgers/beers at her restaurant. Plus, there is miles of river to fish all the way from Lawrence to Lowell.

Lake Attitash/Amesbury- just not sure about the parking

I'd be more than happy to assist in getting stuff in order for the Nashua River, Lake Shirley, or Merrimack River or all three if you guys need me to. Thanks in advance and i hope you guys understand, not looking to cause trouble but to drive from Townsend to the Cape/Plymouth 3-5 times for a 1 day tournie is a lot of driving/fuel.

Jay Faro
Team Sheep Lover & the Velcro Mittens

This was me 6 months ago...this guy is prepared to 'host' for his "region"...I REALLY REALLY BELIEVE that MAFF needs a "regional" break-down with 'Sponsors' that work direct w/ smoke n johnny keeping regional stats all season long until top teams fish for a reg.champ ie a (top5) would advance to a maff finals ultimately 30 boats from 6 regions and 6 wildcards totaling 36--only the BIGGEST LAKE WOULD DO FOR A CHAMIONSHIP
And yes at times "you" can feel intrusive...but these guys are AWESOME on MAFF and the whole system seems to run VERY SUGGESTIVLEY to begin with--NO IDEA IS A BAD IDEA and it's handled very democratically

Posted Fri Nov 25, 2011 11:22 am

Love 2 day tourney

Posted Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:39 pm

Nashua river was one of the worst turn outs for maff last year, just thinkin outloud

Posted Fri Nov 25, 2011 3:18 pm

I only fished two MAFF tournies last year and the Nashua river had 21 boats out of a 25 max field I thought? The tourney in Douglas we fished had 16 or so I think. Either way, I could be wrong.


Posted Fri Nov 25, 2011 4:05 pm

What I meant by turn out jay was how everyone did as a whole. Was not the best tournament when it came down to catching fish. I know you you did alright cuz you placed but sounds like its home court for you. It was def. One of the biggest tournys for 2011.

Posted Fri Nov 25, 2011 4:12 pm

I gotcha...i will admit, i live 10 minutes from the river and we did take 2nd but lets be honest, we had 8 lbs for 5! We didnt exactly have a pile of fish, truth be told, i actually really hate the river unless i'm ice fishing. I was just looking for locations where the organization drew well that would be closer for the northern guys. Plus, again, only making 2 tournies, we just missed the money in that tourney that was out of Douglas and we only had 4 1/2lbs so tecnhically, the fishing was better on the Nashua. Again, i'm not trying to intrude or change anything, was just trying to help out the northern guys including ourselves. The choice for tourneys is dwinding up here and the lakes, ponds, and rivers are very limited. So, again i say, the fishing and tournout was better than the douglas tourney. Home court or not, if you're looking for a way to grown an organization, then you gotta go where people want to go...i'll stay out of this conversation now if people are going to think i only want to go to the Nashua because we did well last year. That wasnt my intention at all and i apologize if people think this was my motivation. Hope everyone has been well...


Posted Fri Nov 25, 2011 4:26 pm

Your not Intruding jay, and no one is assuming anything. It's a forum, if you post something people will respond. That's the whole point of it don't take anything personal jay, I was just putting my 2 cents in I didn't mean to make anyone feel not welcome. Sorry man

Posted Fri Nov 25, 2011 4:54 pm

i know lake attitash was good last year,i'd like to do it for the rivers,we're not too crazy about them.

Posted Sat Nov 26, 2011 4:24 am

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