What is the wind like in this place on your average day? Thinking of loading the topper up for it, but if its like one of those other wind tunnels down the cape we may have to pass.

Unless someone is looking for a partner Very Happy

Posted Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:53 pm


What is the wind like in this place on your average day? Thinking of loading the topper up for it, but if its like one of those other wind tunnels down the cape we may have to pass.

Unless someone is looking for a partner Very Happy

Its like any other big body of water when its howling its like an episode of the perfect storm, when its not howling its like anywhere else. The place is 3.2 miles long there are plenty of coves and culverts to hide out in , bring the topper

Posted Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:24 pm



What is the wind like in this place on your average day? Thinking of loading the topper up for it, but if its like one of those other wind tunnels down the cape we may have to pass.

Unless someone is looking for a partner Very Happy

Its like any other big body of water when its howling its like an episode of the perfect storm, when its not howling its like anywhere else. The place is 3.2 miles long there are plenty of coves and culverts to hide out in , bring the topper

Thanks Ill leave the offer up to anyone who needs a partner for a couple days otherwise I may throw our hat in the ring.

Posted Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:27 pm

team draginbaits is in

Posted Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:27 pm

Let's fill this up!!!

Posted Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:43 pm

Chevy1 is in. Looking forward to meeting everyone!

Posted Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:03 pm


Chevy1 is in. Looking forward to meeting everyone!

Thanks Mark

Posted Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:53 am

I have been wanting to fish a couple of these
tournaments for the last couple of seasons. They usually land on the same days as our club tourneys but the stars have finally aligned, count the Silver City Lunkers in for this one !!!

Posted Tue Apr 23, 2013 3:01 pm

What's up with you guys?Nobody wants to fish any more?I don't see many old faces on the trail.Is this a boycott over a few changes?It's still the same group with some understandings made a little clearer.I know there have been a few issues on the site,but boys will be boys.
I'd really like see some of the other teams participate that did in the past.It's a great group of anglers.Differences in opinion should not become grudges.They should be worked out and treated respectfully.I think we all have a great respect for each other and would like to continue with what was before the 2013 season.
If we must rebuild then so be it.But I would rather keep the group together.

Posted Tue Apr 23, 2013 3:01 pm

9 more spots

Posted Tue Apr 23, 2013 3:23 pm

Anyone who signs up gets a hug from stratos!!

Posted Tue Apr 23, 2013 3:26 pm


Anyone who signs up gets a hug from stratos!!

Thanks for scaring everyone away josh, Lmao

Posted Tue Apr 23, 2013 3:28 pm


Anyone who signs up gets a hug from stratos!!

Stratos doesn't fish the big boat trail so this one should fill up no problem!!!

Well said Ken. Everyone has a great time at these tournaments. Don't let the drama llama keyboard cowboys give you guys the wrong impression.

Posted Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:10 pm


What's up with you guys?Nobody wants to fish any more?I don't see many old faces on the trail.Is this a boycott over a few changes?It's still the same group with some understandings made a little clearer.I know there have been a few issues on the site,but boys will be boys.
I'd really like see some of the other teams participate that did in the past.It's a great group of anglers.Differences in opinion should not become grudges.They should be worked out and treated respectfully.I think we all have a great respect for each other and would like to continue with what was before the 2013 season.
If we must rebuild then so be it.But I would rather keep the group together.

Everyone is still fishing ken, no grudges exist I assure you. Alot of guys just decided to fish where and when they want. I personally have a tough time with the 3:00 weigh in, this year is very busy for me and that makes it a bit more difficult. I don't think the regulars should be takin the blame for a weak sign up. Billington filled up in minutes where's all those teams? Where's all the new maff teams? I wish the best for you guys I know a lot of work was put in to make it and im sure it will eventually become strong again.

Posted Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:10 pm

This will fill up as the week goes on and the weather gets warmer. Supposed to be pushing 70 this week. I can't speak for everyone else Ken, but I don't think it's a boycott of any kind. Why would it be? Like Kevin said, we're just doing our own thing. Personally, our team will try to get in on some cartoppers, but I don't forsee us doing any big boat tourneys or the $100 ones either. Good luck and see you on the water.

Posted Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:25 pm

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