Not a fan of cold weather!

The closest I'll be to a bass this offseason will be in the fish tank at BPS!

Posted Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:10 pm

There are many less people that ice fish, therefore there are less people to bother me. I like to have an entire lake to myself, or at least a good chunk of it, and relax. The air is always crisp and cold and is rather enjoyable if you prepare properly.

Early season clear ice is pretty cool because you feel like you're walking right on the water, plus watching a fish getting pulled towards the hole from 20' away is something you don't get to do everyday.

Posted Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:18 pm

Plus fighting a Big Fish with your hands is a trick!!!!

Again, its not like your horsing the Fish in or backing down on it with your boat, man to fish, hand to fin. They don't like the open air in the winter time. Lots more room for the rest of us insaine fisherman!!! Jwall, the Boag must have a scim....

Posted Tue Dec 03, 2013 7:50 am

Getting close MUSKY Cool!!!!!
I think we need to be there on 1st ice!

I like ice fishing for Pike personally. I don't get out as much as id like, But that's the same during summer,lol
I'm not a huge fan of catching many other species besides a trout or salmon thru ice either. But when I set up camp it can make for a real nice and relaxing day even if it is 5 degrees,Ha

Warning: trying to sleep in a lawn chair in -15 degrees when heater freezes is something to remember but not going to attempt again.

Posted Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:50 am

I appreciate the responses so far on this topic. I obviously have a biased opinion because I enjoy ice fishing....I actually look forward to it for many reasons. I admit on really cold days if the action is slow and I'm by myself or maybe with one or two people it can seem a bit silly. I still enjoy being out in the elements and often bring other activities out the ice as I've mentioned before: ice golf, football, hockey stick (yes Shawn, I said stick) and puck, light a fire....ect. I also like it because to Ted's point you often have the entire lake or part of the lake all to yourself/group. I've caught and lost some of the biggest fish in my life on the hardwater...and catching different species bother me....I just like to catch fish. I think there is a certain challenge and element of patience that is different than open water angling because it's a pain in the ass to move different locations. With all that said I love any type of fishing!

I'm looking forward to a couple solid months on the ice and hope to fish with some MAFFER's that I've yet to get out with as well as unite with some I haven't seen in a while. Jay, Ted, Muskie, Bassturds and anyone else please keep me posted on upcoming trips!

Posted Tue Dec 03, 2013 6:46 pm

Its something I dont do often but when I do, I enjoy it. I will be out there with Ted for sure at least a few times.

Posted Tue Dec 03, 2013 7:09 pm

I'm still as excited seeing a flag go up,as when the first time i went on the ice!!! jeff I have plenty of wood and bacon!!!!

Posted Wed Dec 04, 2013 9:03 am

your heart stops when the Flag with the 14 inch Dead Pondie or Sucker goes up!!!!

Posted Wed Dec 04, 2013 11:24 am


your heart stops when the Flag with the 14 inch Dead Pondie or Sucker goes up!!!!

Posted Wed Dec 04, 2013 12:33 pm

Angler21 (Jeff) one of the best times I had was when you had that gathering at your house. I fished with Volume 4130 (Ted) for the 1st time ever. I hope we can do that again on ice or open water.

Posted Wed Dec 04, 2013 12:38 pm

mark has wood

Posted Wed Dec 04, 2013 2:18 pm


I'm still as excited seeing a flag go up,as when the first time i went on the ice!!! jeff I have plenty of wood and bacon!!!!

Your wood and bacon will come in quite handy this winter season Mark, lol! We'll definately get out there bud...looking forward to it!

Posted Wed Dec 04, 2013 6:29 pm

Catching 1lbs panfish on 2-4 lbs test on a 2 foot ultra light! And catching trout bass and pickerel on that setup is awesome!

I've caught and seen some big bass and pickerel!

I bet if you get on some smallie ponds in the cape you could slam them!
Drop shottin and blade baits!

Posted Wed Dec 04, 2013 7:59 pm


Angler21 (Jeff) one of the best times I had was when you had that gathering at your house. I fished with Volume 4130 (Ted) for the 1st time ever. I hope we can do that again on ice or open water.

Absolutely Jay! I agree that was a great day on the water. We'll set something up in January and have a reunion on the ice.

Posted Wed Dec 04, 2013 8:16 pm



Angler21 (Jeff) one of the best times I had was when you had that gathering at your house. I fished with Volume 4130 (Ted) for the 1st time ever. I hope we can do that again on ice or open water.

Absolutely Jay! I agree that was a great day on the water. We'll set something up in January and have a reunion on the ice.

Very Happy

Posted Thu Dec 05, 2013 9:37 am

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