So this year i got involved in a Grudge match style tournament series. It was the 3rd round this time and I lost a heartbreaker 15.5 lbs to 15.3 lbs.Think of it as the NCAA basketball tournament. It is a series of 1 on 1, mano vs. mano tournaments. To start guys sign up and pay a 1 time fee, in this case it was $50. I have been in others that were $30 and $40. That one time entry fee can have you fishing up to 4-5 times for the winning prize. Win and you move on. Lose and you are out. Once the deadline for entering has passed, the organizers put everyones names in a hat then draw out 2 at a time. They then place those names in the "bracket. So for example 1 fishes against 2 and 3 vs 4 and 5 vs 6 ect ect. The winner of 1 vs 2 faces the winner of 3 vs 4, the winner of 5 vs 6 faces the winner of 7 vs 8. It works best with numbers like 16 and 32 because you eventually end up with 2 guys in the finals. 24 works but you end up with 3 in the finals.
With 16 or 24 guys its 4 rounds. With 32 its 5.. Guys typically get a month to a month and a half to complete their match.It is up to the 2 guys to get together, pick a site and a date and get it done. I have been involved in several of these and have never seen a match not get done. failure to get it done eliminates both guys. The 2 fishing can set their own rules. Fish for 1 hour or make it a 2 day, Biggest fish wins or 5 fish limit. Its up to the 2 guys to decide. In the past there have been a winner take all in the end and I have been in ones where they take a portion out for Biggest bass and biggest bag then split the remaining money 75% / 25% to the winner and runner up after their final match. I like that best because it a guy who gets knocked out early can still win something because he has the biggest fish or biggest bag of the format.

So I was thinking of trying this on here next year. If we were lucky enough to get 32 guys and charge $50 each that would give us $1600 in the pot. Pay out $200 for big fish and $200 for biggest bag and you have a Finals pot of $1200. Winner gets $800 runner up $400

I just threw these numbers out there. It can be less if that means more guys are willing to participate. At $25 a guy just cut all the prize money in half. So for either $50 or $25 or even $30 or $40 you could be fishing as many as 5 events. Half the field WILL fish at least 2. You could Kill it in the 1st round , catch a 20 lb bag and a 6lber move on to the 2nd round and get knocked out and STILL collect $200-$400 bucks.
Fell free to ask any questions you like.

Posted Tue Aug 06, 2013 7:43 am

sounds fun defiantly might be interested for next year

Posted Tue Aug 06, 2013 7:51 am

Great idea! I'd definitely be interested in this.

Posted Wed Aug 07, 2013 8:21 am

I like it. I'd like to see this happen.

Posted Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:40 am

Just another money making scheme for the site's douche! Rolling Eyes

Posted Thu Aug 08, 2013 7:49 am


Just another money making scheme for the site's douche! Rolling Eyes

I see the sting of getting eliminated yesterday is still with you

Posted Thu Aug 08, 2013 3:03 pm


Posted Thu Aug 08, 2013 3:19 pm

Absolutely haha

Posted Thu Aug 08, 2013 3:23 pm

This actually sounds interesting. There I said it!

Posted Thu Aug 08, 2013 4:47 pm

I'm in

Posted Thu Aug 08, 2013 5:13 pm

I'm in too, sounds interesting
Way to contribute douche hahahaha sorry had to

Posted Thu Aug 08, 2013 5:21 pm


I'm in too, sounds interesting
Way to contribute douche hahahaha sorry had to

How dare I contribute!!! I will probably be ripped a new one soon for this

Posted Thu Aug 08, 2013 5:45 pm

Rich you do a great job on here and have personally upped my game with tips and pointers. We can all come off harsh or whatever sometimes, but I think your ok bud!

Posted Thu Aug 08, 2013 6:11 pm

i may be in as well.

Posted Thu Aug 08, 2013 6:14 pm

hmm, kayak vs big boat, but they gotta agree on a location, hmmm....

Posted Thu Aug 08, 2013 6:30 pm

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