I created a Facebook Group "The Grudge Match Bass Fishing Series" I am going to run it from there. WE have 25 guys already so if you want in for SURE add it here and I will add you to the list r better yet. Join the facebook group

Posted Sat Jan 25, 2014 5:19 pm


I created a Facebook Group "The Grudge Match Bass Fishing Series" I am going to run it from there. WE have 25 guys already so if you want in for SURE add it here and I will add you to the list r better yet. Join the facebook group

How is the schedule going to be determind?

Posted Sat Jan 25, 2014 8:11 pm



I created a Facebook Group "The Grudge Match Bass Fishing Series" I am going to run it from there. WE have 25 guys already so if you want in for SURE add it here and I will add you to the list r better yet. Join the facebook group

How is the schedule going to be determind?

Whats up with you and your partner? Don't you two read?The description is in the very 1st post of this thread Hahaha.

Think NCAA basketball tournament brackets. I put everyones name in a hat and then start drawing them out. In the 1st round its 1 vs 2, 3 vs 4, 5 vs 6, 7 vs 8 ect ect. In the 2nd round i the winner of 1 vs 2 faces the winner of 3 vs 4 ect ect. There are 5 rounds in all. Each round lasts 6 weeks meaning once you know who you are fishing against, you have 6 weeks to get in touch, agree on a lake,agree on a day and then fish and post your results. So for example the 1st round will start April 1st. You then have till May 11th to fish you match. Failure to complete a match in the given time disqualifies BOTH guys. It's $50 a person. Fish till you lose. I will also be taking a portion out of the pot for Biggest fish of the year and biggest 5 fish limit of the year. So you could win a round with 18lbs, get knocked out the next but that 18lbs was the biggest limit of the year so you cash a check. same thing with Big fish. Technically you dont even have to win a round for big fish. 1st round you only catch 2 fish but one is 6 lbs. You lose that match to a guy with 11lbs. The 6lber you caught is the biggest fish of the season. You win big fish pool. Right now the big fish and big bag prizes are $200 each with the winner and runner up of the whole season splitting $1200 at a 70/30 rate. So even finishing 2nd gets you a check. FYI we are already at 32 guys. Trying to now grow it to 48, which wold put 3 guys in the finals and a 60/20/10 split. 48 guys wold also boost the "Big" pools to $300 each.

Posted Sun Jan 26, 2014 10:05 am

I can't wait to see the brackets

Posted Sun Jan 26, 2014 6:58 pm

We are up to 42 boats right now

Posted Sun Jan 26, 2014 10:18 pm

Is it a team thing or individual?

Posted Mon Jan 27, 2014 1:40 am


So this year i got involved in a Grudge match style tournament series. It was the 3rd round this time and I lost a heartbreaker 15.5 lbs to 15.3 lbs.Think of it as the NCAA basketball tournament. It is a series of 1 on 1, mano vs. mano tournaments. To start guys sign up and pay a 1 time fee, in this case it was $50. I have been in others that were $30 and $40. That one time entry fee can have you fishing up to 4-5 times for the winning prize. Win and you move on. Lose and you are out. Once the deadline for entering has passed, the organizers put everyones names in a hat then draw out 2 at a time. They then place those names in the "bracket. So for example 1 fishes against 2 and 3 vs 4 and 5 vs 6 ect ect. The winner of 1 vs 2 faces the winner of 3 vs 4, the winner of 5 vs 6 faces the winner of 7 vs 8. It works best with numbers like 16 and 32 because you eventually end up with 2 guys in the finals. 24 works but you end up with 3 in the finals.
With 16 or 24 guys its 4 rounds. With 32 its 5.. Guys typically get a month to a month and a half to complete their match.It is up to the 2 guys to get together, pick a site and a date and get it done. I have been involved in several of these and have never seen a match not get done. failure to get it done eliminates both guys. The 2 fishing can set their own rules. Fish for 1 hour or make it a 2 day, Biggest fish wins or 5 fish limit. Its up to the 2 guys to decide. In the past there have been a winner take all in the end and I have been in ones where they take a portion out for Biggest bass and biggest bag then split the remaining money 75% / 25% to the winner and runner up after their final match. I like that best because it a guy who gets knocked out early can still win something because he has the biggest fish or biggest bag of the format.

So I was thinking of trying this on here next year. If we were lucky enough to get 32 guys and charge $50 each that would give us $1600 in the pot. Pay out $200 for big fish and $200 for biggest bag and you have a Finals pot of $1200. Winner gets $800 runner up $400

I just threw these numbers out there. It can be less if that means more guys are willing to participate. At $25 a guy just cut all the prize money in half. So for either $50 or $25 or even $30 or $40 you could be fishing as many as 5 events. Half the field WILL fish at least 2. You could Kill it in the 1st round , catch a 20 lb bag and a 6lber move on to the 2nd round and get knocked out and STILL collect $200-$400 bucks.
Fell free to ask any questions you like.

Reading is Fundamental!!!!

Posted Mon Jan 27, 2014 8:46 am

i would like to get in on this but I dont have a facebook

Posted Mon Jan 27, 2014 12:15 pm


i would like to get in on this but I dont have a facebook

There is currently a 10 person waiting list . I can put you on it as #11. If I get another 6 guys, I may go to 48 and have a 3 man final but that is not set in stone. I have a feeling I will need all 10 alternates + to keep it at 32 because some will drop out or wont send in payment on time. Let me know what you want to do.

Posted Mon Jan 27, 2014 2:38 pm

This sounds cool, but I always fish with a partner. Best of luck to all!

Posted Tue Jan 28, 2014 12:08 pm

This is starting to get funny Rich.I would have signed up but I wouldn't want any conflict with other tourney's.

Posted Tue Jan 28, 2014 3:22 pm

The Facebook group is closed group. How do you get access?

Posted Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:39 am

I sent you a friends request on FB Rob. Once you accept it I can add you to the group

Posted Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:02 am

So I have a full field of 32 anglers. If anyone is interested in following the progress , friend me, Rich Leblanc on facebook and send me a message and I will add you to the group " The grudge match bass fishing series". I will be drawing the bracket tomorrow and posting it up. There are several MAFF members in it Josh Coutier, Jbiguns, Tuna Nasty aka duke boys,wacoachk, Bob Puglise, Johnny Bag o Bass , Rad64 aka Rob Daly and myself.

Last edited by stratos1966 on Mon Mar 03, 2014 8:58 am; edited 2 times in total

Posted Sat Mar 01, 2014 6:40 pm

this should be fun Rich, thanks for putting it together. I look forward to getting out there in my new toy!

Posted Mon Mar 03, 2014 7:44 am

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