
michael herbert

New Bedford , Massachusetts, USA
Member since January 13th, 2013

michael herbert's Latest Reports

So yesterday loaded up the new boat and headed to a local pond around 3 for a short trip. My partner and I used this trip as a nice breaker. So we launch and water temps were around 65 degrees. So I headed to the first cove thinking that's where the fish will be spawning. Turns out I was right and got them right away all the fish were up shallow against any cover. No big fish today but aye it felt good to be out on the new boat I love that thing. Final total on the day was 10 1 to 2 pound fish to my partners 3 fish all in all it was a good day

Posted 25 years ago

So me and my brother in law headed out for a short trip about two hours we started throwing spinnerbaits and cranks for about and hour we caught nothing made the move to throw soft plastics and bang he hooked into a good fish that changed the whole trip the next hour was non stop action the highlight for me was finally hooking up with my first smallie the wheight has finally been lifted after searching for it she finally came well we ended the day with our best 5 wheighing around 10 pounds only took a photo of the smallie I am so amped even though he was small

Posted 11 years ago

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