The logistics may be too much, but what are the chances of bumping it up to Saturday. It probably wouldnt take much more than a phone call to the town and a posting here?

Posted Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:25 am


Awesome! Wouldn't be maff if it didn't rain. My rain gear only lasted about 3 hours last time out rain was going down my sleeves went topless the rest of way

I was on a charter one time and noticed the first mate had taped his rain coat around his wrists. I've been doing that ever since. Works great

Posted Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:35 am

Why would we change it to Saturday?

Posted Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:54 am


Why would we change it to Saturday?

Because Sunday is going to be cold & raw. And I'm a big pussy. Laughing

Posted Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:15 am

Team south shore still hasn't picked up a boat so if so
If someone needs a partner I can be there. If not I'll be at the weigh in to get my shirts

Posted Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:19 am



Why would we change it to Saturday?

Because Sunday is going to be cold & raw. And I'm a big pussy. Laughing

Hahahaha that's hilarious. Dress appropriate I don't think it ganna be rescheduled because someone's a big pussy haha

Posted Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:42 am

dirty water has to miss this one unfortunately so i'll grab the t shirts and sweatshirts at norton if that's cool.

Posted Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:59 am

hahaha and I thought i was a big ole puss.
you win my friend. sunday it is.

I agree with you though while i really don't mind fishing in the crap, I would much rather a nice warm dry day.

Posted Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:45 am

Johnny don't get smashed Saturday night either, I know the nip last year was miserable for you lol

Posted Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:50 am

oh kevin, smashed doesn't even come close to how bad I was.
I slept curled up on the back of Ed's boat in the rain for an hour and a half. I had him drop me off and I slep in his truck.
complete amateur outing the night before. i slept for about a half hour when we got home that night, hahaha
don't worry that won't happen again.

Posted Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:30 am

Neil throw Gearheads in as an alternate. Thanks!

Posted Tue Apr 17, 2012 2:17 pm

After all the work neil did to get the permit you have the balls to ask for a different day?You should be ashamed of yourself.Weather or no weather we still fish,unless it's a hurricane or severe lightning.If you want to back out because of weather do it early enough so someone else can fill your spot.I'm glad you brought it up this early so I could give you my input.Think about it.Do they cancel other tournaments because of weather?Only if it is unsafe and death threat is involved.You either want to fish or you don't.Sorry,I don't mean to sound like a hard ass but that's my opinion on the subject.Some people take offense to what I post sometimes,but it just the thoughts that my mind generates in response.I'm sorry if my comments offend anyone.

See Ya Sunday!!!!!!!!

Posted Tue Apr 17, 2012 2:58 pm


After all the work neil did to get the permit you have the balls to ask for a different day?You should be ashamed of yourself.Weather or no weather we still fish,unless it's a hurricane or severe lightning.If you want to back out because of weather do it early enough so someone else can fill your spot.I'm glad you brought it up this early so I could give you my input.Think about it.Do they cancel other tournaments because of weather?Only if it is unsafe and death threat is involved.You either want to fish or you don't.Sorry,I don't mean to sound like a hard ass but that's my opinion on the subject.Some people take offense to what I post sometimes,but it just the thoughts that my mind generates in response.I'm sorry if my comments offend anyone.

See Ya Sunday!!!!!!!!

Lol you, more or less, did the same thing a week and half ago. plus I think he was joking alittle. No need to BLOW UP on him. Relax

Posted Tue Apr 17, 2012 3:36 pm


The logistics may be too much, but what are the chances of bumping it up to Saturday. It probably wouldnt take much more than a phone call to the town and a posting here?

Ok heres Neil (dun dun dunnnnn!) lmao, sorry Hodah we cant reschedule there is another tournament taking place on Saturday anyway, switching the permit date is more than just a phone call its a whole new application that takes at leasta week. Sundays forcast is 60% chance of rain with a high of 54, low of 43, thats not too bad water temp is up to 62 ( I was out today) should only drop a few degrees by Sunday, if the bites on that will be enough to take our min ds off the rain

The worst part will be sign up and waiting to launch if its raining the rest is ALL GOOD TIMES!

Posted Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:10 pm

Yeah I can appreciate everyone's input from time to time, but sometimes it's to much. Kenny he has every right to fish the way he wants to fish just as much as you fish the way you fish. All he did was ask a simple reasonable question. To say he as a lot of balls is a bit much.

I think you Kenny will have to get together with me and we can have two different circuits next year, I'll keep putting these together like I have been. And you can do it however you want bro.

I might back out if everyone keeps bickering like kids, it's not that fun for me since everyone wants to start changing things.
Next year I'm running tourneys the way I run them ten boat limits and no bull s***.

See you all Sunday

Posted Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:17 pm

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