Lol, too funny. I'm just the a***** who says what everyone is thinking or saying behind the scenes is all. I don't call names and tell people they are just wrong like others do.

Posted Tue Aug 06, 2013 3:39 pm

Thanks Roger.As far as Johnny Yaks comment the # of t's was lowered it used to be 7.Another non participant with an an unwelcome comment.I just don't get it.People who participate in function should be the only ones with concern of the matter.Why do you guys try to make it you're business when it isn't.Don't take this the wrong way Roger I'm not pointing at you.Although you do stir s*** up.But when someone that has never even fished with us says something,what business is it of his.
I hope it goes back to the old way next year and just show up and fish.That would really clear the crap up.Who needs a t.o.c. or standings that's not what maff is about.By the way any changes in rules or t.o.c.s had nothing to do with me.I was happy the way it was.The powers at be stepped down and I volunteered.Before I knew it there were three.

Posted Tue Aug 06, 2013 4:19 pm

Its all good. I sent you a PM.

Posted Tue Aug 06, 2013 4:32 pm


Thanks Roger.As far as Johnny Yaks comment the # of t's was lowered it used to be 7.Another non participant with an an unwelcome comment.I just don't get it.People who participate in function should be the only ones with concern of the matter.Why do you guys try to make it you're business when it isn't.Don't take this the wrong way Roger I'm not pointing at you.Although you do stir s*** up.But when someone that has never even fished with us says something,what business is it of his.
I hope it goes back to the old way next year and just show up and fish.That would really clear the crap up.Who needs a t.o.c. or standings that's not what maff is about.By the way any changes in rules or t.o.c.s had nothing to do with me.I was happy the way it was.The powers at be stepped down and I volunteered.Before I knew it there were three.

Posted Tue Aug 06, 2013 5:01 pm

You quote me with nothing to say?Maybe you shouldn't comment where you it has nothing to do with you,unless you have some positive input.

Johnny can you please have this thread deleted because this guy is starting to piss me off.

Last edited by khaskins on Tue Aug 06, 2013 5:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posted Tue Aug 06, 2013 5:12 pm

Not that it should matter I do paticipate in tournaments. Last year I fished on team More Fish and more recently team Riva Rats. However what you fail to understand or acknowledge are the mitigating circumstances that prevent many of us from fishing every tournaments. The economics, weekend employment, and soaring gas prices to name a few.

What do you think I would rather be doing fishing or working?

Posted Tue Aug 06, 2013 5:15 pm

I have not seen any of those teams this year,at least not when I have fished.Meaningful participation is being at more than 1 or 2 tourney's in the season.Yes I understand the cost of gas and travel and work.If you want to fish a tourney just sign up I really don't give a s***.I was only trying to give the teams that fish more than 1 or 2 a fighting chance to fish the final.If you can't understand that I'm sorry.

Posted Tue Aug 06, 2013 5:23 pm

Don't let it get to ya buddy. Everyone can fend for themselves. They know what the deal is if they can't get it done when the signup is then too bad so sad. Just crack a freshie

Posted Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:04 pm


You quote me with nothing to say?Maybe you shouldn't comment where you it has nothing to do with you,unless you have some positive input.

Johnny can you please have this thread deleted because this guy is starting to piss me off.

Your speak of positive input, you do not have any. I'm pissing you off??

Posted Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:56 pm

I love these tourneys. I know my team hasn't been doing them for that long but I really appreciate them. Very thankful to the guys that put them on. I like the standings but I could care less if they meant anything at the end of the season or not. (F-in love this sh:t)

Posted Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:19 pm



You quote me with nothing to say?Maybe you shouldn't comment where you it has nothing to do with you,unless you have some positive input.

Johnny can you please have this thread deleted because this guy is starting to piss me off.

Your speak of positive input, you do not have any. I'm pissing you off??

What r u 12?

Posted Wed Aug 07, 2013 6:32 am

Thanks for the back up.I just get tired of input that really doesn't apply to the poster.If he was involved all season I would understand and I'm sure he would too.The last time I saw more fish was in october of last year,lmfao.You're financial situation has nothing to do with this tourney season and I don't need to know about it.Believe me I know the situation and I'm not wealthy.If you can't afford to fish then shut up and let us fish.Also I don't think the cartoppers even apply to you because morefish is a big boat that fishes with a lund and doesn't do cartoppers.

Posted Wed Aug 07, 2013 4:17 pm


Not that it should matter I do paticipate in tournaments. Last year I fished on team More Fish and more recently team Riva Rats. However what you fail to understand or acknowledge are the mitigating circumstances that prevent many of us from fishing every tournaments. The economics, weekend employment, and soaring gas prices to name a few.

What do you think I would rather be doing fishing or working?

Cry me a river dude! Where were you all season? If you have life issues preventing you from participating that's on you pal.
This is my first year fishing tournaments of any kind and I appreciate the work these guys do for free to put them on.

Posted Wed Aug 07, 2013 5:31 pm

I personally like the idea of a T.O.C. and look forward to seeing where everyone stands after each event. The way I see it is the T.O.C. is a bonus event for those who participated enough through out the season.

Posted Wed Aug 07, 2013 5:44 pm

In response:
Ignorance is bliss.....and you can't fix stupid. I did not ask you to support and/or agree with my critieria for not fishing every weekend tounament...albeit a separate venue from yours. However the rules and the game remain the same...I merely stated my justification for not being able to do so.

In addition, the response "cry me a river" is far from original but thanks for the laugh, what river do you recommend. I like the Charles myself...

What I really question is the ambivalent nature of what you post each and every are a walking contradiction and meaningless.....just yesterday you were calling for nothing short of positive input and asking the site master to remove posts that did not sit well with you...I quote"this guy is pissing me off". Today, a different story.

What I fail to understand is where your indefensible anger and constant bitching stems from. This is a fishing site in the United States of America, an enjoyable, mutual exchange of information, not a platform for you to spew your venom of the day at people who question and/or respond to you., Here's an idea before you take your rod and go home..

if you don't want to hear any reponses or feedback that dare to disagree with you or join in on the proverbial ass kissing.I suggest you start your own fishing site in one of the following countries....North Korea, China or Cuba.

Finally. as far as tournaments go, a large percentage of MAFF members don't participate....unfortunately Mr. Ambassador, you can't silence the majority, despite all of your efforts to the contrary.

Posted Wed Aug 07, 2013 10:23 pm

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