absolutely electric only!!!!! keeps it lil more even i think makes it more interesting!!!

Posted Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:37 pm


absolutely electric only!!!!! keeps it lil more even i think makes it more interesting!!!

Sweet! electric only? So i can fish from my rig and not use main motor?

Posted Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:31 pm

Sorry i didn't read kmans response,Sinista and chevin. Actually everybody makes a great point one way or another. No offense here of any kind. I'm still gona fish the few tourneys i can a year weather it be on the boat side of maff,car-topper or another organization all together.
Maybe people are getting cranky because the season is almost over? Kidding. But anyway no worries this site is awesome and I'll see ya on the water somehow wether i'm walking on it or floating.

Hey Smoke where did those damn fish come from in your avatar!!!!
We coulda used them in the final at Webster!! Wait!!!! were they there the whole time and i couldn't see thru the smoke? Laughing

I thought of a rule to help this discussion! To be eligible to fish a car-topper you must sit all day, not stand to get a better visual upper hand and if you have a tall seat you need to sit on a milkcrate! And to fish the boater side you need to tough it out and stand all day!
We came up with some sweet B.B. B**** rules. I bet ya we could combine some of these great minds and come up with some sweet boater/car-topper rules. Very Happy

Warning: Do not take this serious.LMAO

Posted Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:41 pm

Good stuff Jwall. It's all good and we're all friendly with each other in here. I still feel as I feel though.

Posted Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:31 pm

It's not Just about advantages/or disadvantages. They are the same speed! But the gas motor is security. . A car topper should be a Car Topper! No trailer, and not a massive motor. But a small 2 hP motor is just insurance that you'll make it to the ramp with live fish. Craigslist has them everyweek. ! One of the open tourneys we fished this year, a tiny car topper with killer electronics took the $$$. I think you getter frOm a $200 fInder than uu would a $200 motor.

Posted Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:43 am


Good stuff Jwall. It's all good and we're all friendly with each other in here. I still feel as I feel though.

I like having fun. This site is great especially how people can state their opinions. Jeff Dunham said you can joke with a brotha and he laughs, you joke with a cracka and he gets offended. That's made me laugh because it's kinda true. So anyway keep the jokes,funny you tube vids and the great debates comming!

Posted Wed Nov 30, 2011 9:02 am

lol. I knew this would be a hot topic!

Posted Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:06 am


It's not Just about advantages/or disadvantages. They are the same speed! But the gas motor is security. . A car topper should be a Car Topper! No trailer, and not a massive motor. But a small 2 hP motor is just insurance that you'll make it to the ramp with live fish. Craigslist has them everyweek. ! One of the open tourneys we fished this year, a tiny car topper with killer electronics took the $$$. I think you getter frOm a $200 fInder than uu would a $200 motor.

In the most polite and unconfrontational manner.
You call it security other call it an advantage. If you and I are both up that river, I have a gas motor and you dont, I can fish hard and move around as much as I want because I have NO FEAR of not making it back. You , on the other hand, have to conserve battery life to ensure you make it back. lets say at the end of the day I have 15lbs from the river and you have 16lbs We both make it back but I am on time and you are 2 minutes late because your batteries are low. You get a 2lb penalty and i win, all because I have a gas motor.

Posted Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:25 am


lol. I knew this would be a hot topic!

Twisted Evil


In the most polite and unconfrontational manner.
You call it security other call it an advantage. If you and I are both up that river, I have a gas motor and you dont, I can fish hard and move around as much as I want because I have NO FEAR of not making it back. You , on the other hand, have to conserve battery life to ensure you make it back. lets say at the end of the day I have 15lbs from the river and you have 16lbs We both make it back but I am on time and you are 2 minutes late because your batteries are low. You get a 2lb penalty and i win, all because I have a gas motor.

Aside from having a ton of weight in fish as your example above, that's what happened to us on one of the river tourneys this past season. We had two batteries and went much further than we thought we did and ended up not having enough juice to get back. We only had about 3lbs worth of fish, but man would that have sucked had we had more, enough to at least be in the money but didn't get back in time for the weigh in for anything to count. We learned a lesson that day, but spin it anyway you want, gas motors in that case and bigger boats in cartoppers with casting platforms are a definate advantage!

Worthy of seeing this avatar again. Kinda morbid though ain't it?

Posted Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:42 pm

sorry guys no bass boats in the cartoppers!!!!! honestly john boats are pushing it but still could be loading in a pickup its all about parking for these spots usually!!!!

Posted Wed Nov 30, 2011 6:49 pm

Well I sat back and took in all the valid points from all the angles and I'm glad the topic was brought back up.

First off Smoke and Jonny put forth a lot of effort to have a variety of tournaments for a variety of anglers. There is no rule that no team or angler can't make every tournament...there are just 2 styles of tourney's which I believe was implemented to promote more participation from different MAFF fans and fisherman.

The fact is for the Car Topper Tourney's more time than not is that space and motor restrictions eliminate the ability to have an excess amount of teams and larger boats. The ponds are usually smaller and safer for electric only. I think this rule should be honored.

If we make exceptions for gas motors at a specific HP than I'm sure that will be open for debate later on....if we allow 2HP, why not allow 3HP- how big of a difference could it really make....ect. Or if you run electric only with an 18 footer and multiple teams have trailors, that immediately turns a 12 space "car topper" lot into a 6 spaces- a lot less people get to participate.

Advantage or Disadvantage, I think it's more on respecting the type of Tournament that is posted- the rules from last year seemed to work out just fine. I agree with all that the best boat on the water that day, will and deserves to win.

Posted Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:39 pm

Looks like the point is settled although we all may have a difference in opinion. As far as using a gas motor for security, it makes sense but I would say it should only be used in the event that your electric craps out and by using it, you would disqualify yourself from the event. At least you wouldnt have to paddle back. Having it physically on the boat would be a trust issue though. A better security idea is that we take down cell numbers when we register. I have a few numbers but to make it easy for everyone and for newcomers, we could just list/take down the numbers on the weigh in sheet. If someone isnt back at the launch at weigh in, give them a ring. If their battery is dead, someone go out and give them a tow.

Posted Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:48 pm

"Looks like the point is settled although we all may have a difference in opinion."

Or is it....... Wink

Posted Wed Nov 30, 2011 8:15 pm

we've all run out of juice at one point or another. That's part of the challenge. I'm firmly with pocketfisherman's point of view.

Posted Wed Nov 30, 2011 9:32 pm

All the bigger fish and bags came from the cartoppers trail! Looks like I'll be joining that

Posted Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:15 pm

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