
we've all run out of juice at one point or another. That's part of the challenge. I'm firmly with pocketfisherman's point of view.

Yeah what he said!
I'm sure some of the big bass boat tourneys have had there break downs or loss of battery power out on the water during a tourney.
What back up plan do they get? Its part of the game. FISH HARD OR GO HOME!

Posted Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:28 pm

Was it as good for you as it was for me?

I have begun my search for a cartopper!

Posted Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:45 pm

Was it as good for you as it was for me?

I have begun my search for a cartopper! No gas motor = less ca$h = money for the plush red carpet! B'pimpin' da' H20.

Posted Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:53 pm



we've all run out of juice at one point or another. That's part of the challenge. I'm firmly with pocketfisherman's point of view.

Yeah what he said!
I'm sure some of the big bass boat tourneys have had there break downs or loss of battery power out on the water during a tourney.
What back up plan do they get? Its part of the game. FISH HARD OR GO HOME!

My back-up plan is the back boat b**** gets out and swims. This way if I'm shallow enough he can act as my power pole too!
We are a team!

I will be searching for a new B.B.B in the spring.

Posted Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:44 am

lol bb outboard

does boat have to fit on top of car ? or can i bring my 20 ft alu too ?
fits more batteries inline then a old german sub

Posted Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:00 pm

The Powers That Be think a chargin' station is JACKASS "you'd" rather run the safety risk in order to save face"
ooooooo k...there's an AWFUL LOT of SAFETY talk in here since the season slowed up & that... seems like a safety concern to me...there's NOTHING wrong with having trouble and getting 'helped-out"(check your self for "OVERLY COMPETITIVE JACKASS ITIS")if ya think this is a bad idea...if we didn't "help-out" our buds...smoke's s*** would still be at the bottom of that lake ...! ! ! ! I'm startin' to doubt "MAFF" for the first time since I joined . . .

Posted Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:22 pm

What if i pull my boat onto my flatbed truck? I won't have a trailer in tow! I've had it up there before i know it fits.

Posted Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:32 pm

I know i didn't participate in any tourneys this year,big time mechanical problems with my truck.But i will definitely be participating this year 2012.I have both a car topper and a 16 ft. bass boat.
I think the best way to resolve the tourney issues is to set up a meeting for whoever wants to participate.Try and set it up in a
neutral location so people don't have to travel too far.I live in western mass,Gardner.Perhaps we could also discuss putting
together a group of people who can make decisions on all tourney issues.A location with libations would be good .

Posted Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:52 pm

Skoda! Nice pic! Add about 6 trollers and a water ski pole and that's my cartopper for next season. Very Happy

Posted Thu Dec 01, 2011 1:00 pm


The Powers That Be think a chargin' station is JACKASS "you'd" rather run the safety risk in order to save face"
ooooooo k...there's an AWFUL LOT of SAFETY talk in here since the season slowed up & that... seems like a safety concern to me...there's NOTHING wrong with having trouble and getting 'helped-out"(check your self for "OVERLY COMPETITIVE JACKASS ITIS")if ya think this is a bad idea...if we didn't "help-out" our buds...smoke's s*** would still be at the bottom of that lake ...! ! ! ! I'm startin' to doubt "MAFF" for the first time since I joined . . .

Dave, what's up??? You're freaking out. This is simple. Bring enough power to get yourself around and bring oars. Last year I lent someone a battery at the end of the Billington tourney. We had to paddle back to the ramp more than once and the one flaw I see in a charging station is the time and juice you'd use to get back to the ramp to get a new battery. I'd rather fish hard and then paddle my ass off if I run out. But I may have missed a safety remark. Anyhow I believe there are a few tongue in cheek remarks here that may not come across the right way in text. It's definitely an end of there year, no one's out fishin so we're typing type of discussion. Johnny and Smoke have this under control. MAFF ROCKS

Posted Thu Dec 01, 2011 1:32 pm



The Powers That Be think a chargin' station is JACKASS "you'd" rather run the safety risk in order to save face"
ooooooo k...there's an AWFUL LOT of SAFETY talk in here since the season slowed up & that... seems like a safety concern to me...there's NOTHING wrong with having trouble and getting 'helped-out"(check your self for "OVERLY COMPETITIVE JACKASS ITIS")if ya think this is a bad idea...if we didn't "help-out" our buds...smoke's s*** would still be at the bottom of that lake ...! ! ! ! I'm startin' to doubt "MAFF" for the first time since I joined . . .

Dave, what's up??? You're freaking out. This is simple. Bring enough power to get yourself around and bring oars. Last year I lent someone a battery at the end of the Billington tourney. We had to paddle back to the ramp more than once and the one flaw I see in a charging station is the time and juice you'd use to get back to the ramp to get a new battery. I'd rather fish hard and then paddle my ass off if I run out. But I may have missed a safety remark. Anyhow I believe there are a few tongue in cheek remarks here that may not come across the right way in text. It's definitely an end of there year, no one's out fishin so we're typing type of discussion. Johnny and Smoke have this under control. MAFF ROCKS

Pretty much.
I don't think Smoke and Johnny are worried. This isn't the first time this has been discussed.Won't be the last!
But anyway This might be old news or maybe helpful in another topic. But i move my 20 ft fiberglass boat around all day (8hr) on 24 volts. I'm nervous when it comes to electricity in the manner of I DON"T WANT TO RUN OUT OF IT! Yea i have a gas motor to bring me and my b.b.b back to the ramp but i like moving effortlessly with my foot-control. So anyway would it be helpful for car-toppers to link their batteries together? You can connect them so you have 2-3 or more batteries in line wired together but not exceed 12volts. I know this can be done very easy.But I'm not sure if it is beneficial? Food for thought.

If someone really doesn't like the rules or where maff fishes. There is nobody saying someone can't just start up their own tournament trail to Taylor to their likings. Again that's why this site is awesome! Anybody can step up if they want.
I have no complaints personally.I offered to assist with tourneys if needed. But i would probably fish with another group if they were nearby too.
Pretty much no worries!

Posted Thu Dec 01, 2011 1:43 pm

I think Stratos was saying that the 24 volt systems drain less power. I never heard of linking them together but this is definitely something I'm planning on researching this winter. Thanks for the heads up.

Posted Thu Dec 01, 2011 3:29 pm


Posted Thu Dec 01, 2011 3:45 pm



Nailed it!

I think if someone searches they will find this out very easy and can determine if this will be of any benefit.
But you can link as many batteries together as needed and still only get 12 volts also as needed. This pic is very helpful and i know there is more out there. I hope this helps the car topper guys and maybe extend their trips?

Posted Thu Dec 01, 2011 4:04 pm

backup batteries fTw - i had to paddle once with the 14 ft full of s*** and gas at back no joke against the stream for 2 hrs

after half the way paddle broke and i got so pissed that i swore i have spare parts - tools and a second deepcylce on board

fish hard or die trying

Posted Thu Dec 01, 2011 4:46 pm

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