I keep reading that there are Walleye in Mass but where are they?

Posted Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:05 pm

Quabbin...big ones.

Posted Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:26 pm

I suppose ya need a boat to fish for them right?

Posted Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:32 pm

The Quabbin has a really interesting history...


Posted Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:46 pm

The Quabbin is a cool spot with an interesting history for sure. I've heard that when the water is really low, you can see the steeple from one of the churches sticking out of the water. Not sure exactly where, and there are some spots that are restricted to fishing, so it may be in there. My uncle lived near there and he used to tell me about this local legend called Old Moses, which was supposedly a monster lake trout that cruised around the old villages underwater. Couldn't find anything on it though...

I do know you will probably want a boat to catch walleye, but you can rent them there. I think a lot of people troll for them. I went once with a buddy to fish for bass and there were a lot of people trolling. You can rent a boat there and they're pretty nice...high sides, plenty of room, I think it was like a 10 hp hand steer motor. Here's some info:


Posted Sat Mar 19, 2011 7:52 am

Connecticut River has walleyes. I have seen them caught up to 5 lbs. through the ice in Barton's cove.
Once the water level comes down this is a good time of year to fish them in the main river too.
I THOUGHT I had one on in Quabbin a few years back but lost it at the boat. It was the only time I had ever seen one there and I have fished there quite a bit. They are notorious night feeders and because of Quabbins hours you can't really be on the water at the prime times. Maybe that is why I haven't seen any. I believe the state record was caught in Quabbin years back. Like anything else I'm sure there are guys who consistently catch them but getting them to talk my be difficult!

Posted Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:55 am

The Restricted areas might be because in the late 30's early 40's the military used the reservoir as a bombing range.

Since the reservoir inundated 4 towns there has to be a lot of house foundations all along the bottom of the lake. Finding those foundations and fishing them is probably the key to success in fishing the Quabbin.

If you can get a map of the area prior to the formation of the reservoir and then overlay that map with the reservoir map you can find all of the foundations that way.

Posted Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:50 pm

The Merrimack River also has Walleye! According to MassWildlife its one of two of the "best bets for walleye" (the other being the Conn River)

I hope to catch one there this year.


Posted Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:34 pm

Thanks for the suggestions guys Very Happy

Posted Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:52 pm

I have never heard of a walleye being caught at the quabin? I might be wrong duno?

But there is a lake is called mashapaog in Bigelow hollow state park and it is on the Conn line. They stocked it with walleye a number of years ago and a friend of mine has had success catching them there.

Posted Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:20 am

But there is a lake is called mashapaog in Bigelow hollow state park and it is on the Conn line. They stocked it with walleye a number of years ago and a friend of mine has had success catching them there.

So you would have to have a fishing license for both Mass & CT to fish there...

Posted Thu Mar 24, 2011 11:55 am

you'd have to check the regs. I think most places are an either/or kind of thing. Could be wrong though...

Posted Thu Mar 24, 2011 12:34 pm


But there is a lake is called mashapaog in Bigelow hollow state park and it is on the Conn line. They stocked it with walleye a number of years ago and a friend of mine has had success catching them there.

So you would have to have a fishing license for both Mass & CT to fish there...

I have heard both cases. But i think you need a CT license?
I know you asked about mass but it's worth asking?

Posted Thu Mar 24, 2011 12:43 pm


But there is a lake is called mashapaog in Bigelow hollow state park and it is on the Conn line. They stocked it with walleye a number of years ago and a friend of mine has had success catching them there.

So you would have to have a fishing license for both Mass & CT to fish there...

The magazine that came with your Mass fishing license states all the rules and regulation about places that are in two states. I want to say there is only 1 place in the state where you need both licenses, although not quite sure. So most (if not all) are "either/or" just like Volume was saying. I can check my mag too next time I have it handy.

Posted Thu Mar 24, 2011 4:31 pm

Quabin does have walleye. Volume is correct. Good luck fishing

Posted Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:31 am

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