As we all know, this has been a record setting warm year this late into the season. It had it's advantages with many of us taking to the open water all the way until yesterday. (I think Smoke and Meatballs know what I'm talking about here) Unfortunatly the fun had to end at some point. Now we find our selves in a wait and see pattern. We have Ice on the lake, but only an inch or so. So my question is simple. When will we be ice fishing? Im putting the date January 21st out there. If you had to guess, what would you take? Over or Under? Also, what the hell do we do in the mean time?


Posted Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:32 am

1st...gentleman's wajer(XL DnD?) birthday is 1/18...I'll take the under...with a caviat...if on my birthday the temp is has not been single digits at least 3-4 of those days...and pretty close together...YOU test the ice hahahahahaha I've begun to lose hope for ice sadly enough

As we all know, this has been a record setting warm year this late into the season. It had it's advantages with many of us taking to the open water all the way until yesterday. (I think Smoke and Meatballs know what I'm talking about here) Unfortunatly the fun had to end at some point. Now we find our selves in a wait and see pattern. We have Ice on the lake, but only an inch or so. So my question is simple. When will we be ice fishing? Im putting the date January 21st out there. If you had to guess, what would you take? Over or Under? Also, what the hell do we do in the mean time?


Posted Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:51 am

I also am losing hope for ice around here. I sold my 4-wheeler yesterday. I was going to wait until spring and run it on the ice this year. If we get ice I'll probably only get out a couple times locally.
I have 3-4 trips up north scheduled though!
My answer would be around the 21st too. I think it's supposed to warm up in a day or so and that might melt some ice or at least keep us off for a little longer.?

Posted Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:37 am

OVER for sure! looking at a warm up again at the end of the week, I know it gets cold at night, however my fat ass will not be on the ice until we have 6-8 inches of it! My ice rink in the backyard still isnt frozen yet and thats only 4 inches!!

Posted Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:21 pm

Yeah, this is the kind of weather that will lead to some people falling through. Don't rush it...I say over as well. I think it will come fast and end fast this year. Few weeks of ice at best prolly but who knows. I don't ice fish anyway as I have horrible luck and if I could fall through I will fall through. I'll stick to my all winter fishing moving water and non freezing spots, thanks Razz

Posted Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:34 pm

is there some kind of formula for ice safety "ie" 200LBS= 6 inches of ice. i dont ice fish. nor skate anymore. in the past i would wait to see outhers on the ice and assume its safe. as a kid.the 1st on the ice was allways ice fisherman. and then we would wait a few days before going on

Posted Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:53 pm

internet punch in ice safety all info on safe, and not so safe!!

Posted Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:07 pm


is there some kind of formula for ice safety "ie" 200LBS= 6 inches of ice. i dont ice fish. nor skate anymore. in the past i would wait to see outhers on the ice and assume its safe. as a kid.the 1st on the ice was allways ice fisherman. and then we would wait a few days before going on

Mark is correct, Internet has a list of safety data.
Just be careful for spring fed and current areas. I have seen the most experienced guy fall through last year. The ice was thick in areas but then in one spot it wasn't. It's not likely you will fall thru but to be sure you can wait till you see some on ice activity to be sure.
4" is safe for most. But I'm still cautious at all times..

Posted Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:55 pm

I will be checking the ice this weekend in cowhampshire.After these few days of real cold weather it should be getting close.I will let you know how it was.I have a pond up the road from me that i check to see the thickness.Whenever you go on the ice,you should know the inlets and outlets.These areas are the last to freeze over.I am 5'6",156 lbs and will go on the ice at 3-31/2 inches.Won't bring the 4 wheeler on until at least 5 inches.

Posted Wed Jan 04, 2012 2:36 pm

tnks guys internet came up with 4" person 5" snowmobile 8-10 car

Posted Wed Jan 04, 2012 2:46 pm

Some states will give you different answers..I think Maine says you can get out on 2" of clear ice. But you won't be catching me on that little ice. 3" is solid though, and it makes cutting holes way easier - just don't too many!

Clear ice vs. clouded ice is a factor too - clear ice is solid, where cloudy ice, that usually comes late season, has air bubbles in which weakens it.

That being said, my birthday is the 16th and I've ice fished that weekend every year for awhile now...I'm hoping to make it out that weekend on a small pond...

Hey Dave from Wista, how about a joint bday party on the ice big guy??? hahaha

Posted Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:41 pm

I KNEW I liked you Ted ! Capricorns have NO FEAR of cold...the first days of our lives are so damn the time we become adults we're virtually IMMUNE to LOW TEMPS...I've been "Under" 3 times...once as an adult...wanna talk scary s***?...I went out with my black lab a few years back at around 3 am...yea ...I know...but I've done it my whole life---NO FEAR...I'm out there skating very very hard for about 30 minutes or so when as suddenly as you can imagine I was through and as I'm feeling through the darkness for the hole to pull myself back up and thinking to myself holy s*** this is how I'm going to die...all of a sudden Jazz' nose comes SLAMMIN into the hole...THAT scared the hell out of me in itself ...I grabbed his neck and that dog PULLED MY ASS OUT can believe it or not...but thats what happened...when that dog died last year I cried like baby for days..he was my truest friend ever...especially at that moment, he knew I was in deep s*** and helped me !Kinda reminds me of some of you guys...without the milk bones of course hahahah Ted...we don't need to wait for ice bub...we can party ANY TIME YOU GOT TIME !January June...friday ...tomorrow...WHENEVER ! hahaha


Some states will give you different answers..I think Maine says you can get out on 2" of clear ice. But you won't be catching me on that little ice. 3" is solid though, and it makes cutting holes way easier - just don't too many!
Clear ice vs. clouded ice is a factor too - clear ice is solid, where cloudy ice, that usually comes late season, has air bubbles in which weakens it.
That being said, my birthday is the 16th and I've ice fished that weekend every year for awhile now...I'm hoping to make it out that weekend on a small pond...
Hey Dave from Wista, how about a joint bday party on the ice big guy??? hahaha

Posted Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:08 pm

This season has definately been a bonus to many for extra open water angling that has produced awesome fish and trips!

I've patiently been waiting for the ice like many- In 2010 I was out on Maspy on 12/23 and we had about 4 inches of ice. I agree, solid clear ice is the best and most comforting to be out on and definately knowing the water and movements underneath is extremely important when going out on 3-4 inches of ice. I usually feel comfortable on 5 plus inches but as Jay said, always use caution!

Since I'm anxious to get out, I'll take the optimistic approach and say January 16th- I have the day off of work and if safe I'll be out all day!

Posted Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:16 pm

South shore and the Cape the chances are getting slimmer by the day. I checked out a couple of local ponds today and was surprised to see them mostly open with very little ice. The howling wind negated the low temps. Back in the upper 30's tomorrow and near 50 on Sat. 7 day forecast shows daytime temps above freezing Exclamation If the ice isn't safe by the end of the month it probably isn't going to happen. The sun becomes a major factor next month. It's ok with me, I'll take the open water Exclamation Cool

Posted Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:57 pm

I was playing 5 on 5 hockey in my teens when the ice broke. 5 guys including me all went in. It was not fun! I also had a small pond 2 minutes from home, only 2 feet deep, I fell through that many many times, mostly on purpose.

Dave, 3 am skate ? lol I thought my 5 am was weird. Nothing like a good dog, glad he saved your ass.

I remember one morning skating at 5 am and this group of people came walking down this huge hill in the woods. They were all singing in unison about witnessing the sun rise, and thanking Jesus. I was young and it freaked me out a bit. I thought surely the work of the devil.

I hope to get out there once or twice this year, but that ice has to be 4 plus before I dare.

Posted Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:09 pm

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