I agree with the "timing" factor...January is known for adding 1minute of daylight per day EVERY day the WHOLE month...I believeFebruary's formula is something like 1minute a day until the 12-15 and 2 minutes of light per day until the end of the month...it works out to something like january=30+/- minutes february=45+/- minutes...as a "photog" Light is my friend...as an ice fisherman it is my ENEMY hahahahaha...I'm beginning to think the early spawn will be on...t' hell with winter...


South shore and the Cape the chances are getting slimmer by the day. I checked out a couple of local ponds today and was surprised to see them mostly open with very little ice. The howling wind negated the low temps. Back in the upper 30's tomorrow and near 50 on Sat. 7 day forecast shows daytime temps above freezing Exclamation If the ice isn't safe by the end of the month it probably isn't going to happen. The sun becomes a major factor next month. It's ok with me, I'll take the open water Exclamation Cool

Posted Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:11 pm


I remember one morning skating at 5 am and this group of people came walking down this huge hill in the woods. They were all singing in unison about witnessing the sun rise, and thanking Jesus. I was young and it freaked me out a bit. I thought surely the work of the devil.

You've been hanging out in the Fells too much brotha, haha! I can only imagine this sight!

Posted Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:25 pm

Holy S*** that was you ? I'm sorry dude I didn't mean t' freak ya out hahahahahahaha...and YES you are CORRECT sir...the DEVIL WAS involved and this is how I repented
http://youtu.be/5A0-u85aAYg ....yea my ol man was a sick bastid...he'd get us out there at midnight and let us skate over night into the next day...as an adult I found myself STILL doin' it...yup...I'm LOONEY ! hahahahaha



I remember one morning skating at 5 am and this group of people came walking down this huge hill in the woods. They were all singing in unison about witnessing the sun rise, and thanking Jesus. I was young and it freaked me out a bit. I thought surely the work of the devil.

You've been hanging out in the Fells too much brotha, haha! I can only imagine this sight!

Posted Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:33 pm

Looks like it's going to get cold boys! We have a couple more days of warmer weather but then we go on a 6 day cold streak- with the night temps in the teens and days around 29-32 degrees. I think Vinny's original prediction will be accurate, the 21st and game on for the ice fisherman.....can't wait!

Posted Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:49 pm

We'll see Exclamation The forecast is constantly changing. I already saw temps forecasted to be in the upper 30' the middle of next week Exclamation This thread should be moved to the Ice Fishing Forum! Laughing

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:45 am

Went ice fishing yesterday on a small pond in Cowhampshire.There
was 41/2 inches of ice.Was a couple of areas near shoreline that was still open.Fished from around 9am til just after 2pm.Caught a few small pickerel and 1 small perch.There are nice bass in there but didn't get any.Had a couple of swim by's.The reel was peeling off pretty good,but when i went to set the hook,fish was gone.Gonna be cold at night rest of the week.Real cold this weekend.I think we will
be good to go for ice after this weekend.If so then lets set up something for next weekend.

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:21 am


Went ice fishing yesterday on a small pond in Cowhampshire.There
was 41/2 inches of ice.Was a couple of areas near shoreline that was still open.Fished from around 9am til just after 2pm.Caught a few small pickerel and 1 small perch.There are nice bass in there but didn't get any.Had a couple of swim by's.The reel was peeling off pretty good,but when i went to set the hook,fish was gone.Gonna be cold at night rest of the week.Real cold this weekend.I think we will
be good to go for ice after this weekend.If so then lets set up something for next weekend.

How far up were ya? Maybe I'll get my NH license this year again...

Jeff - Keep us posted on the ice at Boon - maybe I'll make the trip out next weekend if you have ice ... if not it should be a good indicator for most of the most of the local spots based on its size!

Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:12 pm

Went to harrisville NH.Next town up from Jaffrey.Will be going this weekend to Francestown.Get your NH license,I go every weekend,sat or sunday,sometime both.There is usually a few of
us who go.We bring the coleman stove and cook up some breakfast and some venison for lunch.If you decide to go,let me know so we
can figure out how many shiners,food,etc.,and where to meet.This place has both large and smallmouth,white perch,yellow perch.Usually leave about 7:30-8:00 am.Takes about an hour to get there form Gardner,where i live.

Posted Wed Jan 11, 2012 7:25 am

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