
jimmy Gabriele

westwood, Massachusetts, USA
Member since January 19th, 2011

General Info

fishing/fishing and more fishing
Favorite Fish to Catch
large mouth bass
Favorite Type of Fishing
bait caster/spinning reels,
Water Type
Favorite Lures
grubs!!!!!!!!!!! top water plugs
Fishing Rods
to meny to list Ilike med action graphite rods 51/2-61/2 ft

all broken

Fishing Reels
shimano spinner rear drag
bass pro special bait caster
nothing to expensive
Fishing Techniques
CAST AND PRAY............
Favorite Fishing Spot
lake pearl werntham
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my scale woulden,t work until i released him. it was reading 7.7 without anything on it. i,m shure this was at least 5-1/2

Posted 11 years ago


Posted 12 years ago


Posted 12 years ago

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1 st wanted to thank kevin from the big mouths for hookin up with me sat had a gr8 day on the water. nice job out there kevin. anyway headed to pearl sun with my main man dave. we started out a little slow few pickerell & bass some pearch. hitting up my reg spots with not much luck so i said to dave lets fish the way kevin and i were fishing. (kevin was schooling me on fish patterns trolling use and a better way of setting up the fish finders for better grafix) so we started fishing for patterns. throwing some jigs w/ some soft baits. and it was game on. bass after bass while poor dave is filling the boat with pickerlls. the bite slowed back down. so i changed up to a strike king soft bait i had for at least 4 years (kevin was useing them on sat sprayed um down w/ some yum shad f2 and i pull in 3-4 2-3 LBers in a row. then it happens dave has troubble with his reel. at that point i thought the trip was going to end with the "headlines" (then he turned the gun on himself). he was so pissed off. i was afraid to ask him to use my camera to take a pic of the fish so i just threw it in the live well. and again a nother 2 lber. that goes in the live well untill dave calmed down about 1 hr later. if anybody has bothered to reed all this. the point is. Ive fished with a few guys from maff and learned from them all. All quality guys.............thanx maff

Posted 12 years ago


Posted 40 years ago

decided to go do a little shore fishing at my friends house. it was about 230pm 45 the water temp was prob. low 40s the wind was steady at 15-20mph. fished for 2-21/2 hrs and ended up with 4 bass ( all keepers) a nice pearch and a small pickerell.orry about the pics they are a lil skechey useing my cell phone

Posted 13 years ago

air temp 40 water temp 38 wind chill freekin freezen smoke and i met @ the ramp at 10:00 smoke got 6 perch. I got none. We tried to hook up with some carp.but that wasnt happening.before ya knew it. it was 2:00 and time to go. the end...........

Posted 13 years ago

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air temp 51 water temp an amazing 40-41 me and dave dunked the boat in @ about 9 am wind was lite at the time but we knew that was only tempary by 10-10:30 the wind was blowing a steady 10 mph w/gusts of 20mph. the smart people were useing marker bouys over there honey holes. within 15 minuts of getting started fishing I felt a nice tug and pulled up and set the hook and called to dave to grab the net and brought up a 3.5 smallie. for the next couple of hrs. we baged 6 small pearch then dave hooked up with a nice rainbow troute about 1-1/2 lb. all said we got 6 in the boat it was tough fishing with the wind as soon as we got on top of a group of fish the wind would take us off. fishing in january !! i,ll take it." i dont think the seasons over yet"

Posted 13 years ago

temp 45 water temp 40- 42 got a late start put in @ the boat ramp just before 11:00 and stayed untill 2:45. the wind was non stop @ about 15-20 mph it was comming out of the south but still blowing over the ocean so it was a cold windy day out there. I figured i might run into some fellow maff,s. but i guess most/all you guys were a bit smarter and stayed inland or just in. smoke texted me and said he had 4 pickerel. know i,m thinking 150 miles round trip. 3 hrs in the truck and 3-1/2 on the water and not a bump, tap , nibble, just a snag and that came out pretty easy. i,m sure i hav never ben as happy to put the boat on the trailor and crank the heat. should be nice sun i,ll try again. oh ya forgot to tell ya my steering was frozen when i took the cover off. my plan was to motor stright and steer with my trolling motor. the steering defrosted. i dident.

Posted 25 years ago

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