
a minimum is fine but i would lower it, at least for the bottom 15 although at this rate, it's not looking good for me regardless.

Thats what I said, at least 5 minimum for the lower finishers and higher (8-10) for the upper finishers.

Posted Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:56 am

I agree with that as well.

Id say 7-8 for the upper.....6 for the lower to qualify (I def understand some people have trouble making even 6 tournaments, but some people choose to fish in other tourneys and clubs instead of MAFF ones on Sundays. Not that its a bad thing at all or frowned upon, but its a choice we make)

If you make 1/3 of the tourney's that should qualify you to dance for the MAFF Classic in my opinion. 9 or 10 seems too high but thats just my opinion.

I look around and out of 7 tourneys so far, i see alot of 1s and 2s for team appearances....14 left boys, better start making em count!

Posted Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:43 pm

just a thought, and maybe others might feel the same..for the results and averages it goes by total weight divided by the tournys youve done but as someone else has pointed out the more you do its harder to get your average up if you have a bad day. so to get to the chase, could we do the results starting from the teams who have done the most tournys then average weight? if that make sence. its tough to see 1 team do 1 tourny and be on top, ya know? just a thought. not a huge deal but it seems reasonable.

Posted Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:48 pm


just a thought, and maybe others might feel the same..for the results and averages it goes by total weight divided by the tournys youve done but as someone else has pointed out the more you do its harder to get your average up if you have a bad day. so to get to the chase, could we do the results starting from the teams who have done the most tournys then average weight? if that make sence. its tough to see 1 team do 1 tourny and be on top, ya know? just a thought. not a huge deal but it seems reasonable.

I agree, list by total weight, or amount of tourneys with averages top to bottom.

Posted Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:00 pm

Is the car-topper division included as participation?

I am not asking for myself. whatever the rules are is fine with me. Even if i made enough tourneys i might not make the finals anyway.
I'm just throwing this question out there for all.

Posted Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:12 pm


just a thought, and maybe others might feel the same..for the results and averages it goes by total weight divided by the tournys youve done but as someone else has pointed out the more you do its harder to get your average up if you have a bad day. so to get to the chase, could we do the results starting from the teams who have done the most tournys then average weight? if that make sence. its tough to see 1 team do 1 tourny and be on top, ya know? just a thought. not a huge deal but it seems reasonable.

Good Point. it's cool to be on top of the list.But somewhat false info considering the amount of tourneys attended can be minimum.

Posted Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:14 pm

I think that's a good idea. Its been brought up before. But the main thing is that Smoke does this for us voluntarily. I am not sure how much added work it would be for him to separate things like that, and i certainly don't want the kid to be stuck up in his house crunching numbers for us either, when he should be catching slobs on the water with a cloud over his boat! I am not saying it would be like cracking the Fibonacci code or anything, but with nearly 40 teams it could add some work to his already full plate.

Whatever Smoke decides Im cool with.

Posted Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:17 pm

Jwall, Car topper tournaments most certainly count towards team participation totals. No question about that.

Posted Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:18 pm


Jwall, Car topper tournaments most certainly count towards team participation totals. No question about that.

That helps make it easier to make 8 total. Like i say i personally can't make that many. But being able to participate in both helps the cause.

Posted Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:47 pm

We love your participation,every boat counts at every tourney.The stats don't matter that much yet.If you only fish one or two and had a good time that's great,we all had fun fishing.If we all go out and do what we love to do together with a little competition and come out on top or catch a big fish that's awesome.The most important thing is that we all get together doing what we love and have fun at it.I love fishing with you guy's and that's all that matters to me.Oh yeah the competition is great too.Just clean your feet if you step onto my boat.l.o.l.

Posted Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:27 pm

since my work scedhule sucks the year. I will be gone the rest of june and july:-( so no tournys for me lol. I will be struggling to make 6 tournys since when I get back there will be only 3 left. if I team up on a cartopper with someone thats on another team will it count as my total for the year

Posted Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:38 am

yes when you pair up it goes towards both teams

Posted Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:00 pm

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