*How long have you been fishing/competitively?...
2 years Worcester bassmasters (non-boater)
2 years maff tour
*What is the origin story of your team-name?...
origional team "what's for lunch", my co-worker and i always ask that everyday.
new name "no worries" only thing i can think of and it's what i say alot
*What kinda rig do you run?...
1990 Stratos fish/ski 200hp Johnson motorguide trolling motor,lawrance electronics.
*How many times have you won on Sundays since joining The MAFF Tournament circuit?...
None, 2nd-5th seems to be my spot so far. No worries, we'll get there!
*What was your most INTENSE moment while fishing?...
Anytime i catch a big fish or loose one!
*What do you personally consider "IDEAL-CONDITIONZ"?...
When i'm able to actually go fishing
*What is your ALL TIME FAVORITE pole & set-up?...
Castaway 6'10" m/h casting rod w/abu revo stx reel.
*What was the largest thing you ever took from the water(species/length&weight)?...
32" pike/ Maine , wght?
Yes, my cousins tilt but he was no where to be found?
Well we coulda found him but he might not have had any line left.
31" my tilt Champlain
*If you could fish anywhere on Earth where would it be & Why?...
Peacock bass territory
*What inspires you to fish...Why do you fish?. . .
I've been fishing all my life in one way or another off and on.
Now that i have a family it is a nice way to relax and hang out with buddy's or my family.