*How long have you been fishing/competitively?...
I've been fishing since I was a kid with my grandfather, sort of fell out of it through the college years but returned with vengence about 7-8 years ago when I inherited his old 10' jon boat.
Dabbled in competive fishing for about 2-3 years, mainly solo, did place in several BBC tourneys and locals over the years. This was the first year fishing with my cousin Dan (bangbang) and on the MAFF circuit, also are first year as consistent partners over the course of a season, all these years fishing and we never thought to partner up!!
*What is the origin story of your team-name?...
You'll have to have Dan answer this one, I loved Beaver Fever as soon as he suggested it, he gets all the credit, and his wife is the artistic master behind the logo!
FallenTimber, my handle, is also the name of my boat, (aptly and unfortunately) named because I got the boat when an arborist I had hired to drop a tree in my yard; dropped it straight onto the 10' jon boat i had inherited from my grandfather. Although completely crushed, the boat and me, the insurance check for a new boat help me feel significantly better lol
and hence FallenTimber was born!!
*What kinda rig do you run?...
All Boats: Dan's Nitro DC 482 with a Mercury 150 (All I can say is I got lucky my cousin married a guy who as obssessed with fishing as me!!)
Cartoppers: My 1436 Tracker Jon (Decked Out) with a 50# Minnkota Bow Mount and a 40#Minnkota Transom Mount
*How many times have you won on Sundays since joining The MAFF Tournament circuit?...
1- 1st at Upper Mystic
2-2nd's one at Boone and one at the Webster Finals (Again thank you Dan!!)
1- 4th with SmokeCity
More 7th and 8ths than I can count, seems like we where all over the place now that I looked at it!! There's always next year!
*What was your most INTENSE moment while fishing?...
Catching my personal best pike solo, and then being lucky enough to have someone randomly come by the ramp in time to photo me with it before i released it.
*What do you personally consider "IDEAL-CONDITIONZ"?...
Early spring and late fall, brutally cold and raining, kinda stuff makes you wonder what in god's green earth your doing out there!! And then that early spring/late fall pig latches on, and no matter the conditions you can't help but smile....
*What is your ALL TIME FAVORITE pole & set-up?...
Unfortunately I don't really have a answer for this; I really love all my equipment. In an effort to further my fishing I have been investing in technique specific equipment for some time. As most of the guys out there would probably agree, I personaly love a certain rod and reel with a certain setup for each technique I may use, and as the season changes so do my techniques/setups.
If I have to answer than I would say the 8'6" fly rod I made when I was 14 in a fishing class. Although I dont fly fish a whole lot anymore it always meant alot to me, has caught a fair share of fish, and because I made it I still have it!
*What was the largest thing you ever took from the water(species/length&weight)?...
Largemouth Bass: 7lbs 12oz Buffumville Dam
Smallmouth Bass: 3lbs 7oz Sugden
Northern Pike: 17lbs 8oz Quabog Pond
*If you could fish anywhere on Earth where would it be & Why?...
Somewhere in South America, after seeing all the insane species of fish and the size that they grow too, and watching all those river monster episodes (You Know you all do!), sign me up!!!
*What inspires you to fish...Why do you fish?. . .
I love the challenge of it, trying to figure out the pattern, hoping to beat your personal best, the unknown of the hookset, feeling the weight of the fish on the line, seeing all the beautiful things that nature has to offer.... fishing has always provided me with a place and a thing that just makes me happy, no matter the conditions or wether or not I catch anything, I'm happiest on the water. I've also found that over the years fishing has the power to bring all generations and many good people together, fishing with my grandfather, my dad and now my daughter, and ultimately all of you, has resulted in some of the finest memories that help make a lifetime what it is!!