I'll add some pics of my crawdad mods I did. the floors were permanently screwed to the aluminum tubing running along the floor ( regret). The front deck was wood and used for the tm plug and what you don't see because it was added later, eletroinics mount. ( again a regret) It made the boat too heavy. If I had to do it over again the floors would be removable and the front deck eliminated. I loved the angle irons to mount a foot controlled TM. and loved running the wires to the back and the battery placement in the back. It balanced out the ride perfectly. Also notice that the front and rear seats were pushed back. The rudder is a MUST if you are going with 1 tm up front. Without it boat control sucks. During a tourney The livewell would go behind me but infront of the 1st seat and still give me plenty of room to fish. No tourney , it was like I was in a 20' Stratos!!!
Last edited by stratos1966 on Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:09 pm; edited 1 time in total