

This ban includes biodegradable baits. The guy who is pushing for the ban is an attention whoring tool.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. Thanks for the well written pm


Posted Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:45 am




This ban includes biodegradable baits. The guy who is pushing for the ban is an attention whoring tool.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. Thanks for the well written pm


I'm not a hater

Posted Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:47 am

It's just Ken and me playing around Shawn.

Posted Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:51 am


It's just Ken and me playing around Shawn.

well quit it!! this is serious

Posted Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:54 am



It's just Ken and me playing around Shawn.

well quit it!! this is serious

Surely you don't mean that.

Posted Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:55 am




It's just Ken and me playing around Shawn.

well quit it!! this is serious

Surely you don't mean that.

I don't...

and stop calling me Shirley

Posted Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:57 am

I knew you would hit that one out of the park!!

Posted Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:58 am

That was a big ole grapefruit

Posted Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:59 am

i want to see the facts and science from both sides before deciding. too bad both usually put out garbage, sort of like with the lead ban in MA. let's not get into it but just saying.

i cringe when i see trash in a pond or lake. same goes with plastics. any of my used plastics or random broken pieces go right into a bag or bottle that i throw out off the water. they should just ban senkos and we'll be all set.

Posted Fri Feb 15, 2013 12:18 pm


i want to see the facts and science from both sides before deciding. too bad both usually put out garbage, sort of like with the lead ban in MA. let's not get into it but just saying.

i cringe when i see trash in a pond or lake. same goes with plastics. any of my used plastics or random broken pieces go right into a bag or bottle that i throw out off the water. they should just ban senkos and we'll be all set.

This is what I know about the ban, and my $.02 The guy proposing the ban sits on a Inland Fishery Board or something similar. I'm sure he is all about conservation and preserving the environment, but he claims that soft plastics are killing trout and salmon. I'm not a expert for trout or salmon but the few times I fish for them each year I have never thrown a soft plastic baits. I really doubt that discarded plastics are making a dent in trout or salmon populations. However, bass and other fish will eat soft plastics found on the bottom, which will kill them. I have seen plenty of pics of bass which their stomachs are just filled with plastic baits. I think we can all agree plastic baits don't belong on the bottom of the lake.

But, you need to look at the economic impact a ban would do to Maine. I don't know the numbers are but just guessing I am sure fishing in Maine is about a half a billion dollar business? With maybe a third of that being recreational? I do know that about 40% of the people that fish in Maine are not from Maine, me being one of them. Does Maine really want to throw all that money and jobs away? There is no scientific studies (that I know of) that prove soft plastic are a real problem. It comes down to a classic cost vs benefit dilemma. Does Maine want to lose tourist, jobs, and revenue or have more fish? From how I read the ban it looks like it includes saltwater too?

Personally I would rather see an educational program that informs people not to throw their discarded plastics in the water.

I'll save my lead and loon rant for another day.

Posted Fri Feb 15, 2013 6:01 pm



i want to see the facts and science from both sides before deciding. too bad both usually put out garbage, sort of like with the lead ban in MA. let's not get into it but just saying.

i cringe when i see trash in a pond or lake. same goes with plastics. any of my used plastics or random broken pieces go right into a bag or bottle that i throw out off the water. they should just ban senkos and we'll be all set.

This is what I know about the ban, and my $.02 The guy proposing the ban sits on a Inland Fishery Board or something similar. I'm sure he is all about conservation and preserving the environment, but he claims that soft plastics are killing trout and salmon. I'm not a expert for trout or salmon but the few times I fish for them each year I have never thrown a soft plastic baits. I really doubt that discarded plastics are making a dent in trout or salmon populations. However, bass and other fish will eat soft plastics found on the bottom, which will kill them. I have seen plenty of pics of bass which their stomachs are just filled with plastic baits. I think we can all agree plastic baits don't belong on the bottom of the lake.

But, you need to look at the economic impact a ban would do to Maine. I don't know the numbers are but just guessing I am sure fishing in Maine is about a half a billion dollar business? With maybe a third of that being recreational? I do know that about 40% of the people that fish in Maine are not from Maine, me being one of them. Does Maine really want to throw all that money and jobs away? There is no scientific studies (that I know of) that prove soft plastic are a real problem. It comes down to a classic cost vs benefit dilemma. Does Maine want to lose tourist, jobs, and revenue or have more fish? From how I read the ban it looks like it includes saltwater too?

Personally I would rather see an educational program that informs people not to throw their discarded plastics in the water.
I'll save my lead and loon rant for another day.

Well said.. there's gotta be a balance between industry/ peoples livelihoods and conservation.

Posted Fri Feb 15, 2013 6:09 pm



It's just Ken and me playing around Shawn.

well quit it!! this is serious

Sorry Shawn....

Posted Fri Feb 15, 2013 6:12 pm




It's just Ken and me playing around Shawn.

well quit it!! this is serious

Sorry Shawn....

I was just kidding back

Posted Fri Feb 15, 2013 6:19 pm

lucky nailed it...put the trash in the trash can. last time i was out, i basically lost an entire spool of line. i hand reeled it in 37 degree water just so i could ball it up and throw it out in the trash.

Posted Fri Feb 15, 2013 6:48 pm

Wow this interesting topic the banning of soft plastics many different sides to this one. Personally I don't know all the facts from either side so I can't make a informed opinion. But we all know that as fishermen we do have a responsibility to our sport or pastime. If they get banned then they are banned throw a jig...........oh wait lead is banned "panic" I have adjusted now throw tungsten and tin jigs.
Kudos to Sam I have been with him when I have seen him fill his boat with line and plastics. I myself end up with a bunch of plastic and trailers in the bottom of my bag at the end of the day.

Sorry I am rambling on I just heard more snow coming

Posted Fri Feb 15, 2013 7:47 pm

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