whats next,.. banning all live bait? seems cruel to the baitfish and nightcrawlers!

Posted Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:52 pm

All you people stating how dumb this is and complaining about fishing regulations in general are the dumb ones. It's about conservation and preservation of nature and it's wildlife. We are all fisherman here and should want to preserve what we have. Instead of bitching about it, how about try to understand the issues presented by certain fishing materials. Don't get me wrong I signed the petition too, but to be completely non understanding of regulations set forth is ignorant! I personally have seen and or reeled hundreds of old worms swollen to many times it's original size and I'm sure you have as well.

Posted Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:06 am

This ban is not based on scientific studies. That's dumb

Posted Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:13 am

Oh jeez... let the s*** storm begin... personally I don't appreciate being called " dumb" which is what you did, basically called everyone that signed the petition dumb so that includes yourself and secondly most of these laws have nothing to do with conservation but more about someone in powers personal agenda and or public/political image.I agree that bio baits are the way pf the future and the fishing industry as a whole can do more towards conservation efforts but most big companies don't care or are doing too well to start changing things so who gets affected by all these new rules and regulations? Berkley? Strike king? Yamamoto? No us... we are the ones getting thrown in the middle with no real power to change anything other than expressing our right to protest whether it be in the form of sending letters to state reps or signing petitions..

Posted Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:24 am

ok Brooksy I guess you can't read or only choose to comprehend what you want. I said anyone complaining about it and seeing how you didn't complain I'm not sure how this pertains to you. While I did expect some negative feed back from my comment. I'm confused as to why it's coming from you. To think this is solely about personal agenda and political image, sounds like a conspiracy theory to me.
Obviously the big companies don't care that's why regulations are put in place, So they are forced to comply!
Do we really need scientific studies to see what is going on with these baits? Just open your eyes.
Again I'll make myself clear I LOVE soft plastics and will continue to use them, but welcome the day they switch to biodegradable.

Posted Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:31 am

This ban includes biodegradable baits. The guy who is pushing for the ban is an attention whoring tool.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. Thanks for the well written pm

Posted Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:54 am


Posted Thu Feb 14, 2013 7:58 pm


ok Brooksy I guess you can't read or only choose to comprehend what you want. I said anyone complaining about it and seeing how you didn't complain I'm not sure how this pertains to you. While I did expect some negative feed back from my comment. I'm confused as to why it's coming from you. To think this is solely about personal agenda and political image, sounds like a conspiracy theory to me.
Obviously the big companies don't care that's why regulations are put in place, So they are forced to comply!
Do we really need scientific studies to see what is going on with these baits? Just open your eyes.
Again I'll make myself clear I LOVE soft plastics and will continue to use them, but welcome the day they switch to biodegradable.

ok you got me im totally illiterate i have no idea how to read this is actually my wife typing for me after she read to me what you typed cause i cant read. its caused many problems for me in life particulalry when figuring out what to order from mcdonalds drive threw.so now lets get started. first off i was the first to complain about this proposal when someone else first posted the link about it a couple weeks ago so maybe you didnt know at the time ill give you that but you did call me dumb along with everyone else that signed including yourself.how are you dumb like the rest of use you ask? well upon signing that petition you made an official complaint to whom ever it may concern requarding this proposal to ban all " rubber" lures in the state of maine .as for the whole conspiracy theory issue that is bs cause although it may or may not be the case with this proposal most of these things that go to vote are created by some elected official who is trying to rally support from some whiney activist group or another by creating proposals like this to show their "softer more caring side" when in fact (alot of the time but not always) its usually someone just trying to keep their position by whatever means necessary rather then keeping some integrity and not jumping on whatever band wagon happens to be rolling by at the time. and as for big companies being "forced to comply" this is simply not true because big companies are big companies because they market to a country wide or world wide consumer rather than the state wide small buisness, if one state bans a particular fishing method/material/lure/ect really dosent have much effect on them because they are still selling to a " world wide" consumer you see where im going with this? ma banned the use of any and all lead weights/sinkers/jigs under 1 oz for use in freshwaters but did you see major fishing companies start switching over to alternate materials to "comply" ? nope... sure some of these companies already market such products but they still sell lead because the vast majority of fishing communities are not lead free so alot of us are forced (i say forced like its a bad thing but its not necessarily ) to buy local which im all for supporting local buisness but i still miss my strike king jigs that ive used up until now.so if a ban like this is passed who does it really affect? berkley? strike king? zoom? nope... it affects US.. you and me and everyone else on here because we are at ground zero meanwhile all these companies are still producing record sales of the supposed banned products because they are still perfectly legal almost everywhere else. i do agree that bio baits are the wave of the future until a country wide or world wide ban of the products happens these companies will continue to make and sell these products like hot cakes, why fix it if it aint broke. you catch my drift? im all set with this subject now, ive stated my opinions and facts and will ignore any and all future attacks/comments directed towards me regardless of how easy they are to pick apart. so for the record thats twice you insulted me the first with the whole "dumb" comment then again when you assumed i cant read so as much of a nice guy i am and i usually let stuff roll off my back im all set continuing conversation with the likes of you. i will admit though that it was pure luck that i did so well in my emt course seeing as how i was the only one in the class that couldnt actually READ my text books and written exams , i didnt actually earn my final grade of 95 because i just guessed my way threw everything else by looking at the pictures Wink farewell to you sir

Posted Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:14 pm


Posted Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:15 pm


Posted Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:19 pm

@ lifted I have a wife n 3 kids so I don't appreciate you sending me pm's about wanting to blow me even if I were gay I wouldn't want anything to do with you you flaming homo. Please keep your perverted fantasies to yourself

Posted Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:06 am

It is a problem and we cant act like its not just because we love fishing. I have seen clear water places just littered with soft plastics. I have seen bass with senkos stuck half way out there asses, super thin and dieing. I think they pass some but others expand so much they cant.

Solutions are needed for sure, I dont think just having two sides argue that the other dont know what they are talking about gets anything done. The sport is growing bigger every year and at the rate of baits being dumped in the water, we will not have a future sport. I have seen many studies on trout and other fish being loaded with soft plastics at an ever more alarming rate.

We need to be part of solution.

Posted Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:27 am


@ lifted I have a wife n 3 kids

A wife and 3 kids and you have the time to post 100 novels a day on here Laughing impressive

Posted Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:33 am


a lot of laws are stupid and just partisan BS fighting for interest groups. i don't usually sign that type of stuff but i definitely will sign this.

Well said Sam , Maine has so many folks that hate the warm water fish and will go to no end to get rid of them. Maine has also started to have poll people at certain boat ramps to record which bodies of water you have had your boat in. They want to prevent you from going into bodies of water without Hydrilla if you have been in a body of water that contains it.

Posted Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:36 am


This ban includes biodegradable baits. The guy who is pushing for the ban is an attention whoring tool.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. Thanks for the well written pm


Posted Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:39 am

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