
I actually want to start a fishing show with called double D's and larries just have chicks with huge tits catching fish for half hour

You are a friggin genius!!!!
Your so wicked smaht!

Posted Mon Aug 26, 2013 3:25 pm

Smart not smaht haha I do not speak like that going saltwater out your way tonight basturds my freind is going for sand tigers the guy at green harbor was pumped when we told him

Posted Mon Aug 26, 2013 3:54 pm


Be careful about this.I think we had a lady participant in the last car topper.I don't think we should get sexist here.Gals are always welcome if they want to fish and we shouldn't discourage them by posting things like this.Keep it clean guys and they will come.

I know you wonder about the drama.This has been a transition year and has not gone well.We have a prior group running the t's and now we have a new group running them.There has been some differences of opinion that has resulted in dislike for 1 or more of the t.d.'sThis has resulted in some poor sportsmanship back and forth between groups that have separated.I have a hard time not speaking out when someone makes a rude comment or comments on something that has nothing to do with them.I'm sorry to all that may be offended by this but it happens.We are all a great group but some have taken dislike towards some others.I hope you understand .

I agree with Ken. We have a regular group of gals who frequent the site and fish some tourneys. Let's keep it clean and non offensive for them. Even though I'm sure they can take it, let's not scare away the few that are.

Posted Mon Aug 26, 2013 4:39 pm

We are all just joking around of course we love and respect the ladies that come fishing with us!!!! But we break everyones balls even if they don't have any(girls) haha it's all in good fun all the guys are respectful to each other at the tourneys it's just forum crap that goes on thats all!!!!

Shut up and Fish or how bout have a good time and fish lots of great people here and i honestly get along with all of them!!!

Posted Mon Aug 26, 2013 8:02 pm

We are all just joking around of course we love and respect the ladies that come fishing with us!!!! But we break everyones balls even if they don't have any(girls) haha it's all in good fun all the guys are respectful to each other at the tourneys it's just forum crap that goes on thats all!!!!

Shut up and Fish or how bout have a good time and fish lots of great people here and i honestly get along with all of them!!!

Posted Mon Aug 26, 2013 8:02 pm


Be careful about this.I think we had a lady participant in the last car topper.I don't think we should get sexist here.Gals are always welcome if they want to fish and we shouldn't discourage them by posting things like this.Keep it clean guys and they will come.

I know you wonder about the drama.This has been a transition year and has not gone well.We have a prior group running the t's and now we have a new group running them.There has been some differences of opinion that has resulted in dislike for 1 or more of the t.d.'sThis has resulted in some poor sportsmanship back and forth between groups that have separated.I have a hard time not speaking out when someone makes a rude comment or comments on something that has nothing to do with them.I'm sorry to all that may be offended by this but it happens.We are all a great group but some have taken dislike towards some others.I hope you understand .

MAFF grew leaps and bounds and as a result, there were more people looking to fish in T's than there were spots in those T's. It was inevitable that we had to break off into another group to accommodate all those who wanted to fish and naturally there are those who are friendlier with each other, so they chose to fish with those peeps.

I think for the good of all, we have to figure out how to incorporate both/all groups together under one tourney umbrella for next season and refrain from personal attacks (such as I did recently. Personally if I have a beef with someone, I'll keep it private and the main board drama free). There are just so many people, do we maybe have two tourneys (at least for toppers) at 2 different locations each week and record all in the standings as one or not even keep standings? Then at the end of year EVERYONE is invited to a big get together tourney/bbq. That would be a lot of work and maybe we can get volunteers to pull permits (which any of us can/have done) or officially become TD's in addition to the ones we already have. Or do like we did 2 years ago where people in different regions volunteered and ran tourneys and pulled permits for their own area and we have no official TD's? The rules are already in place and we all know what to do and how to do it. Or we keep separate groups and everything the same. Personally, I don't think that worked out best for either group.

Just a few thoughts to try and get the two groups back together and not have people choosing sides or drawing lines in the sand. Personalities aside, this IS a good group of guys and fishermen.

Posted Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:05 pm

Bingo! Not enough spots for all who want to fish. That is the main reason for the divide. Sure there are some personality clashes but those people don't always represent the whole.

Posted Mon Aug 26, 2013 10:04 pm


Smart not smaht haha I do not speak like that going saltwater out your way tonight basturds my freind is going for sand tigers the guy at green harbor was pumped when we told him

NICE DUDE!!! let me know how it goes. your going off the dux bridge right??? thats the only spot i know to catch em!!!!!

heard some nice fish around but i havent been doing good.

my buddy lost a big fish in rexham!

Posted Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:49 am

Well said Roger.I believe we should try to stick to the 15 boat limit.If places don't have room they should be avoided,unless it is a major fishery.I really like the end of year bbq/ty we had a good time at Shirley.The heck with finals and t.o.c.s.who needs them.We should put some money aside and plan on that as our final.A major get together.Of course it would have to be big and small boats.We also had kayaks last year.In that situation we could require trolling motor only for the first half hour.

Posted Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:53 pm

Thanks Ken! This is probably a better conversation for the off season and it's own thread. I'm just thinking a little ahead of time. Maybe we should just fish and enjoy the rest of the season for now?

Posted Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:55 pm

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