Orrrrrrrrrr you could forgo the whole tourney and just pay me now
HelpStratos from this tournament!! All in favor say
Now thats some funny sh*t!
Update on the permit:
Went by the Woburn Conservation Commission today with the filled out application, but have to get the DPW to sign off on it (Fire & Police can just be phoned). Will do that Tues or Wed next week. They have their approval meeting Thursday night and will let me know once that's all set. Sounds like they do things a little different in Woburn, but the lady who runs it all said there was nothing else requested for that weekend and it was far off in July anyway, but we were being smart securing it now.
Will confirm when the process is complete and signed and the approved permit is in hand.
I know mill pond is posted that a permit is needed.I don't think anyone pays attention to it,but we should be on the safe side there.Neil knows about it also,so we should have it taken care of.
Guys.... new to the MA fishing location/tourneys and want to know how I can get in on some of this action..lol
Competitive fishing...does'nt get any better...thanks in advance.