Access to Walkers Pond and via a channel to Upper Mill Pond is a town-owned, paved launch ramp, suitable for trailered and cartop boats. To get to the Walkers Pond access, take Route 6 to Exit 9 (Route 134) and take Route 134 north for a half mile. Take a right on Airline Road and follow it for approximately 2 miles to its intersection with Setucket Road. Take an immediate right onto Slough Road. The access is about a mile down on the left at the southwestern end of the pond. An alternate route would be to take Airline Road south from Route 6A.
Yellow perch remain the dominant species in the ponds. Catch them in quantity using worm-sweetened jigs or by drift-trolling a small spinner blade with a trailing, worm-baited hook. Fillet a big batch of small ones, boil for just a few minutes until they cook through and curl, and chill in the fridge for an hour. The result, served with toothpicks and cocktail sauce, is very similar to shrimp. There are also some big white perch in this pond. There are undoubtedly some big bass and pickerel in these ponds, as growth rates are excellent for both species. Unfortunately, their density in the overall fishery has always been reported as low. Still, if one were looking for a wall-hanger and can put in the fishing time, these ponds would be a good bet.