Rain = Success!
The Upper/Lower Artichoke Reservoir is slowly becoming my new shoreline fishing spot.
The kids an I had a plan rain or shine to go fishing, and we did! In a previous post, I've mentioned losing fish in this place, and we know there's some large one's in there of all species. This past weekend was no different.
All my bass that I have hooked and/or landed (from shore, no boats allowed) have been on spinner baits, dark or charcoal in color. My retrieve is fairly slow to start due to deep water, but increase as it gets closer to shore. The kids use pretty much anything; worms, shiners, Mepps, etc. and have been fairly successful.
As the Summer moves on, I think it will become increasingly difficult to fish without using weedless type gear. There are two places that I focus on, the dam in the lower and a rock formation in the upper that is tough to get too, especially if you and Poison Ivy are not on speaking terms.
The Pickerel and Crappie in this reservoir are some of the largest I've seen. The water is clear and clean (Newburyport drinking supply). The Bass in the photo came in at 3.7, nothing big, but at least this time I was able to get the pic. It's truly fun seeing these fish jump clear out of the water, which thankfully, this reservoir has delivered many times.
You can also fish the "lower" part below the dam, but the vegetation is growing quickly. The Crappie in the lower are mutant size.
Thanks for reading.