Alrighty then........I've seen this posted on other boards, but don't remember seeing it here. Maybe it has been and if I am repeating it unknowingly, sorry and get over it!
When you guys are using a baitcaster reel, what side do you reel it from compared to when you are using a spinning reel? I have seen where people who usually crank with their left hand on a spinning reel, will switch the rod handle to their left hand while the cast is in the air, to instead crank with their right hand, while using said baitcaster. I've also seen people crank both a BC and spinning reel from the same side too. I guess it's personal preference, but I'm interested to hear what this group has to say about it, because after all this, group rules and the rest just drool! Plus I haven't posted in awhile anyway!
MAFF baby!!