Just wondering what everybodies thoughts are about publishing your fishing hole online. Just a thought , I have been fishing all my life and this one spot 20 yrs but now i see posting on this website about this pond. I guess what I'm trying to say is on a weekend a busy day at this pond would be 4 or 5 boats . Now its 20 or 21. I have seen a decline in the amount of fish, and size. Just a thought

Posted Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:15 am

Most people choose to share their spots, some dont. Im not sure the postings on this site about your pond are a direct result of 20-21 boats on it though. Seems extreme to me.

Personally i think with the economy still suspect, people have put down their golf clubs, and $50 rounds, grabbed a rod, and began fishing since its cheaper and more fun than most sports.

But if your suggesting we implement some rule that we dont post the Lakes we fish at, i think that defeats the purpose of this site, which is to share our stories, pictures and knowledge with fellow anglers.

Good luck to you, hopefully the traffic slows down a bit on your pond


Posted Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:11 am

correction: It is a cheaper sport than golf, but when the Landlord shows up, its not fun breaking out that wallet to pay RENT!

Posted Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:14 am

interesting post. This is the only board/forum I belong to where spot burning is not frowned upon or banned.

Posted Wed Jun 30, 2010 8:23 am

This is the america, and no not tryin to tell anybody what to do just think it defeats the purpose. Like last nite tuesday 11 boats talked to some of these guys. and they found it on this website. I fish at this pond 5 to 7 days a week. put my time in figured out what they like to hit and times they hit . whats the point ? i can come on here find the time where their hittin and what their using what depth last time i checked thats called a guide service . I love this site enjoy pics i will come on check if people in other ponds have had the same luck as me during moon phase s*** like that. Its just my thoughts on this subject. bye the way napa nice fish can tell your a die hard like me i got a few small fish pics on here to lol

Posted Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:51 am

Banning specific spot postings would be difficult with the find trips feature. I guess you could still do the trips feature but limit specific spot postings on the message board. You can always PM someone to get specific spot locations and details. Tough issue because we're all here to share info, but there are lots of lurkers and trolls who come here just to take and never give anything back.

Posted Wed Jun 30, 2010 11:07 am

so true heron. like the way u think before it would be one of my buddies. i would take him fishing we would catch a ton i would go their two days later his buddy would be their. now on the net ur telling the masses hundred reading these things

Posted Wed Jun 30, 2010 11:37 am

I def understand your frustration. It would piss me off as well if my spot had like 20 boats on it all the sudden. its too bad your spot is getting so flooded. I can only hope its just a phase or something and you can get back to quietly dominating your lake.

Thanks for the Slob props as well..Thing is a lunker thats for sure haha

Posted Wed Jun 30, 2010 12:53 pm

Definately valid points and opinions. I guess from my mindset when Im fun fishing from shore, I dont mind sharing spots unless Im asked to keep them secret. When Im prefishing or tournament fishing I wont give out my or my partners spots. I think another factor is the popularity of the sport has increased ten fold, with TV/Internet coverage being alot more than it used to be.

Posted Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:12 pm

I too understand both sides of this argument. I see lots of guests viewing this site. I think maybe it would be better if only members can see the majority of the board and posts. at least make them sign up before they steal info from the site. I think many would never sign up. I understand we want the guests to know what the sites about etc, but surely there is a happy medium.

personaly i dont always say where I fish but I understand others may. Its just the way it is, the info is out there regardless on where the good places are.

Posted Wed Jun 30, 2010 5:37 pm

I fish a lot of random different spots, I'm fairly new to MA so I've been trying many different spots in the past year. Most of the spots I have fished since I've lived here have been because of people on this site, through PM's or trips. Its been a great resource and I've caught some nice fish. Most times I put the name of the spot on my trips, other times just the town and let you do some guessing...you can ask if you want.

I'm not sure that this site is a major contributor to heavy pressure. you have to adapt to the new conditions and you'll catch them; likely they haven't gone anywhere-they just got smarter. if this site was an issue, I think places that see a lot trips that produce a lot of slobs would have more pressure. but based on previous posts on this thread...it doesn't seem to be that much of a problem

Posted Wed Jun 30, 2010 8:59 pm


Posted Wed Jun 30, 2010 9:05 pm

not sure guys like napa my hogs are torso size . LOL cant share already too many to deal with

Posted Wed Jun 30, 2010 9:22 pm

Personally say if people want bigger and more plentiful bass...stop keeping them.

It doesn't matter if 5 people or 5000 people fish a hole. If they do so responsibly then there will continue to be a good fishery. The major issue with most fishermen is the overwhelming urge to kill anything big enough.

Posted Thu Jul 01, 2010 5:26 am

I agree with that. Catch the Slob, take a photo, weigh it, grab a legnth and let him go get bigger.

Over the last year i have actually caught solid bass, that had old hooks in there mouths, or on there face, and performed Jack Sheppard (Lost reference) type surgery to remove them, without hurting the bass. Someone anglers just dont get it. I do feel great though when i free a bass from that type of pain or uncomfortableness.

I think Volume has it right. He has PM'd me in the past for directions to my spot. And based on viewing his trips over the years, and seeing the type of angler he is. I had no problem giving him directions to the spot, and tips on where to hit the lake, as i trust he is a respectful Angler. He wanted to go test those waters, not tell the entire world to come and join him. He is the type of person i enjoy sharing info with.

ps nofx, i didnt quit get your post. I know you were complimenting my slobs, but i just didnt follow what you were saying, haha

Posted Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:51 am

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