



I wasn't suggesting not getting permits. Just a little info for some who might want to get together for a mini tourney with a few boats, cartoppers, or kayaks. As long as you stay out on the water and don't come on shore to weigh in.

even if you weren't suggesting to pull permits people are allowed to do things how ever they want to.Its all up to the guy holding the tournament not the permit police. If it's legal to weigh in on your boat why not. I already know what some guys are gonna say , if there's already a tournament the same day that some one pulled permits for it could be a problem,oh well.

Being a decent human being should come well before "oh well." Tournament directors should pull permits when possible, especially at places like Whitehall and the Nip, where there are tournaments pretty much every weekend.

no it's oh well . Where's the imaginary book of rules you all live by ? If it's legal to weigh in on your boat and have a small tournament there's nothing wrong with it. Of course you should check ahead of time to see if there's a tournament the same day day you plan on having one. No one wants two tourneys going on the same lake at one time . Bad people don't pull permits for tournàments oooooohh what rebels !!!!! No bad people kill and steal .s*** I did my roof without permits no big deal lol!!!

Just because something is legal does not necessarily make it ethical. Sure, you don't have to pull a permit in every circumstance, but if it's a heavily fished body of water it's a decent and ethical thing to do. The same way I don't HAVE to hold a door for someone on crutches, but it's the thing any halfway decent person would do so I do it.
Attitudes like yours are one of the reasons we have so many damn laws nowadays. You literally have to be forced by law to do something that by all rights should just be a matter of common decency. Like texting and driving, that should have just been a matter of common sense, but it became such a problem that the state was able to force a law on everyone.
So say you are determined to never pull a permit via the gaps in the law. It's highly possible that if you continue to cause headaches and inconveniences which could be avoided by pulling permits, the state may decide to do away with the exception, and now everyone will have to pull one by law.
That "imaginary book of rules" we live by? It's called common decency and giving a s**t about our fellow anglers.

Posted Mon Apr 04, 2016 11:04 am


Why doesn't everyone click on his profile and

Flag Profile:

Report as Inappropriate:

Posted Mon Apr 04, 2016 12:33 pm




Why doesn't everyone click on his profile and

Flag Profile:

Report as Inappropriate:

because none of its inappropriate . You must have a tough time reading or something. You would be perfect in a communist country where no one is entitled to their own a opinion. And I'll just start another profile anyway.

So now your going to leave rude comments on my photos, that's mature. Find another forum no one wants to hear your opinion here.

Posted Mon Apr 04, 2016 2:47 pm







I wasn't suggesting not getting permits. Just a little info for some who might want to get together for a mini tourney with a few boats, cartoppers, or kayaks. As long as you stay out on the water and don't come on shore to weigh in.

even if you weren't suggesting to pull permits people are allowed to do things how ever they want to.Its all up to the guy holding the tournament not the permit police. If it's legal to weigh in on your boat why not. I already know what some guys are gonna say , if there's already a tournament the same day that some one pulled permits for it could be a problem,oh well.

Being a decent human being should come well before "oh well." Tournament directors should pull permits when possible, especially at places like Whitehall and the Nip, where there are tournaments pretty much every weekend.

no it's oh well . Where's the imaginary book of rules you all live by ? If it's legal to weigh in on your boat and have a small tournament there's nothing wrong with it. Of course you should check ahead of time to see if there's a tournament the same day day you plan on having one. No one wants two tourneys going on the same lake at one time . Bad people don't pull permits for tournàments oooooohh what rebels !!!!! No bad people kill and steal .s*** I did my roof without permits no big deal lol!!!

Just because something is legal does not necessarily make it ethical. Sure, you don't have to pull a permit in every circumstance, but if it's a heavily fished body of water it's a decent and ethical thing to do. The same way I don't HAVE to hold a door for someone on crutches, but it's the thing any halfway decent person would do so I do it.
Attitudes like yours are one of the reasons we have so many damn laws nowadays. You literally have to be forced by law to do something that by all rights should just be a matter of common decency. Like texting and driving, that should have just been a matter of common sense, but it became such a problem that the state was able to force a law on everyone.
So say you are determined to never pull a permit via the gaps in the law. It's highly possible that if you continue to cause headaches and inconveniences which could be avoided by pulling permits, the state may decide to do away with the exception, and now everyone will have to pull one by law.
That "imaginary book of rules" we live by? It's called common decency and giving a s**t about our fellow anglers.

blah blah blah . If you read all the posts you would of seen that I said not pulling a permit should only be done on a lake with cartopper access only so two tournaments the same day would be a non issue.. Never said I was determined to never pull a permit since I don't plan on ever holding a tournament,and I don't text and drive . I was just stating my opinion which I'm entitled to do in this country . So grow some balls and stop living life with your book of lilitations. Land of the free home of the brave !! Seems like most people have forgotten those words.

You are of course allowed to state your opinion. However, that also means when others find said opinion to be of little merit and generally lacking sense, we have the same right to point that out. More to the point, there is no reason car topper boats can't overwhelm a small pond the same way high end bass rigs overwhelm larger ones. I don't really see treating others with a shred of decency as a "limitation," in fact for me it's entirely selfish, as I feel better about myself when I do. And by governing ourselves, we keep the government out of our business. When a government fear monger comes along to find the "boogeyman" to convince everyone they need laws, it's to you they point, not me. As I tried to press through the thick walls that make up your skull earlier, selfish a-holes like yourself are what convinces people to bring them about in the first place, something I'm working to avoid.

Want a small example? You have been treating everyone on this site like trash, and now there are already people trying to get you banned.

Posted Mon Apr 04, 2016 2:58 pm


Posted Mon Apr 04, 2016 5:24 pm

I will say stump and nefisherman sound like a couple of sissys. If it was left up to guys like you the redcoats would have won .

Posted Mon Apr 04, 2016 5:27 pm









I wasn't suggesting not getting permits. Just a little info for some who might want to get together for a mini tourney with a few boats, cartoppers, or kayaks. As long as you stay out on the water and don't come on shore to weigh in.

even if you weren't suggesting to pull permits people are allowed to do things how ever they want to.Its all up to the guy holding the tournament not the permit police. If it's legal to weigh in on your boat why not. I already know what some guys are gonna say , if there's already a tournament the same day that some one pulled permits for it could be a problem,oh well.

Being a decent human being should come well before "oh well." Tournament directors should pull permits when possible, especially at places like Whitehall and the Nip, where there are tournaments pretty much every weekend.

no it's oh well . Where's the imaginary book of rules you all live by ? If it's legal to weigh in on your boat and have a small tournament there's nothing wrong with it. Of course you should check ahead of time to see if there's a tournament the same day day you plan on having one. No one wants two tourneys going on the same lake at one time . Bad people don't pull permits for tournàments oooooohh what rebels !!!!! No bad people kill and steal .s*** I did my roof without permits no big deal lol!!!

Just because something is legal does not necessarily make it ethical. Sure, you don't have to pull a permit in every circumstance, but if it's a heavily fished body of water it's a decent and ethical thing to do. The same way I don't HAVE to hold a door for someone on crutches, but it's the thing any halfway decent person would do so I do it.
Attitudes like yours are one of the reasons we have so many damn laws nowadays. You literally have to be forced by law to do something that by all rights should just be a matter of common decency. Like texting and driving, that should have just been a matter of common sense, but it became such a problem that the state was able to force a law on everyone.
So say you are determined to never pull a permit via the gaps in the law. It's highly possible that if you continue to cause headaches and inconveniences which could be avoided by pulling permits, the state may decide to do away with the exception, and now everyone will have to pull one by law.
That "imaginary book of rules" we live by? It's called common decency and giving a s**t about our fellow anglers.

blah blah blah . If you read all the posts you would of seen that I said not pulling a permit should only be done on a lake with cartopper access only so two tournaments the same day would be a non issue.. Never said I was determined to never pull a permit since I don't plan on ever holding a tournament,and I don't text and drive . I was just stating my opinion which I'm entitled to do in this country . So grow some balls and stop living life with your book of lilitations. Land of the free home of the brave !! Seems like most people have forgotten those words.

You are of course allowed to state your opinion. However, that also means when others find said opinion to be of little merit and generally lacking sense, we have the same right to point that out. More to the point, there is no reason car topper boats can't overwhelm a small pond the same way high end bass rigs overwhelm larger ones. I don't really see treating others with a shred of decency as a "limitation," in fact for me it's entirely selfish, as I feel better about myself when I do. And by governing ourselves, we keep the government out of our business. When a government fear monger comes along to find the "boogeyman" to convince everyone they need laws, it's to you they point, not me. As I tried to press through the thick walls that make up your skull earlier, selfish a-holes like yourself are what convinces people to bring them about in the first place, something I'm working to avoid.

Want a small example? You have been treating everyone on this site like trash, and now there are already people trying to get you banned.

are you Bruce Jenner ? You honestly sound like your scared of your own shadow . Another sheep of society who's brainwashed and has never formed an opinion of his own , that uses the opinions of others to form his character because your scared to be disliked . When it comes to the cartopper ponds a lot of them are less used and the chances of two tournaments happening are slim and pulling a permit is rarely needed. Your opinions lack sense ,they are the opinions of others and you are a scared weak person ... Just that comment you made that you feel better about yourself when you treat people decent (you mean when you lie to them to accommodate their feelings). You Obviosly need things like that because your insecure and lack confidence and are searching to be accepted by your piers . Kyak fisherman are like sensitive women seriously . Good luck banning me I can make a new profile everyday.

If you think my entire MO was to tell people things that made them feel better do you really think I'd spend my time coming back to this forum solely to tell you what a moron you are? Now I'm just starting to laugh at you. Is that how you react to people who disagree with you? You call them all scared and weak?
Considering I grew up here in Newton, and my primary interests involve stuff that most people in these parts would want to get banned, I can't quite say my own opinions are "those of others" but that's neither here nor there.
Considering how you react to me and others on this forum, i'd say you're the one with insecurities. You lash out at anyone who disagrees with you (which is incidentally almost everyone you talk to). If anyone here is afraid, I'd say it's you, and your natural instinct is to lash out with insults, since you can't come up with a coherent response to my arguments. I'm also pretty sure we don't have to wait to ban you for you to make more profiles, as it looks like you're already doing that.

I'm seriously starting to feel bad though, I feel like I'm arguing with a five year old.

Posted Mon Apr 04, 2016 5:40 pm





Aren't there enough? Rolling Eyes

aren't there enough trout fisherman ? Blah blah blah Very Happy

Blah blah blah is right. Everything you say is in douce bag

I wouldn't talk Dr doucebag. I know who you are and your a complete fraud . Why anyone would pose with a picture of a tuna that someone else caught ,you know the one in your profile you created a fake trip about .Also I've had you on a charter and your dumb as a stump. Stick to freshwater tuna are for men not little girls.

It looks like ranger douche created another profile. Is this your third or fourth? Quite sad. As for the rest of the post it's just blah blah blah.

Posted Mon Apr 04, 2016 6:10 pm

Are all 3 of your personality's traveling together?

Posted Tue Apr 05, 2016 8:07 am

Lisbon? Ah, a greenhorn! Now it all makes sense! Laughing

Posted Tue Apr 05, 2016 8:36 am








Aren't there enough? Rolling Eyes

aren't there enough trout fisherman ? Blah blah blah Very Happy

Blah blah blah is right. Everything you say is in douce bag

I wouldn't talk Dr doucebag. I know who you are and your a complete fraud . Why anyone would pose with a picture of a tuna that someone else caught ,you know the one in your profile you created a fake trip about .Also I've had you on a charter and your dumb as a stump. Stick to freshwater tuna are for men not little girls.

It looks like ranger douche created another profile. Is this your third or fourth? Quite sad. As for the rest of the post it's just blah blah blah.

Its ranger dot douche . Get it rite Wink

and I haven't made a new profile (yet) this is only my second one not fourth . I'm leaving for Lisbon tommorow so I'll give you guys a break for a week.

Did you have to buy 3 plane tickets?

Posted Wed Apr 06, 2016 7:34 am

He didn't fly there he was carried on the shoulders of his minions! I hope they filled out applications for his douche nation!

Posted Wed Apr 06, 2016 11:11 am

This forum needs moderators.

Posted Wed Apr 06, 2016 10:25 pm


This forum needs moderators.

There were moderators here. Some douche named Stratos chased them all off

Posted Thu Apr 07, 2016 1:41 pm

WOW!Haven't been here for a while but this is exciting.Just the thing that brought hatred and dislike to the maff tourney's.He said she said then someone else said and so on and so on.There are so many quotes on quotes with posts I can't remember who the f*** said what.I think we should grow up a little here.
As far as t's without permits there are plenty of spots to have them without worrying about other t's.But they do need to be small ones.I would say 10 tops.Some places can take big boats and some can'tOldham,Indianhead.Whitmans can all take big boats but limited parking.Farm pond Framingham can get a big boat in with the same situation.If you want more boats you have to limit to toppers.Spy pond,Upper Mystic,Little long pond.Ther's lots out there without interfering with the big boat t's.
It's better to get along than start a battle on this site.All you have to do is make a few suggestions.

Posted Thu Apr 07, 2016 2:04 pm

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