The name and lenth of my last bass boat and the year I was born and yes I am awesome
You're old
But I just gained a whole year. My Birthday was last month and everyone was saying I was going to be 48 for 6 months before my birthday. Suprise and bonus for me when i did the math and I was only going to be 47. ........ and I am still awesome!!!!
That's a good question. I picked shawneramone because The Ramones are one of my all time favorite bands. I probably should have spelled it different because nobody ever gets it but whatever.
That's a good question. I picked shawneramone because The Ramones are one of my all time favorite bands. I probably should have spelled it different because nobody ever gets it but whatever.
like your team name with the random apostrophe.
mine's very creative. my first name and the first letter of my last name.
Lunkerhunter2366 - haha, yeah, pretty obviously! and guess what? Me too! unfortunately, monster fish are easily for me to catch! since they are one who come toward me! Just look at my pictures and you will see why! haha
Mark is more like Aquaman!! The fish just come to him, no matter where he is!! I love fishing with him.
I hooked into a Giant Tiger Muskie years back, broke my Rod and my Heart, hence my Name.
That's a good question. I picked shawneramone because The Ramones are one of my all time favorite bands. I probably should have spelled it different because nobody ever gets it but whatever.