
Mark Mohan Jr

Pembroke, Massachusetts, USA
Member since January 2nd, 2013
Hey everyone,

My name is Mark Mohan Jr and I am resident at Pembroke, Ma.

I am strictly CPR guy but once in while, I do keep the bleeders for dinner plate. I just want to enjoy being out on the water. It is definitely beat out the best day on job! haha. I don't have boat but I have kayak. No electronics. I am basically easily learn to pick up the new fishing skills or adapt on each ponds, rivers, and lakes.

Feel free to ask me about anything or chat with me.

General Info

I fish for everything from small to monster fish! Ranging from freshwater to saltwater.
Favorite Fish to Catch
Favorite Type of Fishing
Water Type
Saltwater and Freshwater
Favorite Lures
Top secret! Why do you want to know mine! lol
Fishing Rods
Fishing Reels
shimano, penn, and daiwa
Fishing Techniques
You gotta fish with me to find out the answer what I am using!
Favorite Fishing Spot
anywhere that has water
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Mark Mohan Jr's Latest Reports

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I caught this fish at August. I was too busy with work and fish. Happen to forget to post it on here. No story is needed. Picture said it everything.. Beautiful day to catch the striper!

46 inch beast!

Posted 9 years ago

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On Friday, went to visit my old girl friend from high school. In which, it was at 2007. Although she and I went to same college but never really hanging out once at all. I met her and chatted for awhile. Anyway, everything changed and nothing same at all.

On Saturday, we spend to go on adventures, off-roading, swimming in waterfall, and went to restaurant. Then I told her that I had to fish that lake. She let me go to fish. I fished two hours with no luck at all. I was targeting for northern pike for my new pin. I did thrown hellhound, medussa, savage swimming glides, savage 3D trout, and grandma jake. Not even one bite at all. I went back to friend's home.

On Sunday, I spend time with her and her parents. By 430pm, I stopped at that lake again, trying my luck for northern pike. Thrown everything like I did at previous day. 430-7pm. I'm ready to call it and go to my home. But when I walked to my car, I spotted one little boy was fishing himself with shiners. He had huge blown up on surface and line broke when kid tried to fight it. I decided to walk 10-15 feet away from him and fish it. I looked at him, he tried too talk me. I explained him that I'm deaf. He understood it and sign, "big big big" I wasn't sure what he meant by big.. Just guessed he meant big fish. He pointed finger like "hold on" and grabbed shiner and toss it into lake. Not even 2 seconds later, huge ferociously splash on where shiner was swimming. I ran back to car and grabbed my bass rod that already rigged jerkbait on it. Then I toss it few feet over where splash was. Twitch it, pause, twitch twice, and pause it. Then twitch it and huge water bomb splash on my jerkbait! I was like oh s....!!! Line went screaming! Then I looked over to kid, he fell on rocks while saw huge hit! I helped him to get up while battling the fish. Kid ran to home. Fish was zigzag and buried into weeds! (Thank god that my bass rod was rigged with braid line!) somehow fish stopped and let me to slowly pull her. (I meant VERY SLOWLY!!!!!) but I failed because fish knew and went berserk!!! Jumped 6 times! My line was spooling up to 90% of my line. I made decision to remove my sweatshirt/shirt/boot/socks/wallet/phone and prepared to dive into lake if I have to. But thank god, fish turned back to me. I reeled fast as I could but no, fish was breaching few feet next to me. I was body slam and hand gripped on fish's head! Whooooooooo!!!!!!! I got him! I got him!!! Then I tried to see how big it was.. Look down to body... Uh oh.... It wasn't northern pike! It was TIGER MUSKIE!!!!!! I just lost my mind and lot of yelling.
After everything, I called my parents to see if they are still in Berkshire for their mini vacation. They told me that they just crossed ct river. I told them to turn back and meet me because I have tiger on me!! They didn't hesitate at all. Met me and saw fish! My dad took picture and I weight it. Then I did measurement it. 38 inches and 13.10lbs!!!! I released her back into lake for another angler to catch her again in other day! She swim away strong after what happen. I'm still in cloud nine and totally mindblown about it. It wouldn't happen if that local kid didn't tell me the tip.

P.s. I did cropped lands off from the picture because it is too reveling where I fish and exactly spot where I caught it. you all know internet will ruin fishing. If you ever know where I caught it or not, all I'm asking you to keep it quiet. Because I'm really happy that we have tigers in our state. I don't want to see tigers being gone like brood stock salmon.

Posted 9 years ago

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I went to work on charter boat last weekend. Friday to Sunday. Friday went to stripers fishing. our customers caught their limits.

On saturday, customers reserved two days of fishing has been cancelled in the morning. So, my captain still want to go fishing. We decided to go search where stripers are holding around. Somehow, I spotted Bluefin tuna breaking surface. Feeding on something. I told my captain, TUNAAA!!! He said no way. then tuna jumped out of water right plain of view of him. He got surprised and yelled me to pull tuna rods! I did! Trolling for that area next three hours with no actions. Captain heard lot talking on radio at nearby where we fish. we move few miles away. Captain let me to drive the boat and I did. made snake pattern while trolling. Boom! it was light hit but hook up! I quickly reel all rods back in then fought the tuna. I yelled my captain, he was sleeping. He woke up and grabbed harpoon! After spot the tuna size, he quickly thrown harpoon! BINGO!! we got him! we went home early!

On Sunday, another boat asked me to join them for tuna trip. So I can help them. My captain said go ahead because I need a break! So, I went to another boat to fish tuna. First line out. tuna smack it! This boat's first mate made mistake by put 40lbs drag on while tuna made run.. yep, not like 5 second later, line snapped. He got mad. He said it is exactly same situation like last year. I reeled to check the line.. I figured out why tuna was able to snapped line. It was cut by where this guy clamp his line to attach the leader. (I told him that he supposed to tied it, not clamp it. Thats why all pressure was go on this clamp area to break.) 250lbs mono line. He said no no, it worked fine for me at few years. Until last year. I told him, change it orwise you will lose another tuna. He decided to ignore my helpful tip. still trolling for halfway day. until we made turn back to home. I told him to keep trolling for next three miles. He said ok. Almost three mile in, last rod fires. Same result. line snapped with only 25lbs of drag. I told this captain that is prove my theory that is the reason why tuna was able to break off easily. He got mad and went home.

To sum it up my weekend, it was definitely long and relaxing weekend. Im happy to just land one.. But wishful dream to land all three tunas.

Posted 9 years ago

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Title said it all! Sorry for long write up but I know you guys want details what goes on at this trip. Trust my words.

Bassturds and I met up and fish at 6am. went to well known pond that produce lunker bass. fished until 11am with only couple of pikerels on me. Bassturds has three bass and no pikerels. we was tossing swimbaits since. Bassturds lost his big fish right on boat side!! no joke. we did estimate at between 6-8lbs bass. really has huge girth to make it crazy weight. SOOO BUMMED about this bass!

Nothing was going on for me so I changed my lure to my favorite method for bass. Boom! lost really big bass! Exactly same goes on! lost on boat side! ahhhh!!!! then we moved 50 feet away from the spot, really big bite on my hook! Set hook! Bass jumped out of water! WhoooO! really monster! skill played this one until hand lipped it!!!! yeahhhh!!!!! Took my certified scale! tipped on 7.1lbs!!! (My laterally first bass of 2015!) soooo pumped about it!! I did C.P.R. and Bassturds was really fire up about my catch and cant wait to get one for himself. But after I took several casts, another big hit!!! Drag was screaming for like several seconds! then I landed him!!!!!!! weight it too! tipped 7lbs! Did C.P.R. too! Oh boy! I never had amazing fishing like this ever. Laterally first two bass of the year was double 7 pounder!!!

Bassturds was soo losing his mind! words was flying out his mouth as mine too! we are soo exciting about it! the words can't be repeat on here! haha!

Bassturds took cast after I released my bass. He set hook! boom! big one! just soon that bass surfaced top water, hook popped out!!!! Oh boy! I didnt want to be near him at that moment!! He is really upset about it. I would definitely put that bass somewhere in my 7lbs range. It would be bassturd's personal best bass in his lifetime. Until we realized that Our first two bass that we lost on boat side was unreal bigger than my two 7lbs bass. we was losing our mind when we have to go home due to work! Definitely will go there again! In hope for bigger bass for us!

Bassturds - you will get it, dude! I really want to be there to see you break your personal best bass!! so you can have awesome pictures to remember for your lifetime. while I wanted to break my 8lbs bass barrier in Massachusetts. Or maybe break my personal best at 9.5lbs. Who knows, the day will come sooner! Another fishing report will come up at next weekend!

p.s. we was fishing in crazy wind and hardpour rain! it was reduced when time getting toward to noon.

Posted 9 years ago

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Title said it all. No word need to describe it. My friend and I went PA for camping. We found out that we are camping at muskie lake. So, we figure it to give a shot. I brought two savage sand eels. After re-tied on my friend's line with savage. On his first cast, boom! stuck on rocks. He gave me rod, i'm expert on unhook from rocks. so, i'm trying to go different position to unhook the rocks and somehow, i felt that i was able to pull something with me toward surface. I handed him and told him to reel everything in. I'll unhook if something was on hook. He agreed and reeling it in. Oops, log was surface! Oh CRAP! Its fricking huge muskie! Madness was breaking loose! splashing everywhere and jumping like 4 or 5 times! whole body out of water like you seen Jaws does. Unbelievable! Then we realized that we forget the net at truck. So, I told him, i'll grab it! no matter what happen next. I'll go hospital if i got bad injury. Boom! got him on kayak! Processed mouth-roped it and tow toward beach. Quickly C.P.R. then released it. I got mad because i havent got cast yet! on my first cast, Boom! Got muskie!!!!!! NO WAY!!! two first casts and two muskies! processed same C.P.R again. we gave up after that.

On next day, our mind was set to catch muskie again. we went out again, but no, nothing happen for half hour of casting. we decided to trolling our lures behind kayak. boom! we got them again! double! Holy crap! I processed to land it myself and C.P.R. then released it back. Paddle back into my friend kayak to help land that muskie. Oh man! unbelievable trip for sure!

Total 4 muskies
-50 x 25 inches - 40lbs
-50 x 24 inches - 39lbs
-50 x 24 inches - 39lbs
-48 x 22 inches - 34lbs

Posted 10 years ago

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After two weeks of sickness, I was half better, and went fishing with Bassturds with our favorite lake. We was catching them like crazy! Bass was on beds! I mean, laterally between 1-3 feet deep! Water was perfectly crystal clear! We couldn’t catch them except using flash, bright colors lure! We have tons of fun to catch it. Bass was unharmed and swim back to same beds. Even one point, we landed same bass twice! We wasn’t serious about fishing and you can see how our action was.. 

Posted 24 years ago

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On my father day, I promised my dad to go fishing with me because he hasn’t had a time to fish with me after 6-8 years now. I kept remind him to go fishing. We went to our old favorite spot that hold some monster largemouth bass. So, we fished out of canoe. We were fishing at pads! My dad hated it. I taught him how to fish properly at pads and let him to borrow my rod that for pads fishing. It was not after 5-10 minutes that my dad was finally pick up the tricks of catching bass. We was loaded with 3/4/5/6 lbs bass! Probably over 50 bass between my dad and I. But nothing beat the feeling that my dad got to witnessed me to land pinfish largemouth bass! It was unreal! It was jumping around like crazy over the pads and it wasn’t that first rodeo for that bass! That bass knew how to escape or unhook it. But lucky, I was carefully controlled it and landed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOO BABY!!!!! Sorry to swimbait fans! It was caught on weightless fluke! My dad never caught or saw bass that big in front of him anywhere in his lifetime. He was truly impressed how big it was. It was looked like post-spawn bass. Because belly was almost skinny! I was rushed to my house to get my phone to taking pictures then went to baitshop for weigh it in! Then hurried to release same place! (Please no comments about it.) That bass was alive and swim for another day for new angler to catch it.

It was 23 inch long with 15 inch girth. 7.8 lbs! That bass’s mouth could fit both of my hands! I took gopro picture of it! You can see how big it was! Enjoy it!

p.s. no, I will not post pictures of all bass under 6 pounds because that place is already overpopulation of fishermen's abuse. So, Sorry guys! Only big one wins!

Posted 10 years ago

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I got home after my graduate for Bachelor degree. Next day, I went to CHU because I promised myself that I will going there often to catch many different species in that place. No matter how many times I will try. I will try to advantage what this place has offered.
I was at scar hill spot by 8am. There was huge cold front with raining. I kept fishing and used rapala, tubes, spoons, inline spinners, and poppers. Nothing works at all. Even I was trying to get fish to bite. It was lockjaw day. I decided to use my skills on spoons that I learned from New York fishery. Nothing happen at all and I walked another 500 feet away (probably more than that.) I worked on bottom column of chu. Nothing works at all. I tried various depth up to middle column. Nothing happens. So, I decided to call it in to go old church area to catch perch and crappies. Then I was walking back to my car while trolling my spoon with reeling slowly back in. Somehow, my spoon was snagged on rock! I was really mad because it was my favorite spoon. Then I tried to pull line to order to break the line. When I tried to pull, I gained little line back. I realized that something is wrong. So, I put full max drag on and start winch that 4 pound line back in without any break if it was possible. Then line was suddenly at surfaced. It was huge fish! That huge fish wasn’t feel any hookset at all! I was quickly put low drag back on and burned that hook on that fish with my hand on line. That fish felt it was run like there was no tomorrow! Three runs and losing between 200-250 feet of line every run! (My reel holds 350 feet.) After 15 minutes in, that fish was surface again. I tried to gain the line but I couldn’t. I put little drag on and hand on the line to winch the fish without headshaking or run. This fish wasn’t fight at all and it was swim toward me! I land it with no problem! I was WICKED PISSAHH!!!!! (In good way!) It was huge rainbow!!! I knew it was gold pin bow for sure! Then I walked back to suv.
After dredge all of water on my clothes, I decided to go old church area after hearing few people saying it was hold monster crappie, white perch, and yellow perch. I wanted to give it a shot. I was secretly wanted to get yellow perch gold pin because I’m tired to see that same guy winning same title for few years now. Also, trying to catch my biggest crappie too. Anyway, I went to that area, I wasn’t unsure which spot to work at. I decided to stroll and fish until I find the pack of fish. Nothing happens at all. Until I realized that I should use tips from PERCHMASTER that taught me in New York at recently. Once I was put it into use, it wasn’t second that I was top of them! Oh man, it was all about pin yellow perch, pin, pin, pin, pin after five casts! I released three pins go due to eggs. While kept two. It was unreal! I kept moving around 50 feet away. Still catching perchs but noticed pattern was changed to crappie from perch. So, I kept crushing it. None of crappie was over 1.5lbs. Even caught three rock bass.. not worth to mention it. Very small ones. Anyway, I decided to move back to first spot that I found pin perch at. I was very very lucky gut call because that pin perch was frickin monster! Spooled me by 100 feet! (my fault due I haven’t change my drag from rainbow fight.) Until I landed it! Uh oh, I was chumming at chu… I knew it was time to go home! Even I don’t want to! At 130pm, I was fully sick with super cold and super wet!!! Was it worth it? I don’t even think so. I was sick for almost two weeks even I couldn’t fish! Shocking, right!!!
I went to baitshop and confirmed! 6.11lbs rainbow and 2.9lbs yellow perch!!! That yellow perch was 15.5 inch long with 12 inch girth! Unreal! WhooooO!!!! Two gold pins in one day!!!! I was mindblown and sick! (when I was chumming, I was completely forgetten that B&A baitshop was nearby old church area.) Now, I’ll remember that one for sure!
p.s. anyone can tell me for good taxidermy for my yellow perch? I wanted fiberglass and exactly looks like my pregnant perch. I want exactly size into details. I want it to show how girth it was. Anyone can reference me to anyone? SOOO MUCH THANKS!!!!

Posted 10 years ago

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I got text from PerchMaster and he want me to go fish with him. I have been begging him to teach me tricks to how to catch monster perch. Until last Saturday, he did took me to fish.

We was at spot by 6am, first cast, boom! my personal best 1.15lb perch! WHOOOO!!!! PerchMaster said I got it lucky. Then we was consistently on fire until 1pm. We released bunch of perch under 11 inches. We only kept anything over 11 inch since that is what PerchMaster wanted. So I respect his wish. Before we got our two man limit. (50 perch per person in a day) I caught a log! I tried to snap line and put new hook. But PerchMaster said no way! that is pike! I decided to try tow that log back into boat. PerchMaster was right! it was pike! water temp was at 38 degree. He explained me that pike dont fight until water get up to 44 degree. It was my first time to fight a fish that didn't even fight back. However, we didnt realized there was 12 boats that fish around us. We was too busy to taking the perch from hook. It was unreal!

My top five perch was 8.05 lbs!!!
My lunker perch was 1.15 lb!
Total 50 perch weight at 31.04lbs.

Now, I can't wait to use this tricks to catch lunker perch at Mass that I have been seeing for last two years. Hope this trick will work well in Mass! less a month, I'll be home to slam them all!!

Posted 10 years ago

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Sorry for lacking fishless report for over five month already. I was super focus into my Bachelor degree and yes, I am in my last semester now. :D

I have been going out fishing five times in past five month. Really extremely un-normal for me to do that. I am tend to be on the water for 25 out of 28-30 days in an month. But at two trips at end of March, was fishing with bassturds. Only one fish to show for it. Oh yeah, it is a pink medusa!

Then on first weekend of April, I went to NJ for visiting my friend for his special event. Anyway, I managed to sneak out to fish in NJ for few hours with him since it was trout season opener on same day when I was fishing. He made bet with me that I have to catch all of fish on barbie rod since I'm too good fisherman to use a real rod/reel. So, I took the bet. End up, I still out-fished him by alot. We got our limit for trouts and released lot of trouts.

Last two trips at recently weekend, I really needed to take break from school's stress. So, I went to my honey hole as usual. Met one of my friend who taught me how to fish for trouts. He still out-fish me. Then he taught me another tricks on how to catch bigger trout instead smaller ones. Impressive to say, I landed my personal best 13.11 pounds steelhead with him. That is only fish that I caught for the day. Next day, I went back out again, landed 25 steelheads out of 31 bites. But only this time, I was using Barbie rod for half of those catches. I caught few steelhead that was bend lips. It was beautiful sight. Then I decided to use barbie rod and still able to caught biggest steelhead on barbie rod, in which, it is surprised me that rod is not broken yet with 6 pounds line! Barbie rod landed 10.10 pounds steelhead.

In the end, I still wish I could be on the water at right now. But I can't due to school. Only one month left before you will have see me to post-bombed you all for rest of my life! No more school conflict or going out of state! Oh yeah, fish fear me now! Im really exciting about no more of conflicting or anything to prevent me to go fishing except job. I got good feeling for this year... Probably gunning for AOY again. Except one guy told me that he already had 13 species so far. So, pretty much, I'm hunt you down, baby! Whoo!

p.s. Keep fishing and I'm really super super jealous of you guys to fish RES/CHU and fishing for larry at this month! I was like mouth watering on your fish pictures! Even I don't have time to post or talking to anyone on here. So, don't feel bad about it. I am still remember you all!

BTW, my four pictures is not shown in first six pictures on here. those four picture is beast! unlike first six pictures that I posted.

Posted 11 years ago

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