Told myself I was done for the season this wknd! Yeah right

Let it warm up a little and headed over to a shallow pond in Hanson around noon. A yakker was leaving when I got there and said he got shutout. Put on the waders and headed out. After a few casts I hooked into a pickerel around 2lb on a CD Rapala. I hate em but I'll take it. 10 min later I get a nice thump and get a bass around 4lb. The trip is already a success! Fished for another half hour or so without a strike. Working my way back I hit some dying pads with a brush hog. Get thumped, set the hook and lost it before I could grab it. Next cast another thump and get one around 2lb. Worked my way around the pads and get hit again and proceed to lose that one! The hook actually broke! Put on a grub and started jigging around the pads. Another thump and got one around a lb or so. Got another one as I was finishing up around 1-2 lb. Wasn't a bad 2 hr outing for this time of year. Couldn't find any crappie or perch in the usual spots. Sunny, a light breeze, doesn't get much better for Dec. 15!