
I know of a few places we " could go" after which I would have to kill you all then I would be killed by the guys who turned me on to the spots, lmao, but I'm down for whatever whether I can trailer in or not, I'm building the cadillac of crawdads as we speak ..... Let me see if I can come up with a few , perhaps I can see if Wojo from Cran Bog Hogs can get us in a couple of his private ponds later in the year

No need to kill anyone, You just need the Bat memory spray. It kept the batcave safe surely can keep Neils ponds safe.

I never used the memory spray but I know the shark repellent spray works. I picked up some on ebay and it worked well.

Posted Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:53 pm

Thats some funny S#@%

Posted Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:18 pm

You forgot to mention how that noble porpoise sacrificed his life by hurling himself into the path of that torpedo, for the good of mankind (@6:50ish of clip)!

Personally I still have nightmares over that!

Posted Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:18 am

Would these be the same format?

Posted Tue Jul 17, 2012 1:53 am


Would these be the same format?


Posted Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:02 am

the part of that scene when batman has his leg wrapped around the ladder and he's kicking the shark in the head, hilarity at it's best!

Posted Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:48 am

This is probably not going to be recieved well but..... I think 12-15 boats is way too much for some of the places the cartoppers go. By 10 am we are all fishing used water and ontop of one another. It would be great to add more but to also drop the # of boats to say 10 on certian places... Not all because there are places that can hold the 12-15. Norton for example is one. Billington is another. . So could the agawam.
There are a lot of awesome BOW water out there to fish, they just can't support 12-15 boats. 10 maybe.

Posted Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:15 am

I couldn't agree more Rich, toppers should be 10 tops, and every weekend.

Posted Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:28 am

I think it should be based on the water we are fishing. We bumped into boats all day Sunday in a big boat tourney. There's been plenty of instances we've pulled into a spot someone just left and caught fish. Kev and I did that twice at Cochituate. I think it should be based on the pond/lake

Posted Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:48 am


I couldn't agree more Rich, toppers should be 10 tops, and every weekend.

I like that Johnny. I would also like to see the 2 trails divided. Crown a Big boat trail champ and a Car topper trail champ. Have some sort of championship tourney for each at the end of the year. Top 10 boats in each trail make it.

If you don't mind me adding my .02

If you have a topper every weekend it is going to get diluted. You will have some with 10 boats and others with 2. Have one every other weekend from April through October. You are looking at 15 events. Calculate the standings by weight but only your top 10 weights count...... you have 5 drops. Not everyone can make 15 events..... stuff comes up. So you have 15 tournies to get your best 10 finishes. If you do not schedule 15 events keep the ratio at 2/3rds. If you have 12 events... top 8. If you have 18..... top 12. The top ten make it to a tournament of Champions where the cartopper kings will be crowned. You can also take say $20 from each event ( 15) and put it in a pot. Charge $20 a team at the TOC. You are looking at a $500 prize for the TOC champions.....

Posted Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:56 am

I definitely agree about adding more cartoppers. They seem to be very popular.

Posted Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:00 am

I agree sounds like you have it all under control rich, lol our new car topper director, hahahaha
seriously i'm out next year. someone is going to have to take over the schedule making and permit getting duties next season.
So who ever wants to step up, let's grab a beer and i'll pass on all the info i have!

Posted Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:33 am


I agree sounds like you have it all under control rich, lol our new car topper director, hahahaha
seriously i'm out next year. someone is going to have to take over the schedule making and permit getting duties next season.
So who ever wants to step up, let's grab a beer and i'll pass on all the info i have!

I hear ya Johnny. I know this is early but i appreciate all you do for maff.

Posted Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:14 am


I think it should be based on the water we are fishing. We bumped into boats all day Sunday in a big boat tourney. There's been plenty of instances we've pulled into a spot someone just left and caught fish. Kev and I did that twice at Cochituate. I think it should be based on the pond/lake

i agree with that. some places fish smaller than they are too so it should depend on the place. i also don't want to feel like i'm cutting someone off and vice versa. it's all good though.

Posted Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:31 am


I agree sounds like you have it all under control rich, lol our new car topper director, hahahaha
seriously i'm out next year. someone is going to have to take over the schedule making and permit getting duties next season.
So who ever wants to step up, let's grab a beer and i'll pass on all the info i have!

I nominate Niel. He seems pretty organized.

Posted Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:38 am

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