sp i have those contractors at my rental place atm since 3 months now and i have all my fishing stuff in the garage - rods, boat the whole s***

not that they completely trashed my backyard and my garage yesterday i walk in to cvheck on my rods and i find one rod brand new without the reel - the line is cut and the rest with hook and wobbler just hangs at the front

so now what the douchebag cut off teh reel from teh brand new rod from last season and took it ? wtf

also my boat has a flat tire on one side wich didit happen the last 4 years i used it

duuude i am sooo pissed
i walked out to the foreman and told him

call all those douches that worked here thing is back by friday or i talk to the boss - also i saw one of them at my house with the trunk full of fishing equipment so my guess is thats the fellow who needed something

i just want my s*** back and no one to loose their job due to that but ......

its really not about the fucking 30 $ reel its more of a matter of principal

i am sooo pissed
any comments - is it not the most logical that the dude with the gear in the back of the truck would be my first guess ?

Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad

Posted Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:49 pm

sorry to here. hopefully you get your gear back, outherwise call the owner of the construction co. maybe that will help. if you dont hav a compressor. i hav a portable air tank u could use if you want.

Posted Mon Mar 19, 2012 4:07 pm


I am sorry to hear that the workman at your house have ripped you off. Just tell the owner if you don't have your property returned and the damage restored that you will take him to small claims court.

Also remind this guy that, you, are member of the 4th estate and that if you choose, this guy and his company will never work in this town again.

Also remind him in no uncertain terms that property that you lost is not as valuable as his reputation and that he has more to lose than what you have already lost.

Good luck.

Posted Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:17 pm

Yeah that sucks bud. However do try to approach the owner with respect. It wasn't him that ripped you off and being friends with a few people who own companies or their own businesses..they usually want to do right by people and it will probably offend him just as much that one of his workers ripped you off, as it does you that you were ripped off. So I guess in a nutshell give the guy a chance to make it right before you start flinging lawsuits and threats of not working again etc...I mean put yourself in his shoes as well. It is a crap situation all around.

If however he doesn't respect you back then give him the worst kind of hell you can!

That said you will probably never know who took your reel. The guy with fishing stuff in his truck might look obvious but if a guy has his own set up with him, he is prolly a fairly regular fishermen and has it in case he gets a chance to stop sometime...would he need your 30 dollar reel? Specially when he probably knew it was a 30 dollar reel. Chances it are it was one of the others who also happens to fish but not as hardcore, who prolly thought it was an easy option to upgrade his crap set up, and prolly didn't have a clue about its worth and thought it way more valuable. As I said, chances are you will never know and I'd hate to see you just start tossing accusations out there.

The best advice I can give is, suck it up to bad crap, take a breath, work with the owner to make it right as he will probably compensate you for the loss more then anything else, buy a new reel and lock your junk up until these guys are gone. It is a shame this is how our world is but it is...

Posted Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:33 pm

having worked in the residential construction field for the past several years, I would agree with Blackstone. Take it up with the owner of the company or foreman, whoever - doesn't matter who has what in the back of the truck. They will deal with the crappy employees (they'll probably get s*** canned) and not risk their reputation. It's a tough economy right now, obviously, so us construction folks will take what we can get, and can't risk a bad review because of something like this. You'll always run across scumbags here and there, no matter what industry you're in.

Posted Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:12 pm

yeah i am just really dissapointed i worked construction for a while myself and i will not threaten anybody with worksitu or cops

have done enuff shitty things in my life - maybe its karma

but i am mad about myself not putting my s*** away and thinking
hey the guys cant be so fucking stupid - well now take a look

i told the foreman a neighbor saw the person and i told him to call his crew tell them stuff better be back by friday - I dont even wanna know who - just bring the s*** back and we forget about it

Last edited by skoda on Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posted Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:18 am

Don't blame you a bit, If they worked for me they would be looking for a job! I hate thief's! Hope you get your stuff back.

Posted Tue Mar 20, 2012 2:00 pm

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