Lets make these bastards pay.
I personally haven't bumped into these lowlifes. But boy when I do and I see s*** like this. They ain't gona be happy they met me!

Time to start breaking legs.

Lets start a tv show called "fish wars". Us MAFFERS against these doucjebags. We need to protect our waters. And our fish!!!!!

I'm glad that you did something about it.
That's horrible and disgusted.
I've seen it once. When guys were keeping short stripers.
But that's better then mutilating fish.
This really pisses me off!

I even feel bad when I use live bait or bring home fish!

Posted Wed May 01, 2013 7:33 am

UPDATE: and most likely the last update .. so i got a call today from a gentelman named richard hartley who works for the division of fisheries and wildlife regarding my complaint about the cruel treatment of hornpout on indian lake and this is what he said. he thanked me for reporting the incident and that is was now on file along with my name and contact info and the license plate numbers i gave him but he said that unfortunately due to manpower restrictions (apparently there are only up to 6 epo's at any given time to district the whole state!) that most likely noone would get sent to investigate 2 mutilated hornpout and he wasnt sure who i spoke with the day before but they probably just told me what i wanted to hear. he then told me not to get frustrated because it is on file and that although they dont have the recources to persue the case at this time that if i see anything else like this to keep reporting it and it will all go on file and if it is something that keps happening they will be sending someone out to handle the matter. he told me that based on what i told him it sounds like a "fish kill" and not a natural occurance and he wants me to email him the photos and video i took of the "crime scene" . he was very nice to speak with and sounded genuinely sorry for the fact that they simply do not have the manpower to send someone to investigate but gave me his direct contact info so if anything similar happens at the lake to call him directly and he will just keep adding to the case file and eventually someone will have to come by. so its not the end i wanted although i do understand that it is minor compared to some of the other things these guys have to deal with so i guess i just had my hopes a little too high. lets hope this thread goes dead cause the next time i post an update to this thread (hopefully there is no need for anymore updates) will mean that i stumbeled on to more cruel animal treatment .

Posted Thu May 02, 2013 7:52 pm

in the mean time if anyone on here discovers anything similar or just something that isnt right that you wish to report here is the number to reach fisheries and wildlife 1 800 632 8075 it is 24 hour desk line that will take your complaint as well as contact info and pass it on to the department head who will then direct someone to contact you back regarding your complaints. i suggest that you all save this number to your cell phones in the chance that you happen to see a reportable offense while out on the water or even just driving by. the only way this type of thing will stop or atleast get under control is if WE ALL do our part and not turn a blind eye to the cruel treatment of fish and wildlife .

Posted Thu May 02, 2013 7:59 pm

6 EPOs for the entire state? No wonder I've never had my license checked. They're all probably at the Q!

Posted Fri May 03, 2013 5:12 am


6 EPOs for the entire state? No wonder I've never had my license checked. They're all probably at the Q!

well by epo's I'm talking actual environmental police officers not game wardens and rangers. Plenty of them to go around but actual epo's yes only about 6 in charge in ma at any given time so I was told

Posted Fri May 03, 2013 5:30 am

wow only 6 in whole state! In new york, there is 3-4 EPO in each region. All I can say that they are definitely did their job! except in Owesgo, NY! This place need like 10 EPO or more in there during fall season.

Posted Fri May 03, 2013 3:09 pm

I could be mistaken maybe he said region and I misunderstood him but I thought he said in the state.either way its still stretched thin

Posted Fri May 03, 2013 3:27 pm

Thanks for the leg work again!i saved that number for i fish at some lakes that are shore fishing only and have noticed boats on them several times and wished i had a number to call now I do.Also i have not seen it often but once in awhile I do come across things that just aren't right.Nice to know I now have an outlet other than casting at them or throwing rocks at them ha ha

Posted Fri May 03, 2013 7:26 pm

Evil or Very Mad those scumbags deserve a good thrashing. Remember, if we don't protect our resources than who will. See something, say something. It is up to us!

Posted Fri May 03, 2013 8:27 pm


Thanks for the leg work again!i saved that number for i fish at some lakes that are shore fishing only and have noticed boats on them several times and wished i had a number to call now I do.Also i have not seen it often but once in awhile I do come across things that just aren't right.Nice to know I now have an outlet other than casting at them or throwing rocks at them ha ha

I feel like a guardian of all my favorite spots and it angers and frustrates me seeing the rape crew show up and try to treat s*** like they own it. 95% of the time I have my 2 year old wirh me but if this happened a few years ago before he was born id just throw a handful of rocks at these guys and then get all ghetto on em but I'm a daddy and my little guy needs his daddy to not get into fist fights anymore. But most definitely see something calk and report it , it only takes a few minutes and can only serve to help the cause. Id like for my son to be able to take his kids fishing at the same spots that I take him all the time but if people keep disrespecting nature like this between the killing of so called " trash fish" and the littering we wobt have much left by then. Pretty sad

Posted Fri May 03, 2013 9:25 pm

If they are considered trash fish. I would have caughten a ton of them.

I'm the s*** fish king. At least that's what my buddies call me.
I'm really good at catch saltwater trash fish.

Even if you catch a trash fish. Treat them with respect!!!
Every trash fish plays a role in the ecosystem!

Bullheads eat all the dead and decaying fish off the bottom to make the ponds and lakes clean!!!!

Posted Sat May 04, 2013 7:11 am



Thanks for the leg work again!i saved that number for i fish at some lakes that are shore fishing only and have noticed boats on them several times and wished i had a number to call now I do.Also i have not seen it often but once in awhile I do come across things that just aren't right.Nice to know I now have an outlet other than casting at them or throwing rocks at them ha ha

I feel like a guardian of all my favorite spots and it angers and frustrates me seeing the rape crew show up and try to treat s*** like they own it. 95% of the time I have my 2 year old with me but if this happened a few years ago before he was born id just throw a handful of rocks at these guys and then get all ghetto on em but I'm a daddy and my little guy needs his daddy to not get into fist fights anymore. But most definitely see something calk and report it , it only takes a few minutes and can only serve to help the cause. Id like for my son to be able to take his kids fishing at the same spots that I take him all the time but if people keep disrespecting nature like this between the killing of so called " trash fish" and the littering we wobt have much left by then. Pretty sad

Its too bad it wasn't on state Property Because I saw this guy maybe in his early 30s at Ames Knoll (My Backyard) in Abington he was teaching his 8 yr old how to fish but every time they caught one he would show him how to spit in it's mouth rip the hook out of its face and the proceed to throw them in like grenades??????? So me being the short tempered person I am Screamed across the bridge "Really!! Thats how your going to teach your son to fish!! " and he replied "Mind your own fucking business " so I dropped all my gear and was about to drown him when an Elderly man stopped me and said " lease don't get yourself in trouble over this shmuck! and told me to call the EPolice" so I did and they gave me the Rangers cell number and he came by in 20 mins. and said "what is he wearing" and I said "here follow me! and walked right next to the guy and said This is him Right here!" he looked baffled ! needles to say he had no license to top it off but I just made sure he saw me point him out!
Not sure what happened to him but it felt Awesome!

Posted Sat May 04, 2013 12:43 pm

Good work, I find myself policing and patrolling areas all the time. I was picking up trash at a ramp I was checking out the other day, and found myself educating some youngsters that were trashing the area and destroying sunfish. I scolded them pretty good. They thanked me and told me they wished I lived closer so they would have someone to teach them the right way to fish. I'm thinking of reaching out to the boys and girls club and seeing if they want to start a fishing and wildlife course. I would need responsible anglers. And I think I just found a few caring people that could help. Ill see what happens.

Posted Sat May 04, 2013 1:31 pm

I personally have an FW vanity plate and feel the extra money is worth it. I have always wondered, why is it that we have a box on our tax forms to donate a dollar to the politicians? Why can't we have a box to donate to the agency of our choice instead? FW, local police/fire, whatever. I know they say our numbers are dropping because of computer games and all but I bet that money, even at a dollar each, would be put to better use than a politician's campaign. I always carry trash bags and plastic gloves in the jeep and carry out what others carry in. I've seen many others do the same. Seems to be the norm for people with common sense. Just my 2 cents, see ya on the water! Very Happy

Posted Sat May 04, 2013 9:11 pm

Way to be active Brooksy. We all have a role to play in keeping this type of nonsense from happening!!!!!

Posted Sat May 04, 2013 11:06 pm

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