dropped my trap 5 times already this year, and nothing. tried several different ponds but just can't seem to find them. Anyone know of a good trapping spot that they are actually willing to share? it would be a HUUUUGE help Very Happy

Posted Thu May 30, 2013 11:59 pm

same here - just keep it going till you find a jackpot

also be aware of guys cutting the ropes to your traps - happend to me b4

Posted Fri May 31, 2013 8:07 am

Try industrial park fire ponds.....

Posted Fri May 31, 2013 11:48 am

yeah, i always get so sketched out about people stealing traps or just fucking with them. it happens way too much. ive been trying a bunch of ponds around easton, bridgewater and halifax and just no luck at all :/ i just cant afford to buy shiners all the time anymore. i looked up a million ponds around that apparently have shiners, but i just can't get them in the trap. ugh idk hopefully i can find a spot and at least get a few soon.

Posted Fri May 31, 2013 10:25 pm

Don't worry, you aren't only one. I have three traps setting everywhere and one of them got stolen. So bought new one then another one was stolen again. I gave up and stay away from one town. Irony, it was only my hometown! Evil or Very Mad Every single time, there is no crawfish, sunfish, shiners, and anything that can swim/crawl into my trap. Totally surprised! I have my favorite spot for many years, it is always guaranteed to give up 20+ crawfish in my trap. Now, whole zip none! I don't know why nor reason why they aren't here/gone. However, All we need to keep trying!

Posted Fri May 31, 2013 10:47 pm


Don't worry, you aren't only one. I have three traps setting everywhere and one of them got stolen. So bought new one then another one was stolen again. I gave up and stay away from one town. Irony, it was only my hometown! Evil or Very Mad Every single time, there is no crawfish, sunfish, shiners, and anything that can swim/crawl into my trap. Totally surprised! I have my favorite spot for many years, it is always guaranteed to give up 20+ crawfish in my trap. Now, whole zip none! I don't know why nor reason why they aren't here/gone. However, All we need to keep trying!

Then I showed you my spot!
Don't worry bout trap gettin stolen.
Not to many people know bout it.

Posted Fri May 31, 2013 11:00 pm

yeah I just need to find somewhere. granted, I did get one tiny baby bluegill one day but that was it. has anyone tried what the previous post said? (the little ponds in industrial parks)? im wondering if I could actually get some over there. I've heard that there is a pond somewhere near bridgewater that has a crazy amount of shiners but I just cant find it. hopefully I get some bait fish real soon! might stop at a couple bridgewater ponds tomorrow and see how it goes

Posted Fri May 31, 2013 11:36 pm

Try a slow moving stream or river with a little depth to it. I have much more consistent luck in rivers and streams than I do in ponds. Ponds seem to be hit or miss. I once got about 5 dozen in a trap in a small pond, the trap was literally full of them. On subsequent trips to that pond I never caught another shiner. Strange. I think the flow of the rivers helps spread the scent of the bait downstream and they are more likely to find the trap. In ponds with little or no current it is a crap shoot if they even come across your trap. Good luck.

Posted Sat Jun 01, 2013 7:25 am

Try a slow moving stream or river with a little depth to it. I have much more consistent luck in rivers and streams than I do in ponds. Ponds seem to be hit or miss. I once got about 5 dozen in a trap in a small pond, the trap was literally full of them. On subsequent trips to that pond I never caught another shiner. Strange. I think the flow of the rivers helps spread the scent of the bait downstream and they are more likely to find the trap. In ponds with little or no current it is a crap shoot if they even come across your trap. Good luck.

Posted Sat Jun 01, 2013 7:26 am

thank you all for giving me advice. sucks I just don't really know of any streams or anything around here. I've seen stupid little run-offs and stuff but theres nothing in them at all. I looked at a map and found 1 river around here so maybe ill try that. And I'm gonna try to scope out some industrial parks today trying to find those little ditches. wish me luck!

Posted Sat Jun 01, 2013 7:43 am

If your looking around the bridge water area, there is the river that goes by the prison. It passes under rt 18. Can't remember the name, and I have no clue what would be found in there, but if you go to summer st, which is one at over from 18, there is a pull off to fish from. Maybe try there?

Posted Sat Jun 01, 2013 8:31 am

i'll give it a shot. is a river that runs into a pond right there? or is it just a straight river? idk how I haven't tried that place before. I go to BSU and I lived on summer st hahah

Posted Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:01 pm

Try trapping in drainage ponds off of highways and industrial or commercial parks. A lot of times these drainage ponds are connected to a larger body of water like a stream or river through an underground culvert. Baitfish can move in and out of these waters during high flows and seek refuge in drainage ponds. I usually look for a pond with lots of weed covers and cattail plants which are usually telltale signs for shiners.

Although I don't trap that often I mostly catch golden shiners on a line and tiny hook and only catch enough that I can use. I can get a dozen easily in half an hour. They are fun to catch when you find the school. Good luck!

Posted Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:46 pm

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