So , roughly 10 pm, I am hitting the bathroom about to have a sit down, when my girlfriend calls out from the kitchen...hey, do the neighbors have our canoe?

I look out the window and there is a mini van backing up next door with a cnoe that looks just like mine, hanging out the back...Liz and I storm to the porch and look down to see, yep our canoe was gone!

I'm wearing a tank top and shorts, no shoes..but I didn't even notice as I tore across the stone driveway through the front yard and slammed into the front of the mini van trying to say I was pissed does not begin to describe my state of mind.

To make matters worse, the passenger looks like the teenage kid from the apartment below mine. Some 40 something fool I don't know is driving..both smell drunk.

Then to make it worse the driver , who claims he didn't know it wasn't his canoe...tries to drive over me. Not once, not twice but 3 times..finally he speeds to the side of me and parks in his lot, then runs inside..while the passenger, definately the teenage kid from downstairs in my building gets out and tries to act calm...I was not having calm.

I have a past of anger issues and any one who knows me will tell you..I am aggressive. It took every ounce of strength to not smash this kids face in.

The driver comes back out while the passenger tries to leave past the side of the house..I let him cause I know who he is..the driver however concerns me as he is drunk and coming back my way.

He tried to take the canoe out of the van at which point i stopped him and drug him around the side of the house as the police were showing up.

Man..I am getting too old for this crap. The police asked the guy who's canoe it was..and he says " well I know it wasn't mine but..." They asked him where he was taking it and he says " I dunno..I was gonna take directions..."

Bloody hell..really...I really, really hate idiots some days. I am willing to forgive many things, but don't mess with anything that is mine...I wish there was a moral but I just dropped off our witness/voluntary statements at the police office and wanted to rant to people who would understand...If you haven't already..make sure your junk is secured Sad and happy Friday the 13th...

Posted Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:27 pm

Nice catch. It woulda sucked more if they got away with it. Good job at not beating both their brains in too.

Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:12 am

That guy obviously was NOT a fisherman. Thieves are the scum of the Earth, and taking someones fishing equipment is just wrong. I would ve choked em both and then cut off their heads like the lousy, slimy pickeral that they truely are.

Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:55 am

Hats off to your self control. If someone tried to jack my boat they'd get an oar upside the head.

Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:23 am

That is unbelievable that they would try to steal the canoe right in front of you and in plain sight. You sure did do good not tearing both of them apart. Calling them complete idiots and big time losers is an understatement! Good reminder to all of us that there are a bunch of scumbags out there that given any opportunity would steal from there own grandmothers.


Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:16 am

Wow that sucks man. Good thing you didn't hit him though, although I am sure it was tough not to.

Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:17 am

kudos - i would have broken some knuckles on their faces

there a stand your ground law in MA

i mean really u have to lock everything up and chain it down

Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:51 am

People Suck. My wife's care was broken into on Wednesday night while it was in my driveway. They got her pocket book, sun glasses, and a GPS.

Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:54 am

Man that is messes up. Glad you were able to stop them without breaking his face in.

As for me....I own a Sig P226....and im a bit trigger happy.....

Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:07 am

Good thing you caught them in the act. Way to go on the self-restraint.

I have Jon boat and keep it on the side of our apartment which is in plain view from the street. I purchased one of these from BPS and the boat's still there. Might be worth investing in.

Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:36 pm

You didn't shoot them? I hate drunks as much as thieves!

Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:56 pm

What about the kid who lives in the apartment under you? What is that going to be or was that conversation like? In the end you have your stuff still and my guess is they won't try anything stupid like that again, at least with you!

Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:10 pm was tough to not hit someone. I did pound the mini van a few times to get my point across though lol.

The kid downstairs was picked up later that night. As I said I wasn't to worried about him as I knew where he lived. The only thing that stopped me from knocking him to the ground was that I thought he was under 18..I'm not trying to go to jail over some fools. I found ut today though that he is indeed 18, the driver was if there is a next time, he won't walk away, limp maybe, but not walk.

All in all I just find it silly..I mean my canoe is nothing special to anyone other then me really. It is the pointlessness of it that really just pissed me off. In the end though I kept my canoe and they just showed how big of scumbags they were.

My canoe by the way!

Posted Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:59 pm

Great pics BSC. Glad you caught them in the act.

Posted Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:56 am

Thanks bud..My girl loves to work the camera and I am lucky enough that she aims it at me quite often.

I'll let you guys know what happens in a bit as the guys court hearing is June 10th.

Posted Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:41 am

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