

I choose not to fish the trail, others have as well and I wish the best of luck to those who do

Quit holding grudges and fish the trail again. You guys are good competition.

I don't hold grudges, its a waste of time and effort. I enjoy fishing and enjoy peace, its become too stressful reading everyone's opinions on what was once just a peaceful site. It's clear things have become heated and its just not my style, I think that should be respected as I respect other people's choices on and off this site

I'm glad I gave you some good competition!! Maybe you'll see me again on the same body of water again.

No hostility was meant or should be interpreted in my post.


Posted Fri Apr 12, 2013 5:31 pm

Hey, I'll man up, I suggested the Paypal option but I only organize the kayak trail so I don't really count, right? It was one solution to the problem at hand, and it garnered some support, and it generated some over the top and overly emotional backlash. It was not intentional but it was amusing to see the overreactions just the same. I'm sure that the deletion of threads has more to do with the over-reactions than with my reasonable suggestion.

Posted Fri Apr 12, 2013 5:50 pm

I completely agree with you Kevin. I think the back and forth on the site is a complete waste of time and effort. That is why I stopped posting over the winter. I enjoyed the laid back T's I fished through this site last year. It is amazing how much people have to say on the site and the T's are drama free. I think they will continue to be that way this year. If not - I'll be out. Ok - back to lurking now

Posted Fri Apr 12, 2013 5:51 pm

Lurking is where its at lol

Posted Fri Apr 12, 2013 5:57 pm


Hey, I'll man up, I suggested the Paypal option but I only organize the kayak trail so I don't really count, right? It was one solution to the problem at hand, and it garnered some support, and it generated some over the top and overly emotional backlash. It was not intentional but it was amusing to see the overreactions just the same. I'm sure that the deletion of threads has more to do with the over-reactions than with my reasonable suggestion.

EVERYONE'S opinion matters. Suggestions are just that, suggestions. People like them and don't like them. What are you gonna do? The day opinions stop mattering entirely is the day I walk away from this side of the site completely. Its not there.......yet. Fish on gents!

Posted Fri Apr 12, 2013 7:38 pm


Hey, I'll man up, I suggested the Paypal option but I only organize the kayak trail so I don't really count, right? It was one solution to the problem at hand, and it garnered some support, and it generated some over the top and overly emotional backlash. It was not intentional but it was amusing to see the overreactions just the same. I'm sure that the deletion of threads has more to do with the over-reactions than with my reasonable suggestion.

John, no issues with anyone posting up suggestions on any topic. I just used your idea as an example. The confusion happens when the thread goes on for pages on end and there are multiple ideas and suggestions and in the end no one knows who said or suggested what. I personally don't think prepaying is a bad idea.
Not directed at you but I do wish that those not currently fishing or having fished in the past, the tourney trails, stay out of it until they do participate. Same goes for those that have participated in the past but no longer plan on doing so. Neither group really has a horse in the race, so to speak.

Posted Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:09 pm

If you implying that myself, Kevin or any of the originals keep to ourselves, your in for a long season Brotha.

You can make the rules to your tournaments but this site belongs to us. Your just a unwanted visitor.

WARNING: The opinions expressed by Napa have no reflection on the views,opinions, and beliefs of MAFF founders or moderators. He is a rogue member that simply cannot be stopped

Posted Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:38 pm


If you implying that myself, Kevin or any of the originals keep to ourselves, your in for a long season Brotha.

You can make the rules to your tournaments but this site belongs to us. Your just a unwanted visitor.

WARNING: The opinions expressed by Napa have no reflection on the views,opinions, and beliefs of MAFF founders or moderators. He is a rogue member that simply cannot be stopped

Man you are infatuated with me. Get over it already. I politely asked if ANYONE has no vesting interest in a topic, leave it alone. I don't fish for trout, bluegill, catfish, crappy or carp. You won't see me posting on those topics because I have no connection.
Guess what, You were not the 1st member here. There were guys before you and guys after you. This site belongs to one person... Dave. NOT YOU or OLD MAFF whatever that is. This site started in 2007. You joined in 2009 2 years after it appeared. I joined 2 years after you. How someone who joins a site 2 years after it started makes you an original is beyond me. Get over yourself

Posted Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:48 pm

Here we go........I guess I'll hold my opinion for another thread because this is going to turn into another one person verses another and then get deleted. See you guys in the next thread.

Posted Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:55 pm

I am not deleting crap, grown ass men can do what they please

Posted Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:56 pm

Haha. You got it. Cuz I don't post on every single thread, I don't contribute! Or cuz I can't sign up for a tournament 5 seconds after its posted, I have no voice! Hahahahahahaha

Unlike you, I do my contributing with PMs and in person. You picked your battle this winter and I'm never going away.

-Luca brasi

WARNING: The opinions expressed by Napa have no reflection on the views,opinions, and beliefs of MAFF founders or moderators. He is a rogue member that simply cannot be stopped

Posted Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:59 pm


Hey, I'll man up, I suggested the Paypal option but I only organize the kayak trail so I don't really count, right? It was one solution to the problem at hand, and it garnered some support, and it generated some over the top and overly emotional backlash. It was not intentional but it was amusing to see the overreactions just the same. I'm sure that the deletion of threads has more to do with the over-reactions than with my reasonable suggestion.

Lol. No respect-Rodney Dangerfield.

Posted Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:06 pm


Haha. You got it. Cuz I don't post on every single thread, I don't contribute! Or cuz I can't sign up for a tournament 5 seconds after its posted, I have no voice! Hahahahahahaha

Unlike you, I do my contributing with PMs and in person. You picked your battle this winter and I'm never going away.

-Luca brasi

WARNING: The opinions expressed by Napa have no reflection on the views,opinions, and beliefs of MAFF founders or moderators. He is a rogue member that simply cannot be stopped

This is a fishing message board. A message board only works when people contribute. You don't post on ANY thread unless you are stiring the pot. Again point us to your last fishing report on this Fishing website.
I chose no battle. You came at me, not me at you. In fact I never had 2 words with you until you attacked me.

Posted Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:19 pm

I love lime flavored snow cones! !!

What?? ............. sorry! Wrong thread.

Posted Fri Apr 12, 2013 10:42 pm


I love lime flavored snow cones! !!

What?? ............. sorry! Wrong thread.

awesome me too.

Posted Sat Apr 13, 2013 6:58 am

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